run: deadline: 10m skip-dirs: - hack linters: disable-all: true enable: - gofmt - errcheck - gosimple - govet - ineffassign - staticcheck - gocritic - bodyclose - gosec - prealloc - unconvert - unused - cyclop linters-settings: cyclop: max-complexity: 20 gocritic: # Which checks should be enabled; can't be combined with 'disabled-checks'; # See # To check which checks are enabled run `GL_DEBUG=gocritic ./build/bin/golangci-lint run` # By default list of stable checks is used. enabled-checks: - ruleguard - truncateCmp # Which checks should be disabled; can't be combined with 'enabled-checks'; default is empty disabled-checks: - captLocal - assignOp - paramTypeCombine - importShadow - commentFormatting # Enable multiple checks by tags, run `GL_DEBUG=gocritic golangci-lint run` to see all tags and checks. # Empty list by default. See -> section "Tags". enabled-tags: - performance - diagnostic - opinionated disabled-tags: - experimental settings: hugeParam: # size in bytes that makes the warning trigger (default 80) sizeThreshold: 1000 rangeExprCopy: # size in bytes that makes the warning trigger (default 512) sizeThreshold: 512 # whether to check test functions (default true) skipTestFuncs: true truncateCmp: # whether to skip int/uint/uintptr types (default true) skipArchDependent: true underef: # whether to skip (*x).method() calls where x is a pointer receiver (default true) skipRecvDeref: true govet: disable: - deepequalerrors - fieldalignment - shadow - unsafeptr goconst: min-len: 2 min-occurrences: 2 gofmt: auto-fix: false issues: exclude-rules: - linters: - golint text: "should be" - linters: - errcheck text: "not checked" - linters: - staticcheck text: "SA(1019|1029|5011)"