diff --git a/eth/downloader/downloader.go b/eth/downloader/downloader.go
index 6a6bce6445e3689a6b266b64f0d1d4d0cf7e1a2e..b28879ee674d1b1c430bea62a5d1c8c89c9bf1ee 100644
--- a/eth/downloader/downloader.go
+++ b/eth/downloader/downloader.go
@@ -18,11 +18,9 @@
 package downloader
 import (
-	"bytes"
-	"math/rand"
@@ -37,8 +35,8 @@ import (
 const (
-	eth60 = 60 // Constant to check for old protocol support
-	eth61 = 61 // Constant to check for new protocol support
+	eth61 = 61 // Constant to check for old protocol support
+	eth62 = 62 // Constant to check for new protocol support
 var (
@@ -324,16 +322,8 @@ func (d *Downloader) syncWithPeer(p *peer, hash common.Hash, td *big.Int) (err e
 	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Synchronizing with the network using: %s, eth/%d", p.id, p.version)
 	switch p.version {
-	case eth60:
-		// Old eth/60 version, use reverse hash retrieval algorithm
-		if err = d.fetchHashes60(p, hash); err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		if err = d.fetchBlocks60(); err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
 	case eth61:
-		// New eth/61, use forward, concurrent hash and block retrieval algorithm
+		// Old eth/61, use forward, concurrent hash and block retrieval algorithm
 		number, err := d.findAncestor(p)
 		if err != nil {
 			return err
@@ -355,8 +345,6 @@ func (d *Downloader) syncWithPeer(p *peer, hash common.Hash, td *big.Int) (err e
 		glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("Unsupported eth protocol: %d", p.version)
 		return errBadPeer
-	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infoln("Synchronization completed")
 	return nil
@@ -385,299 +373,6 @@ func (d *Downloader) Terminate() {
-// fetchHashes60 starts retrieving hashes backwards from a specific peer and hash,
-// up until it finds a common ancestor. If the source peer times out, alternative
-// ones are tried for continuation.
-func (d *Downloader) fetchHashes60(p *peer, h common.Hash) error {
-	var (
-		start  = time.Now()
-		active = p             // active peer will help determine the current active peer
-		head   = common.Hash{} // common and last hash
-		timeout     = time.NewTimer(0)                // timer to dump a non-responsive active peer
-		attempted   = make(map[string]bool)           // attempted peers will help with retries
-		crossTicker = time.NewTicker(crossCheckCycle) // ticker to periodically check expired cross checks
-	)
-	defer crossTicker.Stop()
-	defer timeout.Stop()
-	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Downloading hashes (%x) from %s", h[:4], p.id)
-	<-timeout.C // timeout channel should be initially empty.
-	getHashes := func(from common.Hash) {
-		go active.getRelHashes(from)
-		timeout.Reset(hashTTL)
-	}
-	// Add the hash to the queue, and start hash retrieval.
-	d.queue.Insert([]common.Hash{h}, false)
-	getHashes(h)
-	attempted[p.id] = true
-	for finished := false; !finished; {
-		select {
-		case <-d.cancelCh:
-			return errCancelHashFetch
-		case hashPack := <-d.hashCh:
-			// Make sure the active peer is giving us the hashes
-			if hashPack.peerId != active.id {
-				glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Received hashes from incorrect peer(%s)", hashPack.peerId)
-				break
-			}
-			timeout.Stop()
-			// Make sure the peer actually gave something valid
-			if len(hashPack.hashes) == 0 {
-				glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer (%s) responded with empty hash set", active.id)
-				return errEmptyHashSet
-			}
-			for index, hash := range hashPack.hashes {
-				if d.banned.Has(hash) {
-					glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer (%s) sent a known invalid chain", active.id)
-					d.queue.Insert(hashPack.hashes[:index+1], false)
-					if err := d.banBlocks(active.id, hash); err != nil {
-						glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Failed to ban batch of blocks: %v", err)
-					}
-					return errInvalidChain
-				}
-			}
-			// Determine if we're done fetching hashes (queue up all pending), and continue if not done
-			done, index := false, 0
-			for index, head = range hashPack.hashes {
-				if d.hasBlock(head) || d.queue.GetBlock(head) != nil {
-					glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Found common hash %x", head[:4])
-					hashPack.hashes = hashPack.hashes[:index]
-					done = true
-					break
-				}
-			}
-			// Insert all the new hashes, but only continue if got something useful
-			inserts := d.queue.Insert(hashPack.hashes, false)
-			if len(inserts) == 0 && !done {
-				glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer (%s) responded with stale hashes", active.id)
-				return errBadPeer
-			}
-			if !done {
-				// Check that the peer is not stalling the sync
-				if len(inserts) < MinHashFetch {
-					return errStallingPeer
-				}
-				// Try and fetch a random block to verify the hash batch
-				// Skip the last hash as the cross check races with the next hash fetch
-				cross := rand.Intn(len(inserts) - 1)
-				origin, parent := inserts[cross], inserts[cross+1]
-				glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("Cross checking (%s) with %x/%x", active.id, origin, parent)
-				d.checks[origin] = &crossCheck{
-					expire: time.Now().Add(blockSoftTTL),
-					parent: parent,
-				}
-				go active.getBlocks([]common.Hash{origin})
-				// Also fetch a fresh batch of hashes
-				getHashes(head)
-				continue
-			}
-			// We're done, prepare the download cache and proceed pulling the blocks
-			offset := uint64(0)
-			if block := d.getBlock(head); block != nil {
-				offset = block.NumberU64() + 1
-			}
-			d.queue.Prepare(offset)
-			finished = true
-		case blockPack := <-d.blockCh:
-			// Cross check the block with the random verifications
-			if blockPack.peerId != active.id || len(blockPack.blocks) != 1 {
-				continue
-			}
-			block := blockPack.blocks[0]
-			if check, ok := d.checks[block.Hash()]; ok {
-				if block.ParentHash() != check.parent {
-					return errCrossCheckFailed
-				}
-				delete(d.checks, block.Hash())
-			}
-		case <-crossTicker.C:
-			// Iterate over all the cross checks and fail the hash chain if they're not verified
-			for hash, check := range d.checks {
-				if time.Now().After(check.expire) {
-					glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Cross check timeout for %x", hash)
-					return errCrossCheckFailed
-				}
-			}
-		case <-timeout.C:
-			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Peer (%s) didn't respond in time for hash request", p.id)
-			var p *peer // p will be set if a peer can be found
-			// Attempt to find a new peer by checking inclusion of peers best hash in our
-			// already fetched hash list. This can't guarantee 100% correctness but does
-			// a fair job. This is always either correct or false incorrect.
-			for _, peer := range d.peers.AllPeers() {
-				if d.queue.Has(peer.head) && !attempted[peer.id] {
-					p = peer
-					break
-				}
-			}
-			// if all peers have been tried, abort the process entirely or if the hash is
-			// the zero hash.
-			if p == nil || (head == common.Hash{}) {
-				return errTimeout
-			}
-			// set p to the active peer. this will invalidate any hashes that may be returned
-			// by our previous (delayed) peer.
-			active = p
-			getHashes(head)
-			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Hash fetching switched to new peer(%s)", p.id)
-		}
-	}
-	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Downloaded hashes (%d) in %v", d.queue.Pending(), time.Since(start))
-	return nil
-// fetchBlocks60 iteratively downloads the entire schedules block-chain, taking
-// any available peers, reserving a chunk of blocks for each, wait for delivery
-// and periodically checking for timeouts.
-func (d *Downloader) fetchBlocks60() error {
-	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infoln("Downloading", d.queue.Pending(), "block(s)")
-	start := time.Now()
-	// Start a ticker to continue throttled downloads and check for bad peers
-	ticker := time.NewTicker(20 * time.Millisecond)
-	defer ticker.Stop()
-	for {
-		select {
-		case <-d.cancelCh:
-			return errCancelBlockFetch
-		case <-d.hashCh:
-			// Out of bounds hashes received, ignore them
-		case blockPack := <-d.blockCh:
-			// Short circuit if it's a stale cross check
-			if len(blockPack.blocks) == 1 {
-				block := blockPack.blocks[0]
-				if _, ok := d.checks[block.Hash()]; ok {
-					delete(d.checks, block.Hash())
-					break
-				}
-			}
-			// If the peer was previously banned and failed to deliver it's pack
-			// in a reasonable time frame, ignore it's message.
-			if peer := d.peers.Peer(blockPack.peerId); peer != nil {
-				// Deliver the received chunk of blocks, and demote in case of errors
-				err := d.queue.Deliver(blockPack.peerId, blockPack.blocks)
-				switch err {
-				case nil:
-					// If no blocks were delivered, demote the peer (need the delivery above)
-					if len(blockPack.blocks) == 0 {
-						peer.Demote()
-						peer.SetIdle()
-						glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("%s: no blocks delivered", peer)
-						break
-					}
-					// All was successful, promote the peer and potentially start processing
-					peer.Promote()
-					peer.SetIdle()
-					glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("%s: delivered %d blocks", peer, len(blockPack.blocks))
-					go d.process()
-				case errInvalidChain:
-					// The hash chain is invalid (blocks are not ordered properly), abort
-					return err
-				case errNoFetchesPending:
-					// Peer probably timed out with its delivery but came through
-					// in the end, demote, but allow to to pull from this peer.
-					peer.Demote()
-					peer.SetIdle()
-					glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("%s: out of bound delivery", peer)
-				case errStaleDelivery:
-					// Delivered something completely else than requested, usually
-					// caused by a timeout and delivery during a new sync cycle.
-					// Don't set it to idle as the original request should still be
-					// in flight.
-					peer.Demote()
-					glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("%s: stale delivery", peer)
-				default:
-					// Peer did something semi-useful, demote but keep it around
-					peer.Demote()
-					peer.SetIdle()
-					glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("%s: delivery partially failed: %v", peer, err)
-					go d.process()
-				}
-			}
-		case <-ticker.C:
-			// Short circuit if we lost all our peers
-			if d.peers.Len() == 0 {
-				return errNoPeers
-			}
-			// Check for block request timeouts and demote the responsible peers
-			badPeers := d.queue.Expire(blockHardTTL)
-			for _, pid := range badPeers {
-				if peer := d.peers.Peer(pid); peer != nil {
-					peer.Demote()
-					glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("%s: block delivery timeout", peer)
-				}
-			}
-			// If there are unrequested hashes left start fetching from the available peers
-			if d.queue.Pending() > 0 {
-				// Throttle the download if block cache is full and waiting processing
-				if d.queue.Throttle() {
-					break
-				}
-				// Send a download request to all idle peers, until throttled
-				idlePeers := d.peers.IdlePeers()
-				for _, peer := range idlePeers {
-					// Short circuit if throttling activated since above
-					if d.queue.Throttle() {
-						break
-					}
-					// Get a possible chunk. If nil is returned no chunk
-					// could be returned due to no hashes available.
-					request := d.queue.Reserve(peer, peer.Capacity())
-					if request == nil {
-						continue
-					}
-					if glog.V(logger.Detail) {
-						glog.Infof("%s: requesting %d blocks", peer, len(request.Hashes))
-					}
-					// Fetch the chunk and check for error. If the peer was somehow
-					// already fetching a chunk due to a bug, it will be returned to
-					// the queue
-					if err := peer.Fetch(request); err != nil {
-						glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("Peer %s received double work", peer.id)
-						d.queue.Cancel(request)
-					}
-				}
-				// Make sure that we have peers available for fetching. If all peers have been tried
-				// and all failed throw an error
-				if d.queue.InFlight() == 0 {
-					return errPeersUnavailable
-				}
-			} else if d.queue.InFlight() == 0 {
-				// When there are no more queue and no more in flight, We can
-				// safely assume we're done. Another part of the process will  check
-				// for parent errors and will re-request anything that's missing
-				break out
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	glog.V(logger.Detail).Infoln("Downloaded block(s) in", time.Since(start))
-	return nil
 // findAncestor tries to locate the common ancestor block of the local chain and
 // a remote peers blockchain. In the general case when our node was in sync and
 // on the correct chain, checking the top N blocks should already get us a match.
@@ -1023,92 +718,6 @@ func (d *Downloader) fetchBlocks(from uint64) error {
-// banBlocks retrieves a batch of blocks from a peer feeding us invalid hashes,
-// and bans the head of the retrieved batch.
-// This method only fetches one single batch as the goal is not ban an entire
-// (potentially long) invalid chain - wasting a lot of time in the meanwhile -,
-// but rather to gradually build up a blacklist if the peer keeps reconnecting.
-func (d *Downloader) banBlocks(peerId string, head common.Hash) error {
-	glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Banning a batch out of %d blocks from %s", d.queue.Pending(), peerId)
-	// Ask the peer being banned for a batch of blocks from the banning point
-	peer := d.peers.Peer(peerId)
-	if peer == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	request := d.queue.Reserve(peer, MaxBlockFetch)
-	if request == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	if err := peer.Fetch(request); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// Wait a bit for the reply to arrive, and ban if done so
-	timeout := time.After(blockHardTTL)
-	for {
-		select {
-		case <-d.cancelCh:
-			return errCancelBlockFetch
-		case <-timeout:
-			return errTimeout
-		case <-d.hashCh:
-			// Out of bounds hashes received, ignore them
-		case blockPack := <-d.blockCh:
-			blocks := blockPack.blocks
-			// Short circuit if it's a stale cross check
-			if len(blocks) == 1 {
-				block := blocks[0]
-				if _, ok := d.checks[block.Hash()]; ok {
-					delete(d.checks, block.Hash())
-					break
-				}
-			}
-			// Short circuit if it's not from the peer being banned
-			if blockPack.peerId != peerId {
-				break
-			}
-			// Short circuit if no blocks were returned
-			if len(blocks) == 0 {
-				return errors.New("no blocks returned to ban")
-			}
-			// Reconstruct the original chain order and ensure we're banning the correct blocks
-			types.BlockBy(types.Number).Sort(blocks)
-			if bytes.Compare(blocks[0].Hash().Bytes(), head.Bytes()) != 0 {
-				return errors.New("head block not the banned one")
-			}
-			index := 0
-			for _, block := range blocks[1:] {
-				if bytes.Compare(block.ParentHash().Bytes(), blocks[index].Hash().Bytes()) != 0 {
-					break
-				}
-				index++
-			}
-			// Ban the head hash and phase out any excess
-			d.banned.Add(blocks[index].Hash())
-			for d.banned.Size() > maxBannedHashes {
-				var evacuate common.Hash
-				d.banned.Each(func(item interface{}) bool {
-					// Skip any hard coded bans
-					if core.BadHashes[item.(common.Hash)] {
-						return true
-					}
-					evacuate = item.(common.Hash)
-					return false
-				})
-				d.banned.Remove(evacuate)
-			}
-			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Banned %d blocks from: %s", index+1, peerId)
-			return nil
-		}
-	}
 // process takes blocks from the queue and tries to import them into the chain.
 // The algorithmic flow is as follows:
diff --git a/eth/downloader/downloader_test.go b/eth/downloader/downloader_test.go
index 61fc7827b60821e97a2f59ce077689a352b2f3be..7e3456433d336a4ffb1da29a7529995730945d94 100644
--- a/eth/downloader/downloader_test.go
+++ b/eth/downloader/downloader_test.go
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 package downloader
 import (
-	"crypto/rand"
@@ -215,11 +214,6 @@ func (dl *downloadTester) peerGetRelHashesFn(id string, delay time.Duration) fun
 // a particular peer in the download tester. The returned function can be used to
 // retrieve batches of hashes from the particularly requested peer.
 func (dl *downloadTester) peerGetAbsHashesFn(id string, version int, delay time.Duration) func(uint64, int) error {
-	// If the simulated peer runs eth/60, this message is not supported
-	if version == eth60 {
-		return func(uint64, int) error { return nil }
-	}
-	// Otherwise create a method to request the blocks by number
 	return func(head uint64, count int) error {
@@ -261,24 +255,6 @@ func (dl *downloadTester) peerGetBlocksFn(id string, delay time.Duration) func([
-// Tests that simple synchronization, without throttling from a good peer works.
-func TestSynchronisation60(t *testing.T) {
-	// Create a small enough block chain to download and the tester
-	targetBlocks := blockCacheLimit - 15
-	hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
-	tester := newTester()
-	tester.newPeer("peer", eth60, hashes, blocks)
-	// Synchronise with the peer and make sure all blocks were retrieved
-	if err := tester.sync("peer", nil); err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
-	}
-	if imported := len(tester.ownBlocks); imported != targetBlocks+1 {
-		t.Fatalf("synchronised block mismatch: have %v, want %v", imported, targetBlocks+1)
-	}
 // Tests that simple synchronization against a canonical chain works correctly.
 // In this test common ancestor lookup should be short circuited and not require
 // binary searching.
@@ -301,7 +277,6 @@ func TestCanonicalSynchronisation61(t *testing.T) {
 // Tests that if a large batch of blocks are being downloaded, it is throttled
 // until the cached blocks are retrieved.
-func TestThrottling60(t *testing.T) { testThrottling(t, eth60) }
 func TestThrottling61(t *testing.T) { testThrottling(t, eth61) }
 func testThrottling(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
@@ -400,7 +375,6 @@ func TestInactiveDownloader(t *testing.T) {
 // Tests that a canceled download wipes all previously accumulated state.
-func TestCancel60(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, eth60) }
 func TestCancel61(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, eth61) }
 func testCancel(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
@@ -432,7 +406,6 @@ func testCancel(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
 // Tests that synchronisation from multiple peers works as intended (multi thread sanity test).
-func TestMultiSynchronisation60(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, eth60) }
 func TestMultiSynchronisation61(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, eth61) }
 func testMultiSynchronisation(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
@@ -463,355 +436,6 @@ func testMultiSynchronisation(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
-// Tests that synchronising with a peer who's very slow at network IO does not
-// stall the other peers in the system.
-func TestSlowSynchronisation60(t *testing.T) {
-	tester := newTester()
-	// Create a batch of blocks, with a slow and a full speed peer
-	targetCycles := 2
-	targetBlocks := targetCycles*blockCacheLimit - 15
-	targetIODelay := time.Second
-	hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
-	tester.newSlowPeer("fast", eth60, hashes, blocks, 0)
-	tester.newSlowPeer("slow", eth60, hashes, blocks, targetIODelay)
-	// Try to sync with the peers (pull hashes from fast)
-	start := time.Now()
-	if err := tester.sync("fast", nil); err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
-	}
-	if imported := len(tester.ownBlocks); imported != targetBlocks+1 {
-		t.Fatalf("synchronised block mismatch: have %v, want %v", imported, targetBlocks+1)
-	}
-	// Check that the slow peer got hit at most once per block-cache-size import
-	limit := time.Duration(targetCycles+1) * targetIODelay
-	if delay := time.Since(start); delay >= limit {
-		t.Fatalf("synchronisation exceeded delay limit: have %v, want %v", delay, limit)
-	}
-// Tests that if a peer returns an invalid chain with a block pointing to a non-
-// existing parent, it is correctly detected and handled.
-func TestNonExistingParentAttack60(t *testing.T) {
-	tester := newTester()
-	// Forge a single-link chain with a forged header
-	hashes, blocks := makeChain(1, 0, genesis)
-	tester.newPeer("valid", eth60, hashes, blocks)
-	wrongblock := types.NewBlock(&types.Header{}, nil, nil, nil)
-	wrongblock.Td = blocks[hashes[0]].Td
-	hashes, blocks = makeChain(1, 0, wrongblock)
-	tester.newPeer("attack", eth60, hashes, blocks)
-	// Try and sync with the malicious node and check that it fails
-	if err := tester.sync("attack", nil); err == nil {
-		t.Fatalf("block synchronization succeeded")
-	}
-	if tester.hasBlock(hashes[0]) {
-		t.Fatalf("tester accepted unknown-parent block: %v", blocks[hashes[0]])
-	}
-	// Try to synchronize with the valid chain and make sure it succeeds
-	if err := tester.sync("valid", nil); err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
-	}
-	if !tester.hasBlock(tester.peerHashes["valid"][0]) {
-		t.Fatalf("tester didn't accept known-parent block: %v", tester.peerBlocks["valid"][hashes[0]])
-	}
-// Tests that if a malicious peers keeps sending us repeating hashes, we don't
-// loop indefinitely.
-func TestRepeatingHashAttack60(t *testing.T) { // TODO: Is this thing valid??
-	tester := newTester()
-	// Create a valid chain, but drop the last link
-	hashes, blocks := makeChain(blockCacheLimit, 0, genesis)
-	tester.newPeer("valid", eth60, hashes, blocks)
-	tester.newPeer("attack", eth60, hashes[:len(hashes)-1], blocks)
-	// Try and sync with the malicious node
-	errc := make(chan error)
-	go func() {
-		errc <- tester.sync("attack", nil)
-	}()
-	// Make sure that syncing returns and does so with a failure
-	select {
-	case <-time.After(time.Second):
-		t.Fatalf("synchronisation blocked")
-	case err := <-errc:
-		if err == nil {
-			t.Fatalf("synchronisation succeeded")
-		}
-	}
-	// Ensure that a valid chain can still pass sync
-	if err := tester.sync("valid", nil); err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
-	}
-// Tests that if a malicious peers returns a non-existent block hash, it should
-// eventually time out and the sync reattempted.
-func TestNonExistingBlockAttack60(t *testing.T) {
-	tester := newTester()
-	// Create a valid chain, but forge the last link
-	hashes, blocks := makeChain(blockCacheLimit, 0, genesis)
-	tester.newPeer("valid", eth60, hashes, blocks)
-	hashes[len(hashes)/2] = common.Hash{}
-	tester.newPeer("attack", eth60, hashes, blocks)
-	// Try and sync with the malicious node and check that it fails
-	if err := tester.sync("attack", nil); err != errPeersUnavailable {
-		t.Fatalf("synchronisation error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errPeersUnavailable)
-	}
-	// Ensure that a valid chain can still pass sync
-	if err := tester.sync("valid", nil); err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
-	}
-// Tests that if a malicious peer is returning hashes in a weird order, that the
-// sync throttler doesn't choke on them waiting for the valid blocks.
-func TestInvalidHashOrderAttack60(t *testing.T) {
-	tester := newTester()
-	// Create a valid long chain, but reverse some hashes within
-	hashes, blocks := makeChain(4*blockCacheLimit, 0, genesis)
-	tester.newPeer("valid", eth60, hashes, blocks)
-	chunk1 := make([]common.Hash, blockCacheLimit)
-	chunk2 := make([]common.Hash, blockCacheLimit)
-	copy(chunk1, hashes[blockCacheLimit:2*blockCacheLimit])
-	copy(chunk2, hashes[2*blockCacheLimit:3*blockCacheLimit])
-	copy(hashes[2*blockCacheLimit:], chunk1)
-	copy(hashes[blockCacheLimit:], chunk2)
-	tester.newPeer("attack", eth60, hashes, blocks)
-	// Try and sync with the malicious node and check that it fails
-	if err := tester.sync("attack", nil); err != errInvalidChain {
-		t.Fatalf("synchronisation error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errInvalidChain)
-	}
-	// Ensure that a valid chain can still pass sync
-	if err := tester.sync("valid", nil); err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
-	}
-// Tests that if a malicious peer makes up a random hash chain and tries to push
-// indefinitely, it actually gets caught with it.
-func TestMadeupHashChainAttack60(t *testing.T) {
-	tester := newTester()
-	blockSoftTTL = 100 * time.Millisecond
-	crossCheckCycle = 25 * time.Millisecond
-	// Create a long chain of hashes without backing blocks
-	hashes, blocks := makeChain(4*blockCacheLimit, 0, genesis)
-	randomHashes := make([]common.Hash, 1024*blockCacheLimit)
-	for i := range randomHashes {
-		rand.Read(randomHashes[i][:])
-	}
-	tester.newPeer("valid", eth60, hashes, blocks)
-	tester.newPeer("attack", eth60, randomHashes, nil)
-	// Try and sync with the malicious node and check that it fails
-	if err := tester.sync("attack", nil); err != errCrossCheckFailed {
-		t.Fatalf("synchronisation error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errCrossCheckFailed)
-	}
-	// Ensure that a valid chain can still pass sync
-	if err := tester.sync("valid", nil); err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
-	}
-// Tests that if a malicious peer makes up a random hash chain, and tries to push
-// indefinitely, one hash at a time, it actually gets caught with it. The reason
-// this is separate from the classical made up chain attack is that sending hashes
-// one by one prevents reliable block/parent verification.
-func TestMadeupHashChainDrippingAttack60(t *testing.T) {
-	// Create a random chain of hashes to drip
-	randomHashes := make([]common.Hash, 16*blockCacheLimit)
-	for i := range randomHashes {
-		rand.Read(randomHashes[i][:])
-	}
-	randomHashes[len(randomHashes)-1] = genesis.Hash()
-	tester := newTester()
-	// Try and sync with the attacker, one hash at a time
-	tester.maxHashFetch = 1
-	tester.newPeer("attack", eth60, randomHashes, nil)
-	if err := tester.sync("attack", nil); err != errStallingPeer {
-		t.Fatalf("synchronisation error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errStallingPeer)
-	}
-// Tests that if a malicious peer makes up a random block chain, and tried to
-// push indefinitely, it actually gets caught with it.
-func TestMadeupBlockChainAttack60(t *testing.T) {
-	defaultBlockTTL := blockSoftTTL
-	defaultCrossCheckCycle := crossCheckCycle
-	blockSoftTTL = 100 * time.Millisecond
-	crossCheckCycle = 25 * time.Millisecond
-	// Create a long chain of blocks and simulate an invalid chain by dropping every second
-	hashes, blocks := makeChain(16*blockCacheLimit, 0, genesis)
-	gapped := make([]common.Hash, len(hashes)/2)
-	for i := 0; i < len(gapped); i++ {
-		gapped[i] = hashes[2*i]
-	}
-	// Try and sync with the malicious node and check that it fails
-	tester := newTester()
-	tester.newPeer("attack", eth60, gapped, blocks)
-	if err := tester.sync("attack", nil); err != errCrossCheckFailed {
-		t.Fatalf("synchronisation error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errCrossCheckFailed)
-	}
-	// Ensure that a valid chain can still pass sync
-	blockSoftTTL = defaultBlockTTL
-	crossCheckCycle = defaultCrossCheckCycle
-	tester.newPeer("valid", eth60, hashes, blocks)
-	if err := tester.sync("valid", nil); err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
-	}
-// Tests that if one/multiple malicious peers try to feed a banned blockchain to
-// the downloader, it will not keep refetching the same chain indefinitely, but
-// gradually block pieces of it, until its head is also blocked.
-func TestBannedChainStarvationAttack60(t *testing.T) {
-	n := 8 * blockCacheLimit
-	fork := n/2 - 23
-	hashes, forkHashes, blocks, forkBlocks := makeChainFork(n, fork, genesis)
-	// Create the tester and ban the selected hash.
-	tester := newTester()
-	tester.downloader.banned.Add(forkHashes[fork-1])
-	tester.newPeer("valid", eth60, hashes, blocks)
-	tester.newPeer("attack", eth60, forkHashes, forkBlocks)
-	// Iteratively try to sync, and verify that the banned hash list grows until
-	// the head of the invalid chain is blocked too.
-	for banned := tester.downloader.banned.Size(); ; {
-		// Try to sync with the attacker, check hash chain failure
-		if err := tester.sync("attack", nil); err != errInvalidChain {
-			if tester.downloader.banned.Has(forkHashes[0]) && err == errBannedHead {
-				break
-			}
-			t.Fatalf("synchronisation error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errInvalidChain)
-		}
-		// Check that the ban list grew with at least 1 new item, or all banned
-		bans := tester.downloader.banned.Size()
-		if bans < banned+1 {
-			t.Fatalf("ban count mismatch: have %v, want %v+", bans, banned+1)
-		}
-		banned = bans
-	}
-	// Check that after banning an entire chain, bad peers get dropped
-	if err := tester.newPeer("new attacker", eth60, forkHashes, forkBlocks); err != errBannedHead {
-		t.Fatalf("peer registration mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errBannedHead)
-	}
-	if peer := tester.downloader.peers.Peer("new attacker"); peer != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("banned attacker registered: %v", peer)
-	}
-	// Ensure that a valid chain can still pass sync
-	if err := tester.sync("valid", nil); err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
-	}
-// Tests that if a peer sends excessively many/large invalid chains that are
-// gradually banned, it will have an upper limit on the consumed memory and also
-// the origin bad hashes will not be evacuated.
-func TestBannedChainMemoryExhaustionAttack60(t *testing.T) {
-	// Construct a banned chain with more chunks than the ban limit
-	n := 8 * blockCacheLimit
-	fork := n/2 - 23
-	hashes, forkHashes, blocks, forkBlocks := makeChainFork(n, fork, genesis)
-	// Create the tester and ban the root hash of the fork.
-	tester := newTester()
-	tester.downloader.banned.Add(forkHashes[fork-1])
-	// Reduce the test size a bit
-	defaultMaxBlockFetch := MaxBlockFetch
-	defaultMaxBannedHashes := maxBannedHashes
-	MaxBlockFetch = 4
-	maxBannedHashes = 256
-	tester.newPeer("valid", eth60, hashes, blocks)
-	tester.newPeer("attack", eth60, forkHashes, forkBlocks)
-	// Iteratively try to sync, and verify that the banned hash list grows until
-	// the head of the invalid chain is blocked too.
-	for {
-		// Try to sync with the attacker, check hash chain failure
-		if err := tester.sync("attack", nil); err != errInvalidChain {
-			t.Fatalf("synchronisation error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errInvalidChain)
-		}
-		// Short circuit if the entire chain was banned.
-		if tester.downloader.banned.Has(forkHashes[0]) {
-			break
-		}
-		// Otherwise ensure we never exceed the memory allowance and the hard coded bans are untouched
-		if bans := tester.downloader.banned.Size(); bans > maxBannedHashes {
-			t.Fatalf("ban cap exceeded: have %v, want max %v", bans, maxBannedHashes)
-		}
-		for hash := range core.BadHashes {
-			if !tester.downloader.banned.Has(hash) {
-				t.Fatalf("hard coded ban evacuated: %x", hash)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// Ensure that a valid chain can still pass sync
-	MaxBlockFetch = defaultMaxBlockFetch
-	maxBannedHashes = defaultMaxBannedHashes
-	if err := tester.sync("valid", nil); err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
-	}
-// Tests a corner case (potential attack) where a peer delivers both good as well
-// as unrequested blocks to a hash request. This may trigger a different code
-// path than the fully correct or fully invalid delivery, potentially causing
-// internal state problems
-// No, don't delete this test, it actually did happen!
-func TestOverlappingDeliveryAttack60(t *testing.T) {
-	// Create an arbitrary batch of blocks ( < cache-size not to block)
-	targetBlocks := blockCacheLimit - 23
-	hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
-	// Register an attacker that always returns non-requested blocks too
-	tester := newTester()
-	tester.newPeer("attack", eth60, hashes, blocks)
-	rawGetBlocks := tester.downloader.peers.Peer("attack").getBlocks
-	tester.downloader.peers.Peer("attack").getBlocks = func(request []common.Hash) error {
-		// Add a non requested hash the screw the delivery (genesis should be fine)
-		return rawGetBlocks(append(request, hashes[0]))
-	}
-	// Test that synchronisation can complete, check for import success
-	if err := tester.sync("attack", nil); err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
-	}
-	start := time.Now()
-	for len(tester.ownHashes) != len(hashes) && time.Since(start) < time.Second {
-		time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
-	}
-	if len(tester.ownHashes) != len(hashes) {
-		t.Fatalf("chain length mismatch: have %v, want %v", len(tester.ownHashes), len(hashes))
-	}
 // Tests that a peer advertising an high TD doesn't get to stall the downloader
 // afterwards by not sending any useful hashes.
 func TestHighTDStarvationAttack61(t *testing.T) {
@@ -850,7 +474,7 @@ func TestHashAttackerDropping(t *testing.T) {
 	for i, tt := range tests {
 		// Register a new peer and ensure it's presence
 		id := fmt.Sprintf("test %d", i)
-		if err := tester.newPeer(id, eth60, []common.Hash{genesis.Hash()}, nil); err != nil {
+		if err := tester.newPeer(id, eth61, []common.Hash{genesis.Hash()}, nil); err != nil {
 			t.Fatalf("test %d: failed to register new peer: %v", i, err)
 		if _, ok := tester.peerHashes[id]; !ok {
@@ -882,7 +506,7 @@ func TestBlockAttackerDropping(t *testing.T) {
 	for i, tt := range tests {
 		// Register a new peer and ensure it's presence
 		id := fmt.Sprintf("test %d", i)
-		if err := tester.newPeer(id, eth60, []common.Hash{common.Hash{}}, nil); err != nil {
+		if err := tester.newPeer(id, eth61, []common.Hash{common.Hash{}}, nil); err != nil {
 			t.Fatalf("test %d: failed to register new peer: %v", i, err)
 		if _, ok := tester.peerHashes[id]; !ok {
diff --git a/eth/handler_test.go b/eth/handler_test.go
index 63c94faa1249156dc72ec290d032138451738136..6400d4e7898b6930d006dba2c4f0afc2747b756a 100644
--- a/eth/handler_test.go
+++ b/eth/handler_test.go
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import (
 // Tests that hashes can be retrieved from a remote chain by hashes in reverse
 // order.
-func TestGetBlockHashes60(t *testing.T) { testGetBlockHashes(t, 60) }
 func TestGetBlockHashes61(t *testing.T) { testGetBlockHashes(t, 61) }
 func testGetBlockHashes(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
@@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ func testGetBlockHashes(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
 // Tests that hashes can be retrieved from a remote chain by numbers in forward
 // order.
-func TestGetBlockHashesFromNumber60(t *testing.T) { testGetBlockHashesFromNumber(t, 60) }
 func TestGetBlockHashesFromNumber61(t *testing.T) { testGetBlockHashesFromNumber(t, 61) }
 func testGetBlockHashesFromNumber(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
@@ -104,7 +102,6 @@ func testGetBlockHashesFromNumber(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
 // Tests that blocks can be retrieved from a remote chain based on their hashes.
-func TestGetBlocks60(t *testing.T) { testGetBlocks(t, 60) }
 func TestGetBlocks61(t *testing.T) { testGetBlocks(t, 61) }
 func testGetBlocks(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
diff --git a/eth/metrics.go b/eth/metrics.go
index 778747210d428da8faf0c021e3a3d35fe358ca0e..21002094c8763993a3d72f70528bcac235b7b5c2 100644
--- a/eth/metrics.go
+++ b/eth/metrics.go
@@ -95,19 +95,19 @@ func (rw *meteredMsgReadWriter) ReadMsg() (p2p.Msg, error) {
 	// Account for the data traffic
 	packets, traffic := miscInPacketsMeter, miscInTrafficMeter
 	switch {
-	case (rw.version == eth60 || rw.version == eth61) && msg.Code == BlockHashesMsg:
+	case rw.version < eth62 && msg.Code == BlockHashesMsg:
 		packets, traffic = reqHashInPacketsMeter, reqHashInTrafficMeter
-	case (rw.version == eth60 || rw.version == eth61) && msg.Code == BlocksMsg:
+	case rw.version < eth62 && msg.Code == BlocksMsg:
 		packets, traffic = reqBlockInPacketsMeter, reqBlockInTrafficMeter
-	case rw.version == eth62 && msg.Code == BlockHeadersMsg:
+	case rw.version >= eth62 && msg.Code == BlockHeadersMsg:
 		packets, traffic = reqBlockInPacketsMeter, reqBlockInTrafficMeter
-	case rw.version == eth62 && msg.Code == BlockBodiesMsg:
+	case rw.version >= eth62 && msg.Code == BlockBodiesMsg:
 		packets, traffic = reqBodyInPacketsMeter, reqBodyInTrafficMeter
-	case rw.version == eth63 && msg.Code == NodeDataMsg:
+	case rw.version >= eth63 && msg.Code == NodeDataMsg:
 		packets, traffic = reqStateInPacketsMeter, reqStateInTrafficMeter
-	case rw.version == eth63 && msg.Code == ReceiptsMsg:
+	case rw.version >= eth63 && msg.Code == ReceiptsMsg:
 		packets, traffic = reqReceiptInPacketsMeter, reqReceiptInTrafficMeter
 	case msg.Code == NewBlockHashesMsg:
@@ -127,19 +127,19 @@ func (rw *meteredMsgReadWriter) WriteMsg(msg p2p.Msg) error {
 	// Account for the data traffic
 	packets, traffic := miscOutPacketsMeter, miscOutTrafficMeter
 	switch {
-	case (rw.version == eth60 || rw.version == eth61) && msg.Code == BlockHashesMsg:
+	case rw.version < eth62 && msg.Code == BlockHashesMsg:
 		packets, traffic = reqHashOutPacketsMeter, reqHashOutTrafficMeter
-	case (rw.version == eth60 || rw.version == eth61) && msg.Code == BlocksMsg:
+	case rw.version < eth62 && msg.Code == BlocksMsg:
 		packets, traffic = reqBlockOutPacketsMeter, reqBlockOutTrafficMeter
-	case rw.version == eth62 && msg.Code == BlockHeadersMsg:
+	case rw.version >= eth62 && msg.Code == BlockHeadersMsg:
 		packets, traffic = reqHeaderOutPacketsMeter, reqHeaderOutTrafficMeter
-	case rw.version == eth62 && msg.Code == BlockBodiesMsg:
+	case rw.version >= eth62 && msg.Code == BlockBodiesMsg:
 		packets, traffic = reqBodyOutPacketsMeter, reqBodyOutTrafficMeter
-	case rw.version == eth63 && msg.Code == NodeDataMsg:
+	case rw.version >= eth63 && msg.Code == NodeDataMsg:
 		packets, traffic = reqStateOutPacketsMeter, reqStateOutTrafficMeter
-	case rw.version == eth63 && msg.Code == ReceiptsMsg:
+	case rw.version >= eth63 && msg.Code == ReceiptsMsg:
 		packets, traffic = reqReceiptOutPacketsMeter, reqReceiptOutTrafficMeter
 	case msg.Code == NewBlockHashesMsg:
diff --git a/eth/protocol.go b/eth/protocol.go
index c16223ccf53c86eb553a0b7e409a4039db604e4f..49f096a3b230583dab93c7246b34b96959c7574d 100644
--- a/eth/protocol.go
+++ b/eth/protocol.go
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import (
 // Constants to match up protocol versions and messages
 const (
-	eth60 = 60
 	eth61 = 61
 	eth62 = 62
 	eth63 = 63
@@ -36,10 +35,10 @@ const (
 // Supported versions of the eth protocol (first is primary).
-var ProtocolVersions = []uint{eth64, eth63, eth62, eth61, eth60}
+var ProtocolVersions = []uint{eth64, eth63, eth62, eth61}
 // Number of implemented message corresponding to different protocol versions.
-var ProtocolLengths = []uint64{15, 12, 8, 9, 8}
+var ProtocolLengths = []uint64{15, 12, 8, 9}
 const (
 	NetworkId          = 1
@@ -48,17 +47,15 @@ const (
 // eth protocol message codes
 const (
-	// Protocol messages belonging to eth/60
-	StatusMsg         = 0x00
-	NewBlockHashesMsg = 0x01
-	TxMsg             = 0x02
-	GetBlockHashesMsg = 0x03
-	BlockHashesMsg    = 0x04
-	GetBlocksMsg      = 0x05
-	BlocksMsg         = 0x06
-	NewBlockMsg       = 0x07
-	// Protocol messages belonging to eth/61 (extension of eth/60)
+	// Protocol messages belonging to eth/61
+	StatusMsg                   = 0x00
+	NewBlockHashesMsg           = 0x01
+	TxMsg                       = 0x02
+	GetBlockHashesMsg           = 0x03
+	BlockHashesMsg              = 0x04
+	GetBlocksMsg                = 0x05
+	BlocksMsg                   = 0x06
+	NewBlockMsg                 = 0x07
 	GetBlockHashesFromNumberMsg = 0x08
 	// Protocol messages belonging to eth/62 (new protocol from scratch)
diff --git a/eth/protocol_test.go b/eth/protocol_test.go
index 263088099d22350a1007e11fa71cabf688ec3232..bc3b5acfc3474d1e39ef26d98acbe50f36bf639d 100644
--- a/eth/protocol_test.go
+++ b/eth/protocol_test.go
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ func init() {
 var testAccount = crypto.NewKey(rand.Reader)
 // Tests that handshake failures are detected and reported correctly.
-func TestStatusMsgErrors60(t *testing.T) { testStatusMsgErrors(t, 60) }
 func TestStatusMsgErrors61(t *testing.T) { testStatusMsgErrors(t, 61) }
 func TestStatusMsgErrors62(t *testing.T) { testStatusMsgErrors(t, 62) }
 func TestStatusMsgErrors63(t *testing.T) { testStatusMsgErrors(t, 63) }
@@ -93,7 +92,6 @@ func testStatusMsgErrors(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
 // This test checks that received transactions are added to the local pool.
-func TestRecvTransactions60(t *testing.T) { testRecvTransactions(t, 60) }
 func TestRecvTransactions61(t *testing.T) { testRecvTransactions(t, 61) }
 func TestRecvTransactions62(t *testing.T) { testRecvTransactions(t, 62) }
 func TestRecvTransactions63(t *testing.T) { testRecvTransactions(t, 63) }
@@ -123,7 +121,6 @@ func testRecvTransactions(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
 // This test checks that pending transactions are sent.
-func TestSendTransactions60(t *testing.T) { testSendTransactions(t, 60) }
 func TestSendTransactions61(t *testing.T) { testSendTransactions(t, 61) }
 func TestSendTransactions62(t *testing.T) { testSendTransactions(t, 62) }
 func TestSendTransactions63(t *testing.T) { testSendTransactions(t, 63) }