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// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.

package les

import (


// requestDistributor implements a mechanism that distributes requests to
// suitable peers, obeying flow control rules and prioritizing them in creation
// order (even when a resend is necessary).
type requestDistributor struct {
	clock        mclock.Clock
	reqQueue     *list.List
	lastReqOrder uint64
	peers        map[distPeer]struct{}
	peerLock     sync.RWMutex
	loopChn      chan struct{}
	loopNextSent bool
	lock         sync.Mutex

	closeCh chan struct{}
	wg      sync.WaitGroup

// distPeer is an LES server peer interface for the request distributor.
// waitBefore returns either the necessary waiting time before sending a request
// with the given upper estimated cost or the estimated remaining relative buffer
// value after sending such a request (in which case the request can be sent
// immediately). At least one of these values is always zero.
type distPeer interface {
	waitBefore(uint64) (time.Duration, float64)
	canQueue() bool
	queueSend(f func()) bool

// distReq is the request abstraction used by the distributor. It is based on
// three callback functions:
// - getCost returns the upper estimate of the cost of sending the request to a given peer
// - canSend tells if the server peer is suitable to serve the request
// - request prepares sending the request to the given peer and returns a function that
// does the actual sending. Request order should be preserved but the callback itself should not
// block until it is sent because other peers might still be able to receive requests while
// one of them is blocking. Instead, the returned function is put in the peer's send queue.
type distReq struct {
	getCost func(distPeer) uint64
	canSend func(distPeer) bool
	request func(distPeer) func()

	reqOrder     uint64
	sentChn      chan distPeer
	element      *list.Element
	waitForPeers mclock.AbsTime
	enterQueue   mclock.AbsTime

// newRequestDistributor creates a new request distributor
func newRequestDistributor(peers *serverPeerSet, clock mclock.Clock) *requestDistributor {
	d := &requestDistributor{
		reqQueue: list.New(),
		loopChn:  make(chan struct{}, 2),
		closeCh:  make(chan struct{}),
		peers:    make(map[distPeer]struct{}),
	if peers != nil {
	go d.loop()
	return d

// registerPeer implements peerSetNotify
func (d *requestDistributor) registerPeer(p *serverPeer) {
	d.peers[p] = struct{}{}

// unregisterPeer implements peerSetNotify
func (d *requestDistributor) unregisterPeer(p *serverPeer) {
	delete(d.peers, p)

// registerTestPeer adds a new test peer
func (d *requestDistributor) registerTestPeer(p distPeer) {
	d.peers[p] = struct{}{}
var (
	// distMaxWait is the maximum waiting time after which further necessary waiting
	// times are recalculated based on new feedback from the servers
	distMaxWait = time.Millisecond * 50
	// waitForPeers is the time window in which a request does not fail even if it
	// has no suitable peers to send to at the moment
	waitForPeers = time.Second * 3

// main event loop
func (d *requestDistributor) loop() {
	defer d.wg.Done()
		case <-d.closeCh:
			elem := d.reqQueue.Front()
			for elem != nil {
				req := elem.Value.(*distReq)
				req.sentChn = nil
				elem = elem.Next()
		case <-d.loopChn:
			d.loopNextSent = false
			for {
				peer, req, wait := d.nextRequest()
				if req != nil && wait == 0 {
					chn := req.sentChn // save sentChn because remove sets it to nil
					send := req.request(peer)
					if send != nil {
						requestSendDelay.Update(time.Duration(d.clock.Now() - req.enterQueue))
					chn <- peer
				} else {
					if wait == 0 {
						// no request to send and nothing to wait for; the next
						// queued request will wake up the loop
						break loop
					d.loopNextSent = true // a "next" signal has been sent, do not send another one until this one has been received
					if wait > distMaxWait {
						// waiting times may be reduced by incoming request replies, if it is too long, recalculate it periodically
						wait = distMaxWait
					go func() {
						d.loopChn <- struct{}{}
					break loop

// selectPeerItem represents a peer to be selected for a request by weightedRandomSelect
type selectPeerItem struct {
	peer   distPeer
	req    *distReq
func selectPeerWeight(i interface{}) uint64 {
	return i.(selectPeerItem).weight

// nextRequest returns the next possible request from any peer, along with the
// associated peer and necessary waiting time
func (d *requestDistributor) nextRequest() (distPeer, *distReq, time.Duration) {
	checkedPeers := make(map[distPeer]struct{})
	elem := d.reqQueue.Front()
	var (
		bestWait time.Duration
		sel      *utils.WeightedRandomSelect
	defer d.peerLock.RUnlock()

	peerCount := len(d.peers)
	for (len(checkedPeers) < peerCount || elem == d.reqQueue.Front()) && elem != nil {
		req := elem.Value.(*distReq)
		canSend := false
		now := d.clock.Now()
		if req.waitForPeers > now {
			canSend = true
			wait := time.Duration(req.waitForPeers - now)
			if bestWait == 0 || wait < bestWait {
				bestWait = wait
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		for peer := range d.peers {
			if _, ok := checkedPeers[peer]; !ok && peer.canQueue() && req.canSend(peer) {
				canSend = true
				cost := req.getCost(peer)
				wait, bufRemain := peer.waitBefore(cost)
				if wait == 0 {
					if sel == nil {
						sel = utils.NewWeightedRandomSelect(selectPeerWeight)
					sel.Update(selectPeerItem{peer: peer, req: req, weight: uint64(bufRemain*1000000) + 1})
					if bestWait == 0 || wait < bestWait {
				checkedPeers[peer] = struct{}{}
		next := elem.Next()
		if !canSend && elem == d.reqQueue.Front() {
		elem = next

	if sel != nil {
		c := sel.Choose().(selectPeerItem)
	return nil, nil, bestWait

// queue adds a request to the distribution queue, returns a channel where the
// receiving peer is sent once the request has been sent (request callback returned).
// If the request is cancelled or timed out without suitable peers, the channel is
// closed without sending any peer references to it.
func (d *requestDistributor) queue(r *distReq) chan distPeer {
	defer d.lock.Unlock()

	if r.reqOrder == 0 {
		r.reqOrder = d.lastReqOrder
		r.waitForPeers = d.clock.Now() + mclock.AbsTime(waitForPeers)
	// Assign the timestamp when the request is queued no matter it's
	// a new one or re-queued one.
	r.enterQueue = d.clock.Now()

	back := d.reqQueue.Back()
	if back == nil || r.reqOrder > back.Value.(*distReq).reqOrder {
		r.element = d.reqQueue.PushBack(r)
	} else {
		before := d.reqQueue.Front()
		for before.Value.(*distReq).reqOrder < r.reqOrder {
			before = before.Next()
		r.element = d.reqQueue.InsertBefore(r, before)

	if !d.loopNextSent {
		d.loopNextSent = true
		d.loopChn <- struct{}{}

	r.sentChn = make(chan distPeer, 1)
	return r.sentChn

// cancel removes a request from the queue if it has not been sent yet (returns
// false if it has been sent already). It is guaranteed that the callback functions
// will not be called after cancel returns.
func (d *requestDistributor) cancel(r *distReq) bool {
	defer d.lock.Unlock()

	if r.sentChn == nil {
		return false

	return true

// remove removes a request from the queue
func (d *requestDistributor) remove(r *distReq) {
	r.sentChn = nil
	if r.element != nil {
		r.element = nil

func (d *requestDistributor) close() {