diff --git a/core/state/pruner/pruner.go b/core/state/pruner/pruner.go
index 62cc7b012088c068436e1c2f8c530215f74cea25..4d6e415511848fd038d48d7d869348df408c12f6 100644
--- a/core/state/pruner/pruner.go
+++ b/core/state/pruner/pruner.go
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ func NewPruner(db ethdb.Database, datadir, trieCachePath string, bloomSize uint6
 	}, nil
-func prune(maindb ethdb.Database, stateBloom *stateBloom, middleStateRoots map[common.Hash]struct{}, start time.Time) error {
+func prune(snaptree *snapshot.Tree, root common.Hash, maindb ethdb.Database, stateBloom *stateBloom, bloomPath string, middleStateRoots map[common.Hash]struct{}, start time.Time) error {
 	// Delete all stale trie nodes in the disk. With the help of state bloom
 	// the trie nodes(and codes) belong to the active state will be filtered
 	// out. A very small part of stale tries will also be filtered because of
@@ -186,6 +186,25 @@ func prune(maindb ethdb.Database, stateBloom *stateBloom, middleStateRoots map[c
 	log.Info("Pruned state data", "nodes", count, "size", size, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(pstart)))
+	// Pruning is done, now drop the "useless" layers from the snapshot.
+	// Firstly, flushing the target layer into the disk. After that all
+	// diff layers below the target will all be merged into the disk.
+	if err := snaptree.Cap(root, 0); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// Secondly, flushing the snapshot journal into the disk. All diff
+	// layers upon are dropped silently. Eventually the entire snapshot
+	// tree is converted into a single disk layer with the pruning target
+	// as the root.
+	if _, err := snaptree.Journal(root); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// Delete the state bloom, it marks the entire pruning procedure is
+	// finished. If any crashes or manual exit happens before this,
+	// `RecoverPruning` will pick it up in the next restarts to redo all
+	// the things.
+	os.RemoveAll(bloomPath)
 	// Start compactions, will remove the deleted data from the disk immediately.
 	// Note for small pruning, the compaction is skipped.
 	if count >= rangeCompactionThreshold {
@@ -314,29 +333,7 @@ func (p *Pruner) Prune(root common.Hash) error {
 		return err
 	log.Info("State bloom filter committed", "name", filterName)
-	if err := prune(p.db, p.stateBloom, middleRoots, start); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// Pruning is done, now drop the "useless" layers from the snapshot.
-	// Firstly, flushing the target layer into the disk. After that all
-	// diff layers below the target will all be merged into the disk.
-	if err := p.snaptree.Cap(root, 0); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// Secondly, flushing the snapshot journal into the disk. All diff
-	// layers upon the target layer are dropped silently. Eventually the
-	// entire snapshot tree is converted into a single disk layer with
-	// the pruning target as the root.
-	if _, err := p.snaptree.Journal(root); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// Delete the state bloom, it marks the entire pruning procedure is
-	// finished. If any crashes or manual exit happens before this,
-	// `RecoverPruning` will pick it up in the next restarts to redo all
-	// the things.
-	os.RemoveAll(filterName)
-	return nil
+	return prune(p.snaptree, root, p.db, p.stateBloom, filterName, middleRoots, start)
 // RecoverPruning will resume the pruning procedure during the system restart.
@@ -400,28 +397,7 @@ func RecoverPruning(datadir string, db ethdb.Database, trieCachePath string) err
 		log.Error("Pruning target state is not existent")
 		return errors.New("non-existent target state")
-	if err := prune(db, stateBloom, middleRoots, time.Now()); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// Pruning is done, now drop the "useless" layers from the snapshot.
-	// Firstly, flushing the target layer into the disk. After that all
-	// diff layers below the target will all be merged into the disk.
-	if err := snaptree.Cap(stateBloomRoot, 0); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// Secondly, flushing the snapshot journal into the disk. All diff
-	// layers upon are dropped silently. Eventually the entire snapshot
-	// tree is converted into a single disk layer with the pruning target
-	// as the root.
-	if _, err := snaptree.Journal(stateBloomRoot); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// Delete the state bloom, it marks the entire pruning procedure is
-	// finished. If any crashes or manual exit happens before this,
-	// `RecoverPruning` will pick it up in the next restarts to redo all
-	// the things.
-	os.RemoveAll(stateBloomPath)
-	return nil
+	return prune(snaptree, stateBloomRoot, db, stateBloom, stateBloomPath, middleRoots, time.Now())
 // extractGenesis loads the genesis state and commits all the state entries