From 7aad81f8815084c8ed032705fbaf6d3710e518cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yusup <>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2018 18:25:02 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] eth: fix typos (#16414)

 eth/backend.go                    |  4 ++--
 eth/db_upgrade.go                 |  4 ++--
 eth/downloader/downloader.go      |  8 ++++----
 eth/downloader/downloader_test.go |  2 +-
 eth/downloader/fakepeer.go        |  6 +++---
 eth/downloader/peer.go            |  2 +-
 eth/downloader/queue.go           |  2 +-
 eth/downloader/statesync.go       | 10 +++++-----
 eth/fetcher/fetcher.go            |  2 +-
 eth/filters/api.go                |  2 +-
 eth/handler.go                    | 16 ++++++++--------
 11 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/eth/backend.go b/eth/backend.go
index 94aad2310..ffd5d8542 100644
--- a/eth/backend.go
+++ b/eth/backend.go
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ type Ethereum struct {
 	chainConfig *params.ChainConfig
 	// Channel for shutting down the service
-	shutdownChan  chan bool    // Channel for shutting down the ethereum
+	shutdownChan  chan bool    // Channel for shutting down the Ethereum
 	stopDbUpgrade func() error // stop chain db sequential key upgrade
 	// Handlers
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ func (s *Ethereum) StartMining(local bool) error {
 	if local {
 		// If local (CPU) mining is started, we can disable the transaction rejection
 		// mechanism introduced to speed sync times. CPU mining on mainnet is ludicrous
-		// so noone will ever hit this path, whereas marking sync done on CPU mining
+		// so none will ever hit this path, whereas marking sync done on CPU mining
 		// will ensure that private networks work in single miner mode too.
 		atomic.StoreUint32(&s.protocolManager.acceptTxs, 1)
diff --git a/eth/db_upgrade.go b/eth/db_upgrade.go
index d41afa17c..96c584ac6 100644
--- a/eth/db_upgrade.go
+++ b/eth/db_upgrade.go
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func upgradeDeduplicateData(db ethdb.Database) func() error {
 			failed    error
 		for failed == nil && it.Next() {
-			// Skip any entries that don't look like old transaction meta entires (<hash>0x01)
+			// Skip any entries that don't look like old transaction meta entries (<hash>0x01)
 			key := it.Key()
 			if len(key) != common.HashLength+1 || key[common.HashLength] != 0x01 {
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ func upgradeDeduplicateData(db ethdb.Database) func() error {
 			// Convert the old metadata to a new lookup entry, delete duplicate data
-			if failed = db.Put(append([]byte("l"), hash...), it.Value()); failed == nil { // Write the new looku entry
+			if failed = db.Put(append([]byte("l"), hash...), it.Value()); failed == nil { // Write the new lookup entry
 				if failed = db.Delete(hash); failed == nil { // Delete the duplicate transaction data
 					if failed = db.Delete(append([]byte("receipts-"), hash...)); failed == nil { // Delete the duplicate receipt data
 						if failed = db.Delete(key); failed != nil { // Delete the old transaction metadata
diff --git a/eth/downloader/downloader.go b/eth/downloader/downloader.go
index 62842adbc..9e4949899 100644
--- a/eth/downloader/downloader.go
+++ b/eth/downloader/downloader.go
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ var (
 	MaxForkAncestry  = 3 * params.EpochDuration // Maximum chain reorganisation
 	rttMinEstimate   = 2 * time.Second          // Minimum round-trip time to target for download requests
-	rttMaxEstimate   = 20 * time.Second         // Maximum rount-trip time to target for download requests
+	rttMaxEstimate   = 20 * time.Second         // Maximum round-trip time to target for download requests
 	rttMinConfidence = 0.1                      // Worse confidence factor in our estimated RTT value
 	ttlScaling       = 3                        // Constant scaling factor for RTT -> TTL conversion
 	ttlLimit         = time.Minute              // Maximum TTL allowance to prevent reaching crazy timeouts
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ func (d *Downloader) fetchHeaders(p *peerConnection, from uint64, pivot uint64)
 // immediately to the header processor to keep the rest of the pipeline full even
 // in the case of header stalls.
-// The method returs the entire filled skeleton and also the number of headers
+// The method returns the entire filled skeleton and also the number of headers
 // already forwarded for processing.
 func (d *Downloader) fillHeaderSkeleton(from uint64, skeleton []*types.Header) ([]*types.Header, int, error) {
 	log.Debug("Filling up skeleton", "from", from)
@@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@ func (d *Downloader) processFastSyncContent(latest *types.Header) error {
 		pivot = height - uint64(fsMinFullBlocks)
 	// To cater for moving pivot points, track the pivot block and subsequently
-	// accumulated download results separatey.
+	// accumulated download results separately.
 	var (
 		oldPivot *fetchResult   // Locked in pivot block, might change eventually
 		oldTail  []*fetchResult // Downloaded content after the pivot
@@ -1615,7 +1615,7 @@ func (d *Downloader) qosReduceConfidence() {
 // Note, the returned RTT is .9 of the actually estimated RTT. The reason is that
 // the downloader tries to adapt queries to the RTT, so multiple RTT values can
-// be adapted to, but smaller ones are preffered (stabler download stream).
+// be adapted to, but smaller ones are preferred (stabler download stream).
 func (d *Downloader) requestRTT() time.Duration {
 	return time.Duration(atomic.LoadUint64(&d.rttEstimate)) * 9 / 10
diff --git a/eth/downloader/downloader_test.go b/eth/downloader/downloader_test.go
index cb671a7df..e85e234c0 100644
--- a/eth/downloader/downloader_test.go
+++ b/eth/downloader/downloader_test.go
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ func (dl *downloadTester) makeChainFork(n, f int, parent *types.Block, parentRec
 	// Create the common suffix
 	hashes, headers, blocks, receipts := dl.makeChain(n-f, 0, parent, parentReceipts, false)
-	// Create the forks, making the second heavyer if non balanced forks were requested
+	// Create the forks, making the second heavier if non balanced forks were requested
 	hashes1, headers1, blocks1, receipts1 := dl.makeChain(f, 1, blocks[hashes[0]], receipts[hashes[0]], false)
 	hashes1 = append(hashes1, hashes[1:]...)
diff --git a/eth/downloader/fakepeer.go b/eth/downloader/fakepeer.go
index b45acff7d..5248e7fb0 100644
--- a/eth/downloader/fakepeer.go
+++ b/eth/downloader/fakepeer.go
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import (
 // FakePeer is a mock downloader peer that operates on a local database instance
 // instead of being an actual live node. It's useful for testing and to implement
-// sync commands from an xisting local database.
+// sync commands from an existing local database.
 type FakePeer struct {
 	id string
 	db ethdb.Database
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ func (p *FakePeer) Head() (common.Hash, *big.Int) {
 // RequestHeadersByHash implements downloader.Peer, returning a batch of headers
-// defined by the origin hash and the associaed query parameters.
+// defined by the origin hash and the associated query parameters.
 func (p *FakePeer) RequestHeadersByHash(hash common.Hash, amount int, skip int, reverse bool) error {
 	var (
 		headers []*types.Header
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ func (p *FakePeer) RequestHeadersByHash(hash common.Hash, amount int, skip int,
 // RequestHeadersByNumber implements downloader.Peer, returning a batch of headers
-// defined by the origin number and the associaed query parameters.
+// defined by the origin number and the associated query parameters.
 func (p *FakePeer) RequestHeadersByNumber(number uint64, amount int, skip int, reverse bool) error {
 	var (
 		headers []*types.Header
diff --git a/eth/downloader/peer.go b/eth/downloader/peer.go
index a4aa86114..428a60f8a 100644
--- a/eth/downloader/peer.go
+++ b/eth/downloader/peer.go
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ func (ps *peerSet) idlePeers(minProtocol, maxProtocol int, idleCheck func(*peerC
 // medianRTT returns the median RTT of the peerset, considering only the tuning
 // peers if there are more peers available.
 func (ps *peerSet) medianRTT() time.Duration {
-	// Gather all the currnetly measured round trip times
+	// Gather all the currently measured round trip times
 	defer ps.lock.RUnlock()
diff --git a/eth/downloader/queue.go b/eth/downloader/queue.go
index 359cce54b..bbe0aed5d 100644
--- a/eth/downloader/queue.go
+++ b/eth/downloader/queue.go
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ func (q *queue) ScheduleSkeleton(from uint64, skeleton []*types.Header) {
 	if q.headerResults != nil {
 		panic("skeleton assembly already in progress")
-	// Shedule all the header retrieval tasks for the skeleton assembly
+	// Schedule all the header retrieval tasks for the skeleton assembly
 	q.headerTaskPool = make(map[uint64]*types.Header)
 	q.headerTaskQueue = prque.New()
 	q.headerPeerMiss = make(map[string]map[uint64]struct{}) // Reset availability to correct invalid chains
diff --git a/eth/downloader/statesync.go b/eth/downloader/statesync.go
index ee6c7b491..4071d0ad9 100644
--- a/eth/downloader/statesync.go
+++ b/eth/downloader/statesync.go
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import (
-// stateReq represents a batch of state fetch requests groupped together into
+// stateReq represents a batch of state fetch requests grouped together into
 // a single data retrieval network packet.
 type stateReq struct {
 	items    []common.Hash              // Hashes of the state items to download
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ func (d *Downloader) runStateSync(s *stateSync) *stateSync {
 		// Handle incoming state packs:
 		case pack := <-d.stateCh:
-			// Discard any data not requested (or previsouly timed out)
+			// Discard any data not requested (or previously timed out)
 			req := active[pack.PeerId()]
 			if req == nil {
 				log.Debug("Unrequested node data", "peer", pack.PeerId(), "len", pack.Items())
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ func (d *Downloader) runStateSync(s *stateSync) *stateSync {
 		case req := <-d.trackStateReq:
 			// If an active request already exists for this peer, we have a problem. In
 			// theory the trie node schedule must never assign two requests to the same
-			// peer. In practive however, a peer might receive a request, disconnect and
+			// peer. In practice however, a peer might receive a request, disconnect and
 			// immediately reconnect before the previous times out. In this case the first
 			// request is never honored, alas we must not silently overwrite it, as that
 			// causes valid requests to go missing and sync to get stuck.
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ type stateSync struct {
 	err        error          // Any error hit during sync (set before completion)
-// stateTask represents a single trie node download taks, containing a set of
+// stateTask represents a single trie node download task, containing a set of
 // peers already attempted retrieval from to detect stalled syncs and abort.
 type stateTask struct {
 	attempts map[string]struct{}
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ func (s *stateSync) commit(force bool) error {
 	return nil
-// assignTasks attempts to assing new tasks to all idle peers, either from the
+// assignTasks attempts to assign new tasks to all idle peers, either from the
 // batch currently being retried, or fetching new data from the trie sync itself.
 func (s *stateSync) assignTasks() {
 	// Iterate over all idle peers and try to assign them state fetches
diff --git a/eth/fetcher/fetcher.go b/eth/fetcher/fetcher.go
index db554e144..0c679cec3 100644
--- a/eth/fetcher/fetcher.go
+++ b/eth/fetcher/fetcher.go
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ type Fetcher struct {
 	// Block cache
 	queue  *prque.Prque            // Queue containing the import operations (block number sorted)
 	queues map[string]int          // Per peer block counts to prevent memory exhaustion
-	queued map[common.Hash]*inject // Set of already queued blocks (to dedup imports)
+	queued map[common.Hash]*inject // Set of already queued blocks (to dedupe imports)
 	// Callbacks
 	getBlock       blockRetrievalFn   // Retrieves a block from the local chain
diff --git a/eth/filters/api.go b/eth/filters/api.go
index 406c9442e..ec403709c 100644
--- a/eth/filters/api.go
+++ b/eth/filters/api.go
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ func (api *PublicFilterAPI) timeoutLoop() {
 // NewPendingTransactionFilter creates a filter that fetches pending transaction hashes
 // as transactions enter the pending state.
-// It is part of the filter package because this filter can be used throug the
+// It is part of the filter package because this filter can be used through the
 // `eth_getFilterChanges` polling method that is also used for log filters.
diff --git a/eth/handler.go b/eth/handler.go
index 3fae0cd00..4069359c9 100644
--- a/eth/handler.go
+++ b/eth/handler.go
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ type ProtocolManager struct {
 	wg sync.WaitGroup
-// NewProtocolManager returns a new ethereum sub protocol manager. The Ethereum sub protocol manages peers capable
-// with the ethereum network.
+// NewProtocolManager returns a new Ethereum sub protocol manager. The Ethereum sub protocol manages peers capable
+// with the Ethereum network.
 func NewProtocolManager(config *params.ChainConfig, mode downloader.SyncMode, networkId uint64, mux *event.TypeMux, txpool txPool, engine consensus.Engine, blockchain *core.BlockChain, chaindb ethdb.Database) (*ProtocolManager, error) {
 	// Create the protocol manager with the base fields
 	manager := &ProtocolManager{
@@ -498,20 +498,20 @@ func (pm *ProtocolManager) handleMsg(p *peer) error {
 			return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
 		// Deliver them all to the downloader for queuing
-		trasactions := make([][]*types.Transaction, len(request))
+		transactions := make([][]*types.Transaction, len(request))
 		uncles := make([][]*types.Header, len(request))
 		for i, body := range request {
-			trasactions[i] = body.Transactions
+			transactions[i] = body.Transactions
 			uncles[i] = body.Uncles
 		// Filter out any explicitly requested bodies, deliver the rest to the downloader
-		filter := len(trasactions) > 0 || len(uncles) > 0
+		filter := len(transactions) > 0 || len(uncles) > 0
 		if filter {
-			trasactions, uncles = pm.fetcher.FilterBodies(, trasactions, uncles, time.Now())
+			transactions, uncles = pm.fetcher.FilterBodies(, transactions, uncles, time.Now())
-		if len(trasactions) > 0 || len(uncles) > 0 || !filter {
-			err := pm.downloader.DeliverBodies(, trasactions, uncles)
+		if len(transactions) > 0 || len(uncles) > 0 || !filter {
+			err := pm.downloader.DeliverBodies(, transactions, uncles)
 			if err != nil {
 				log.Debug("Failed to deliver bodies", "err", err)