this is a bottom up implementation of jsonrpc2, primarily made for hosting eth-like jsonrpc requests.
conn.go - defines the interface a json rpc client
jrpc.go - define the Handler, HandlerFunc, and ResponseWriter
request.go - define Request, along with json marshaling for the request
response.go - define Response, along with json marshaling for the response
server.go - implemntation of a server, which uses a backing codec.ReaderWriter
codec/ - codec related things
stdio/ - implementation of jrpc.Conn and codec.ReaderWriter
errors.go - jsonrpc2 error codes and marshaling
json.go - jsonrpc2 json rules, encoding, decoding
peer.go - peerinfo
transport.go - define ReaderWriter interface
wire.go - jsonrpc2 wire protocol marshaling, like ID and Version
jmux/ - a chi based router which satisfies the jrpc.Handler interface
clientutil/ - common utilities for client implementations to use
idreply.go - generalizes making a request with an incrementing id, then waiting on it