# Config Toml files format used in geth are being deprecated. Bor uses uses JSON and [HCL](https://github.com/hashicorp/hcl) formats to create configuration files. This is the format in HCL alongside the default values: ``` chain = "mainnet" log-level = "info" data-dir = "" sync-mode = "fast" gc-mode = "full" snapshot = true ethstats = "" whitelist = {} p2p { max-peers = 30 max-pend-peers = 50 bind = "" port = 30303 no-discover = false nat = "any" discovery { v5-enabled = false bootnodes = [] bootnodesv4 = [] bootnodesv5 = [] staticNodes = [] trustedNodes = [] dns = [] } } heimdall { url = "http://localhost:1317" without = false } txpool { locals = [] no-locals = false journal = "" rejournal = "1h" price-limit = 1 price-bump = 10 account-slots = 16 global-slots = 4096 account-queue = 64 global-queue = 1024 lifetime = "3h" } sealer { enabled = false etherbase = "" gas-ceil = 8000000 extra-data = "" } gpo { blocks = 20 percentile = 60 } jsonrpc { ipc-disable = false ipc-path = "" modules = ["web3", "net"] cors = ["*"] vhost = ["*"] http { enabled = false port = 8545 prefix = "" host = "localhost" } ws { enabled = false port = 8546 prefix = "" host = "localhost" } graphqh { enabled = false } } telemetry { enabled = false expensive = false influxdb { v1-enabled = false endpoint = "" database = "" username = "" password = "" v2-enabled = false token = "" bucket = "" organization = "" } } cache { cache = 1024 perc-database = 50 perc-trie = 15 perc-gc = 25 perc-snapshot = 10 journal = "triecache" rejournal = "60m" no-prefetch = false preimages = false tx-lookup-limit = 2350000 } accounts { unlock = [] password-file = "" allow-insecure-unlock = false use-lightweight-kdf = false } grpc { addr = ":3131" } ```