From f06deb45b2587ae5964df77cdd3343b2849f2e0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: a <a@a.a>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2022 13:27:46 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] ok

 openrpc/out/generate.go                       |   2 +-
 openrpc/out/generated_api.go                  | 411 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../out/{generated_spec.json => spec.json}    |   0
 3 files changed, 412 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100755 openrpc/out/generated_api.go
 rename openrpc/out/{generated_spec.json => spec.json} (100%)

diff --git a/openrpc/out/generate.go b/openrpc/out/generate.go
index 56b417c..cd74886 100644
--- a/openrpc/out/generate.go
+++ b/openrpc/out/generate.go
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 package out
-//go:generate go run generate -p out -s generated_spec.json -o generated_api.go -t ../templates/types.gotmpl
+//go:generate go run generate -p out -s spec.json -o generated_api.go -t ../templates/types.gotmpl
diff --git a/openrpc/out/generated_api.go b/openrpc/out/generated_api.go
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c191af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openrpc/out/generated_api.go
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+// Code generated by go-openrpc. DO NOT EDIT.
+package out
+type GoOpenRPCService interface {
+	// Returns an RLP-encoded header.
+	DebugGetRawHeader(
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+	) (HeaderRLP Bytes)
+	// Returns an RLP-encoded block.
+	DebugGetRawBlock(
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+	) (BlockRLP Bytes)
+	// Returns an array of EIP-2718 binary-encoded transactions.
+	DebugGetRawTransaction(
+		TransactionHash Hash32,
+	) (EIP2718BinaryEncodedTransaction Bytes)
+	// Returns an array of EIP-2718 binary-encoded receipts.
+	DebugGetRawReceipts(
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+	) (Receipts []Bytes)
+	// Returns an array of recent bad blocks that the client has seen on the network.
+	DebugGetBadBlocks() (Blocks []BadBlock)
+	// Returns information about a block by hash.
+	EthGetBlockByHash(
+		BlockHash Hash32,
+		HydratedTransactions bool,
+	) (BlockInformation Block)
+	// Returns information about a block by number.
+	EthGetBlockByNumber(
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+		HydratedTransactions bool,
+	) (BlockInformation Block)
+	// Returns the number of transactions in a block from a block matching the given block hash.
+	EthGetBlockTransactionCountByHash(
+		BlockHash Hash32,
+	) (TransactionCount Uint)
+	// Returns the number of transactions in a block matching the given block number.
+	EthGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber(
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+	) (TransactionCount Uint)
+	// Returns the number of uncles in a block from a block matching the given block hash.
+	EthGetUncleCountByBlockHash(
+		BlockHash Hash32,
+	) (UncleCount Uint)
+	// Returns the number of transactions in a block matching the given block number.
+	EthGetUncleCountByBlockNumber(
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+	) (UncleCount Uint)
+	// Returns the chain ID of the current network.
+	EthChainId() (ChainID Uint)
+	// Returns an object with data about the sync status or false.
+	EthSyncing() (SyncingStatus SyncingStatus)
+	// Returns the client coinbase address.
+	EthCoinbase() (CoinbaseAddress Address)
+	// Returns a list of addresses owned by client.
+	EthAccounts() (Accounts []Address)
+	// Returns the number of most recent block.
+	EthBlockNumber() (BlockNumber Uint)
+	// Executes a new message call immediately without creating a transaction on the block chain.
+	EthCall(
+		Transaction GenericTransaction,
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+	) (ReturnData Bytes)
+	// Generates and returns an estimate of how much gas is necessary to allow the transaction to complete.
+	EthEstimateGas(
+		Transaction GenericTransaction,
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+	) (GasUsed Uint)
+	// Generates an access list for a transaction.
+	EthCreateAccessList(
+		Transaction GenericTransaction,
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+	) (GasUsed struct {
+		AccessList AccessList `json:"accessList"`
+		Error      string     `json:"error"`
+		GasUsed    Uint       `json:"gasUsed"`
+	})
+	// Returns the current price per gas in wei.
+	EthGasPrice() (GasPrice Uint)
+	// Returns the current maxPriorityFeePerGas per gas in wei.
+	EthMaxPriorityFeePerGas() (MaxPriorityFeePerGas Uint)
+	// Transaction fee history
+	EthFeeHistory(
+		BlockCount Uint,
+		NewestBlock BlockNumberOrTag,
+		RewardPercentiles []float64,
+	) (FeeHistoryResult struct {
+		BaseFeePerGas []Uint   `json:"baseFeePerGas"`
+		OldestBlock   Uint     `json:"oldestBlock"`
+		Reward        [][]Uint `json:"reward"`
+	})
+	// Creates a filter object, based on filter options, to notify when the state changes (logs).
+	EthNewFilter(
+		Filter Filter,
+	) (FilterIdentifier Uint)
+	// Creates a filter in the node, to notify when a new block arrives.
+	EthNewBlockFilter() (FilterIdentifier Uint)
+	// Creates a filter in the node, to notify when new pending transactions arrive.
+	EthNewPendingTransactionFilter() (FilterIdentifier Uint)
+	// Uninstalls a filter with given id.
+	EthUninstallFilter(
+		FilterIdentifier Uint,
+	) (Success bool)
+	// Polling method for a filter, which returns an array of logs which occurred since last poll.
+	EthGetFilterChanges(
+		FilterIdentifier Uint,
+	) (LogObjects FilterResults)
+	// Returns an array of all logs matching filter with given id.
+	EthGetFilterLogs(
+		FilterIdentifier Uint,
+	) (LogObjects FilterResults)
+	// Returns an array of all logs matching filter with given id.
+	EthGetLogs(
+		Filter Filter,
+	) (LogObjects FilterResults)
+	// Returns whether the client is actively mining new blocks.
+	EthMining() (MiningStatus bool)
+	// Returns the number of hashes per second that the node is mining with.
+	EthHashrate() (MiningStatus Uint)
+	// Returns the hash of the current block, the seedHash, and the boundary condition to be met (“target”).
+	EthGetWork() (CurrentWork []Bytes32)
+	// Used for submitting a proof-of-work solution.
+	EthSubmitWork(
+		Nonce Bytes8,
+		Hash Bytes32,
+		Digest Bytes32,
+	) (Success bool)
+	// Used for submitting mining hashrate.
+	EthSubmitHashrate(
+		Hashrate Bytes32,
+		Id Bytes32,
+	) (Success bool)
+	// Returns an EIP-191 signature over the provided data.
+	EthSign(
+		Address Address,
+		Message Bytes,
+	) (Signature Bytes65)
+	// Returns an RLP encoded transaction signed by the specified account.
+	EthSignTransaction(
+		Transaction GenericTransaction,
+	) (EncodedTransaction Bytes)
+	// Returns the balance of the account of given address.
+	EthGetBalance(
+		Address Address,
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+	) (Balance Uint)
+	// Returns the value from a storage position at a given address.
+	EthGetStorageAt(
+		Address Address,
+		StorageSlot Uint256,
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+	) (Value Bytes)
+	// Returns the number of transactions sent from an address.
+	EthGetTransactionCount(
+		Address Address,
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+	) (TransactionCount Uint)
+	// Returns code at a given address.
+	EthGetCode(
+		Address Address,
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+	) (Bytecode Bytes)
+	// Returns the merkle proof for a given account and optionally some storage keys.
+	EthGetProof(
+		Address Address,
+		StorageKeys []Hash32,
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+	) (Account AccountProof)
+	// Signs and submits a transaction.
+	EthSendTransaction(
+		Transaction GenericTransaction,
+	) (TransactionHash Hash32)
+	// Submits a raw transaction.
+	EthSendRawTransaction(
+		Transaction Bytes,
+	) (TransactionHash Hash32)
+	// Returns the information about a transaction requested by transaction hash.
+	EthGetTransactionByHash(
+		TransactionHash Hash32,
+	) (TransactionInformation TransactionInfo)
+	// Returns information about a transaction by block hash and transaction index position.
+	EthGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(
+		BlockHash Hash32,
+		TransactionIndex Uint,
+	) (TransactionInformation TransactionInfo)
+	// Returns information about a transaction by block number and transaction index position.
+	EthGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(
+		Block BlockNumberOrTag,
+		TransactionIndex Uint,
+	) (TransactionInformation TransactionInfo)
+	// Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash.
+	EthGetTransactionReceipt(
+		TransactionHash Hash32,
+	) (ReceiptInformation ReceiptInfo)
+type AccessList []AccessListEntry
+type AccessListEntry struct {
+	Address     Address  `json:"address"`
+	StorageKeys []Hash32 `json:"storageKeys"`
+type AccountProof struct {
+	AccountProof []Bytes        `json:"accountProof"`
+	Address      Address        `json:"address"`
+	Balance      Uint256        `json:"balance"`
+	CodeHash     Hash32         `json:"codeHash"`
+	Nonce        Uint64         `json:"nonce"`
+	StorageHash  Hash32         `json:"storageHash"`
+	StorageProof []StorageProof `json:"storageProof"`
+type BadBlock struct {
+	Block Bytes  `json:"block"`
+	Hash  Hash32 `json:"hash"`
+	Rlp   Bytes  `json:"rlp"`
+type Block struct {
+	BaseFeePerGas   Uint     `json:"baseFeePerGas"`
+	Difficulty      Bytes    `json:"difficulty"`
+	ExtraData       Bytes    `json:"extraData"`
+	GasLimit        Uint     `json:"gasLimit"`
+	GasUsed         Uint     `json:"gasUsed"`
+	LogsBloom       Bytes256 `json:"logsBloom"`
+	Miner           Address  `json:"miner"`
+	MixHash         Hash32   `json:"mixHash"`
+	Nonce           Bytes8   `json:"nonce"`
+	Number          Uint     `json:"number"`
+	ParentHash      Hash32   `json:"parentHash"`
+	ReceiptsRoot    Hash32   `json:"receiptsRoot"`
+	Sha3Uncles      Hash32   `json:"sha3Uncles"`
+	Size            Uint     `json:"size"`
+	StateRoot       Hash32   `json:"stateRoot"`
+	Timestamp       Uint     `json:"timestamp"`
+	TotalDifficulty Uint     `json:"totalDifficulty"`
+	Transactions    struct {
+		Option0 []Hash32
+		Option1 []TransactionSigned
+	} `json:"transactions"`
+	TransactionsRoot Hash32   `json:"transactionsRoot"`
+	Uncles           []Hash32 `json:"uncles"`
+type BlockNumberOrTag struct {
+	Option0 Uint
+	Option1 BlockTag
+type BlockTag string
+type Filter struct {
+	Address struct {
+		Option0 Address
+		Option1 Addresses
+	} `json:"address"`
+	FromBlock Uint         `json:"fromBlock"`
+	ToBlock   Uint         `json:"toBlock"`
+	Topics    FilterTopics `json:"topics"`
+type FilterResults struct {
+	Option0 []Hash32
+	Option1 []Hash32
+	Option2 []Log
+type FilterTopic struct {
+	Option0 struct{}
+	Option1 Bytes32
+	Option2 []Bytes32
+type FilterTopics []FilterTopic
+type GenericTransaction struct {
+	AccessList           AccessList `json:"accessList"`
+	ChainId              Uint       `json:"chainId"`
+	From                 Address    `json:"from"`
+	Gas                  Uint       `json:"gas"`
+	GasPrice             Uint       `json:"gasPrice"`
+	Input                Bytes      `json:"input"`
+	MaxFeePerGas         Uint       `json:"maxFeePerGas"`
+	MaxPriorityFeePerGas Uint       `json:"maxPriorityFeePerGas"`
+	Nonce                Uint       `json:"nonce"`
+	To                   Address    `json:"to"`
+	Type                 Byte       `json:"type"`
+	Value                Uint       `json:"value"`
+type Log struct {
+	Address          Address   `json:"address"`
+	BlockHash        Hash32    `json:"blockHash"`
+	BlockNumber      Uint      `json:"blockNumber"`
+	Data             Bytes     `json:"data"`
+	LogIndex         Uint      `json:"logIndex"`
+	Removed          bool      `json:"removed"`
+	Topics           []Bytes32 `json:"topics"`
+	TransactionHash  Hash32    `json:"transactionHash"`
+	TransactionIndex Uint      `json:"transactionIndex"`
+type ReceiptInfo struct {
+	BlockHash       Hash32 `json:"blockHash"`
+	BlockNumber     Uint   `json:"blockNumber"`
+	ContractAddress struct {
+		Option0 Address
+		Option1 struct{}
+	} `json:"contractAddress"`
+	CumulativeGasUsed Uint     `json:"cumulativeGasUsed"`
+	EffectiveGasPrice Uint     `json:"effectiveGasPrice"`
+	From              Address  `json:"from"`
+	GasUsed           Uint     `json:"gasUsed"`
+	Logs              []Log    `json:"logs"`
+	LogsBloom         Bytes256 `json:"logsBloom"`
+	Root              Bytes32  `json:"root"`
+	Status            Uint     `json:"status"`
+	To                Address  `json:"to"`
+	TransactionHash   Hash32   `json:"transactionHash"`
+	TransactionIndex  Uint     `json:"transactionIndex"`
+type StorageProof struct {
+	Key   Hash32  `json:"key"`
+	Proof []Bytes `json:"proof"`
+	Value Uint256 `json:"value"`
+type SyncingStatus struct {
+	Option0 struct {
+		CurrentBlock  Uint `json:"currentBlock"`
+		HighestBlock  Uint `json:"highestBlock"`
+		StartingBlock Uint `json:"startingBlock"`
+	}
+	Option1 bool
+type Transaction1559Signed struct {
+	Field0 Transaction1559Unsigned
+	Field1 struct {
+		R       Uint `json:"r"`
+		S       Uint `json:"s"`
+		YParity Uint `json:"yParity"`
+	}
+type Transaction1559Unsigned struct {
+	AccessList           AccessList `json:"accessList"`
+	ChainId              Uint       `json:"chainId"`
+	Gas                  Uint       `json:"gas"`
+	Input                Bytes      `json:"input"`
+	MaxFeePerGas         Uint       `json:"maxFeePerGas"`
+	MaxPriorityFeePerGas Uint       `json:"maxPriorityFeePerGas"`
+	Nonce                Uint       `json:"nonce"`
+	To                   Address    `json:"to"`
+	Type                 Byte       `json:"type"`
+	Value                Uint       `json:"value"`
+type Transaction2930Signed struct {
+	Field0 Transaction2930Unsigned
+	Field1 struct {
+		R       Uint `json:"r"`
+		S       Uint `json:"s"`
+		YParity Uint `json:"yParity"`
+	}
+type Transaction2930Unsigned struct {
+	AccessList AccessList `json:"accessList"`
+	ChainId    Uint       `json:"chainId"`
+	Gas        Uint       `json:"gas"`
+	GasPrice   Uint       `json:"gasPrice"`
+	Input      Bytes      `json:"input"`
+	Nonce      Uint       `json:"nonce"`
+	To         Address    `json:"to"`
+	Type       Byte       `json:"type"`
+	Value      Uint       `json:"value"`
+type TransactionInfo struct {
+	Field0 struct {
+		BlockHash        Hash32  `json:"blockHash"`
+		BlockNumber      Uint    `json:"blockNumber"`
+		From             Address `json:"from"`
+		Hash             Hash32  `json:"hash"`
+		TransactionIndex Uint    `json:"transactionIndex"`
+	}
+	Field1 TransactionSigned
+type TransactionLegacySigned struct {
+	Field0 TransactionLegacyUnsigned
+	Field1 struct {
+		R Uint `json:"r"`
+		S Uint `json:"s"`
+		V Uint `json:"v"`
+	}
+type TransactionLegacyUnsigned struct {
+	ChainId  Uint    `json:"chainId"`
+	Gas      Uint    `json:"gas"`
+	GasPrice Uint    `json:"gasPrice"`
+	Input    Bytes   `json:"input"`
+	Nonce    Uint    `json:"nonce"`
+	To       Address `json:"to"`
+	Type     Byte    `json:"type"`
+	Value    Uint    `json:"value"`
+type TransactionSigned struct {
+	Option0 Transaction1559Signed
+	Option1 Transaction2930Signed
+	Option2 TransactionLegacySigned
+type TransactionUnsigned struct {
+	Option0 Transaction1559Unsigned
+	Option1 Transaction2930Unsigned
+	Option2 TransactionLegacyUnsigned
+type Address string
+type Addresses []Address
+type Byte string
+type Bytes string
+type Bytes256 string
+type Bytes32 string
+type Bytes65 string
+type Bytes8 string
+type Hash32 string
+type Uint string
+type Uint256 string
+type Uint64 string
diff --git a/openrpc/out/generated_spec.json b/openrpc/out/spec.json
similarity index 100%
rename from openrpc/out/generated_spec.json
rename to openrpc/out/spec.json