diff --git a/core/blockchain.go b/core/blockchain.go
index e498dedefc410a12708fa771833275f0303599a2..4ae0e4f4ec32a1c0e6c1c818a0597d84a9dbce26 100644
--- a/core/blockchain.go
+++ b/core/blockchain.go
@@ -926,13 +926,9 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) WriteBlockWithState(block *types.Block, receipts []*types.
 				if chosen < lastWrite+triesInMemory {
 					switch {
 					case size >= 2*limit:
-						log.Error("Trie memory critical, forcing to disk", "size", size, "limit", limit, "optimum", float64(chosen-lastWrite)/triesInMemory)
+						log.Warn("State memory usage too high, committing", "size", size, "limit", limit, "optimum", float64(chosen-lastWrite)/triesInMemory)
 					case bc.gcproc >= 2*bc.cacheConfig.TrieTimeLimit:
-						log.Error("Trie timing critical, forcing to disk", "time", bc.gcproc, "allowance", bc.cacheConfig.TrieTimeLimit, "optimum", float64(chosen-lastWrite)/triesInMemory)
-					case size > limit:
-						log.Warn("Trie memory at dangerous levels", "size", size, "limit", limit, "optimum", float64(chosen-lastWrite)/triesInMemory)
-					case bc.gcproc > bc.cacheConfig.TrieTimeLimit:
-						log.Warn("Trie timing at dangerous levels", "time", bc.gcproc, "limit", bc.cacheConfig.TrieTimeLimit, "optimum", float64(chosen-lastWrite)/triesInMemory)
+						log.Info("State in memory for too long, committing", "time", bc.gcproc, "allowance", bc.cacheConfig.TrieTimeLimit, "optimum", float64(chosen-lastWrite)/triesInMemory)
 				// If optimum or critical limits reached, write to disk