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Commit 6b6e6298 authored by José Carlos Nieto's avatar José Carlos Nieto
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Package documentation.

parent b9dc9525
Copyright (c) 2012 José Carlos Nieto,
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 José Carlos Nieto,
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
......@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@
This package is a wrapper of many third party database drivers. The goal of this abstraction is to provide a common,
simplified and consistent layer for working with different databases without the need of SQL statements.
This package is a wrapper of many third party database drivers. The goal of
this abstraction is to provide a simple, common and consistent layer for
executing operationg among different kinds of databases without the need of
explicit SQL statements.
package db
......@@ -31,99 +33,151 @@ import (
// Handles conditions and operators in an expression.
// Examples:
// Cond { "age": 18 } // Means the condition is to have the "age" field equal to 18.
// Cond { "age $lt": 18 } // $lt is a MongoDB operator, if you're using MongoDB, means that you want the "age" field to be lower than 18.
// Cond { "age >=": 18 } // >= is a SQL operator, if you're using SQL, means that you want the "age" field to be mayor or equal to 18.
Handles conditions and operators in an expression.
db.Cond { "age": 18 } // Age equals 18
db.Cond { "age >=": 18 } // Age greater or equal than 18 (SQL/NoSQL)
db.Cond { "age $lt": 18 } // Age less than 18 (MongoDB specific)
type Cond map[string]interface{}
// Handles "And", "Or" and "Cond" types in an expression.
// Example:
// And (
// Cond { "name": "Peter" },
// Cond { "last_name": "Parker "},
// )
Logical conjuction, accepts db.Cond{}, db.Or{} and other db.And{} expressions.
db.And (
db.Cond { "name": "Peter" },
db.Cond { "last_name": "Parker "},
db.And (
db.Or {
db.Cond{ "name": "Peter" },
db.Cond{ "name": "Mickey" },
db.Cond{ "last_name": "Mouse" },
type And []interface{}
// Handles "And", "Or" and "Cond" types.
// Example:
// Or (
// Cond { "year": 2012 },
// Cond { "year": 1987 },
// )
Logical disjuction, accepts db.Cond{}, db.And{} and other db.Or{} expressions.
db.Or (
db.Cond { "year": 2012 },
db.Cond { "year": 1987 },
type Or []interface{}
// Determines the order of returned Items in Find() or FindAll() expressions.
// Example:
// Sort { "age": -1 } // If using MongoDB, means sort by age in descending order.
// Sort { "age": "ASC" } // If using SQL, means sort by age in ascending order.
Determines how results will be sorted.
db.Sort { "age": -1 } // Order by age, descendent.
db.Sort { "age": 1 } // Order by age, ascendent.
db.Sort { "age": "DESC" } // Order by age, descendent.
db.Sort { "age": "ASC" } // Order by age, ascendent.
type Sort map[string]interface{}
// Determines how the matched item or items are going to change in Update() and UpdateAll() expressions.
// Example:
// Modify {
// "$inc": {
// "counter": 1
// }
// }
How rows are going to be modified when using *db.Collection.Update() and
*db.Collection.UpdateAll(). At this time working only for the "mongo"
db.Modify {
"$inc": {
"counter": 1
type Modify map[string]interface{}
// Specifies relations with external collections, the specific relation with the parent expression can be determined with
// the name of field on the external collection plus the name of the referred parent column between brackets, however this can be only
// used along with Cond keytypes.
// Example:
// On {
// db.Collection("external"),
// Cond { "external_key": "{parent_value}" }, // Relation exists where the "external_key" field is equal to the parent's "parent_value".
// }
Defines a relation between each one of the results of a query and any other
collection. You can relate an item with another item in any other collection
using a condition.
A constant condition looks like this:
db.Cond { "external_field": "value" }
A dynamic condition looks like this (note the brackets):
db.Cond { "id": "{foreign_key}" }
The above condition will match the result where the "id" column is equal to
the "foreign_key" value of the local collection.
// The db.On constraint.
db.On {
// The external collection.
// Reference constraint.
Cond { "id": "{parent_id}" },
You can use db.On only as a value for db.Relate and db.RelateAll maps.
type On []interface{}
// Specifies a one-to-one relation in Find() and FindAll() expressions. It consists of a name and an On keytype.
// You can use the same keytypes you would use in a normal Find() and FindAll() expressions besides a Collection, you can also use
// other nested Relate and RelateAll statements. If no Collection is given, the one with the relation name will be tried.
// Example:
// Relate {
// "father": On {
// db.Collection("people"),
// Cond { "gender": "man" },
// Cond { "id": "{parent_id}" },
// }
// }
A map that defines a one-to-one relation with another table.
The name of the key will define the name of the relation. A db.On{} constraint
is required.
Example that relates a result with a row from the "parents" collection.
// A relation exists where the column matches the
// collection.parent_id value.
db.Relate {
"myparent": On {
Cond { "id": "{parent_id}" },
type Relate map[string]On
// Specifies a one-to-many relation in Find() and FindAll() expressions. It consists of a name and an On keytype.
// You can use the same keytypes you would use in a normal Find() and FindAll() expressions besides a Collection, you can also use
// other nested Relate and RelateAll statements. If no Collection is given, the one with the relation name will be tried.
// Example:
// RelateAll {
// "children": On {
// db.Collection("people"),
// Cond { "age $lt": 12 },
// Cond { "parent_id": "{_id}" },
// }
// }
Like db.Relate but defines a one-to-many relation.
Example that relates a result with many rows from the "sons" collection:
// A relation exists where the sons.parent_id column matches the
// value
db.RelateAll {
"children": db.On {
Cond { "age <=": 18 },
Cond { "parent_id": "{id}" },
type RelateAll map[string]On
type Relation struct {
......@@ -133,132 +187,247 @@ type Relation struct {
On On
// Limits the number of results a FindAll() expression returns.
// Example:
// Limit(10)
Sets the maximum number of rows to be fetched in a query.
If no db.Limit is specified, all matches will be returned.
type Limit uint
// Specifies how many matched results will be skipped in a FindAll() expression before returning.
// Example:
// Offset(10)
Sets the number of rows to be skipped before counting the limit in a query.
If no db.Offset is specified no rows will be skipped.
type Offset uint
// Determines new values for the fields on the matched item or items in Update() and UpdateAll() expressions.
// Example:
// Set {
// "name": "New Name"
// }
Determines new values for fields in *db.Collection.Update() and
*db.Collection.UpdateAll() expressions.
db.Set {
"name": "New Name",
type Set map[string]interface{}
// Determines new values for the fields on the matched item or items in Update() and UpdateAll() expressions, if no item is found,
// a new one will be created.
// Example:
// Upsert {
// "name": "New Name"
// }
Like db.Set{} but it will insert the specified values if no match is found.
db.Upsert {
"name": "New Name",
type Upsert map[string]interface{}
// Rows from a result.
// A query result.
type Item map[string]interface{}
// A result id.
type Id string
// Connection and authentication data.
type DataSource struct {
Host string
Port int
// Host to connect to. Cannot be used if Socket is specified.
Host string
// Port to connect to. Cannot be used if Socket is specified.
Port int
// Name of the database to use.
Database string
User string
// Authentication user name.
User string
// Authentication password.
Password string
Socket string
Charset string
// A path of a UNIX socket. Cannot be user if Host is specified.
Socket string
// Charset of the database.
Charset string
// Database methods.
type Database interface {
Returns an interface{} to the underlying driver the wrapper uses. Useful
for custom SQL queries.
Driver() interface{}
Attempts to open a connection using the db.DataSource data.
Open() error
Closes the currently active connection to the database, if any.
Close() error
Returns a db.Collection struct by name. Returns an error if the collection
does not exists.
Collection(string) (Collection, error)
Returns a db.Collection struct, panics if the collection does not exists.
ExistentCollection(string) Collection
Returns the names of all the collections in the active database.
Collections() []string
Changes the active database.
Use(string) error
Drops the active database.
Drop() error
Sets the connection data.
Setup(DataSource) error
Returns the name of the active database.
Name() string
// Collection methods.
type Collection interface {
Inserts an item into the collection. Accepts maps or structs only.
Append(...interface{}) ([]Id, error)
Returns the number of rows that given the given conditions.
Count(...interface{}) (int, error)
Returns a db.Item map of the first item that matches the given conditions.
Find(...interface{}) (Item, error)
Returns a []db.Item slice of all the items that match the given conditions.
Useful for small datasets.
FindAll(...interface{}) ([]Item, error)
Finds a matching row and sets new values for the given fields.
Update(...interface{}) error
Returns true if the collection exists.
Exists() bool
Returns a db.Result that can be used for iterating over the rows.
Useful for large datasets.
Query(...interface{}) (Result, error)
Deletes all the rows that match the given conditions.
Remove(...interface{}) error
Deletes all the rows in the collection.
Truncate() error
Returns the name of the collection.
Name() string
// Result methods.
type Result interface {
Fetches all the results of the query into the given pointer.
Accepts a pointer to slice of maps or structs.
All(interface{}) error
Fetches the first result of the query into the given pointer and discards
the rest.
Accepts a pointer to map or struct.
One(interface{}) error
Fetches the next result of the query into the given pointer. Returns error if
there are no more results.
Warning: If you're only using part of these results you must manually Close()
the result.
Accepts a pointer to map or struct.
Next(interface{}) error
Closes the result.
Close() error
// Specifies which fields to return in a query.
// Specifies which fields will be returned in a query.
type Fields []string
// Specifies single or multiple requests in FindAll() expressions.
// These are internal variables.
type MultiFlag bool
type SqlValues []string
type SqlArgs []string
// Registered wrappers.
var wrappers = make(map[string]Database)
Registers a driver with a name.
Registers a database wrapper with an unique name.
func Register(name string, driver Database) {
if name == "" {
panic("db: Wrapper name cannot be nil.")
panic("Missing wrapper name.")
if _, ok := wrappers[name]; ok != false {
panic("db: Wrapper was already registered.")
panic("A wrapper with the same name was already registered.")
wrappers[name] = driver
Opens a session with the specified driver.
Opens a database using the named driver and the db.DataSource settings.
func Open(name string, settings DataSource) (Database, error) {
if _, ok := wrappers[name]; ok == false {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("db: Unknown wrapper: %s.", name))
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown wrapper: %s.", name))
err := wrappers[name].Setup(settings)
if err != nil {
Copyright (c) 2012 José Carlos Nieto,
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 José Carlos Nieto,
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
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