diff --git a/core/blockchain_snapshot_test.go b/core/blockchain_snapshot_test.go
index cb499593e38a63cf8b4131b8462d493b09ab709e..5a986bf52ca8de79eb725627baef090e9b1d58ee 100644
--- a/core/blockchain_snapshot_test.go
+++ b/core/blockchain_snapshot_test.go
@@ -43,10 +43,11 @@ import (
 // (v)   Geth restarts normally, but it's requested to be rewound to a lower point via SetHead
 // (vi)  Geth restarts normally with a stale snapshot
 type snapshotTest struct {
-	legacy  bool   // Flag whether the loaded snapshot is in legacy format
-	crash   bool   // Flag whether the Geth restarts from the previous crash
-	gapped  int    // Number of blocks to insert without enabling snapshot
-	setHead uint64 // Block number to set head back to
+	legacy       bool   // Flag whether the loaded snapshot is in legacy format
+	crash        bool   // Flag whether the Geth restarts from the previous crash
+	restartCrash int    // Number of blocks to insert after the normal stop, then the crash happens
+	gapped       int    // Number of blocks to insert without enabling snapshot
+	setHead      uint64 // Block number to set head back to
 	chainBlocks   int    // Number of blocks to generate for the canonical chain
 	snapshotBlock uint64 // Block number of the relevant snapshot disk layer
@@ -565,10 +566,50 @@ func TestSetHeadWithLegacySnapshot(t *testing.T) {
+// Tests the Geth was running with snapshot(legacy-format) enabled and upgrades
+// the disk layer journal(journal generator) to latest format. After that the Geth
+// is restarted from a crash. In this case Geth will find the new-format disk layer
+// journal but with legacy-format diff journal(the new-format is never committed),
+// and the invalid diff journal is expected to be dropped.
+func TestRecoverSnapshotFromCrashWithLegacyDiffJournal(t *testing.T) {
+	// Chain:
+	//   G->C1->C2->C3->C4->C5->C6->C7->C8 (HEAD)
+	//
+	// Commit:   G
+	// Snapshot: G
+	//
+	// SetHead(0)
+	//
+	// ------------------------------
+	//
+	// Expected in leveldb:
+	//   G->C1->C2->C3->C4->C5->C6->C7->C8->C9->C10
+	//
+	// Expected head header    : C10
+	// Expected head fast block: C10
+	// Expected head block     : C8
+	// Expected snapshot disk  : C10
+	testSnapshot(t, &snapshotTest{
+		legacy:             true,
+		crash:              false,
+		restartCrash:       2,
+		gapped:             0,
+		setHead:            0,
+		chainBlocks:        8,
+		snapshotBlock:      0,
+		commitBlock:        0,
+		expCanonicalBlocks: 10,
+		expHeadHeader:      10,
+		expHeadFastBlock:   10,
+		expHeadBlock:       8,  // The persisted state in the first running
+		expSnapshotBottom:  10, // The persisted disk layer in the second running
+	})
 func testSnapshot(t *testing.T, tt *snapshotTest) {
 	// It's hard to follow the test case, visualize the input
-	//log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlTrace, log.StreamHandler(os.Stderr, log.TerminalFormat(true))))
-	//fmt.Println(tt.dump())
+	// log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlTrace, log.StreamHandler(os.Stderr, log.TerminalFormat(true))))
+	// fmt.Println(tt.dump())
 	// Create a temporary persistent database
 	datadir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
@@ -694,6 +735,30 @@ func testSnapshot(t *testing.T, tt *snapshotTest) {
+		chain, err = NewBlockChain(db, nil, params.AllEthashProtocolChanges, engine, vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
+		if err != nil {
+			t.Fatalf("Failed to recreate chain: %v", err)
+		}
+		defer chain.Stop()
+	} else if tt.restartCrash != 0 {
+		// Firstly, stop the chain properly, with all snapshot journal
+		// and state committed.
+		chain.Stop()
+		// Restart chain, forcibly flush the disk layer journal with new format
+		newBlocks, _ := GenerateChain(params.TestChainConfig, blocks[len(blocks)-1], engine, gendb, tt.restartCrash, func(i int, b *BlockGen) {})
+		chain, err = NewBlockChain(db, cacheConfig, params.AllEthashProtocolChanges, engine, vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
+		if err != nil {
+			t.Fatalf("Failed to recreate chain: %v", err)
+		}
+		chain.InsertChain(newBlocks)
+		chain.Snapshot().Cap(newBlocks[len(newBlocks)-1].Root(), 0)
+		// Simulate the blockchain crash
+		// Don't call chain.Stop here, so that no snapshot
+		// journal and latest state will be committed
+		// Restart the chain after the crash
 		chain, err = NewBlockChain(db, nil, params.AllEthashProtocolChanges, engine, vm.Config{}, nil, nil)
 		if err != nil {
 			t.Fatalf("Failed to recreate chain: %v", err)
diff --git a/core/state/snapshot/journal.go b/core/state/snapshot/journal.go
index 2821248a726e23d1e69f7548133e7e632be2c1a8..3fbecdefdc16c0955eaa3349bcddfdbe27d57af6 100644
--- a/core/state/snapshot/journal.go
+++ b/core/state/snapshot/journal.go
@@ -103,8 +103,9 @@ func loadAndParseJournal(db ethdb.KeyValueStore, base *diskLayer) (snapshot, jou
 	// Retrieve the diff layer journal. It's possible that the journal is
 	// not existent, e.g. the disk layer is generating while that the Geth
 	// crashes without persisting the diff journal.
-	// So if there is no journal, or the journal is not matched with disk
-	// layer, we just discard all diffs and try to recover them later.
+	// So if there is no journal, or the journal is invalid(e.g. the journal
+	// is not matched with disk layer; or the it's the legacy-format journal,
+	// etc.), we just discard all diffs and try to recover them later.
 	journal := rawdb.ReadSnapshotJournal(db)
 	if len(journal) == 0 {
 		log.Warn("Loaded snapshot journal", "diskroot", base.root, "diffs", "missing")
@@ -115,13 +116,16 @@ func loadAndParseJournal(db ethdb.KeyValueStore, base *diskLayer) (snapshot, jou
 	// Firstly, resolve the first element as the journal version
 	version, err := r.Uint()
 	if err != nil {
-		return nil, journalGenerator{}, err
+		log.Warn("Failed to resolve the journal version", "error", err)
+		return base, generator, nil
 	if version != journalVersion {
-		return nil, journalGenerator{}, fmt.Errorf("journal version mismatch, want %d got %v", journalVersion, version)
+		log.Warn("Discarded the snapshot journal with wrong version", "required", journalVersion, "got", version)
+		return base, generator, nil
 	// Secondly, resolve the disk layer root, ensure it's continuous
-	// with disk layer.
+	// with disk layer. Note now we can ensure it's the snapshot journal
+	// correct version, so we expect everything can be resolved properly.
 	var root common.Hash
 	if err := r.Decode(&root); err != nil {
 		return nil, journalGenerator{}, errors.New("missing disk layer root")
@@ -159,7 +163,7 @@ func loadSnapshot(diskdb ethdb.KeyValueStore, triedb *trie.Database, cache int,
 	var legacy bool
 	snapshot, generator, err := loadAndParseJournal(diskdb, base)
 	if err != nil {
-		log.Debug("Failed to load new-format journal", "error", err)
+		log.Warn("Failed to load new-format journal", "error", err)
 		snapshot, generator, err = loadAndParseLegacyJournal(diskdb, base)
 		legacy = true