From 64f9c1ea0984141623843abfa9262fc9401192f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Zsolt Felfoldi <>
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2019 17:40:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] les, light: remove support for les/1 4096 block CHT sections

 les/backend.go           |  2 +-
 les/benchmark.go         |  3 +--
 les/commons.go           | 14 +-------------
 les/handler.go           |  5 ++---
 les/handler_test.go      | 22 +++++++---------------
 les/server.go            | 16 ++++++----------
 light/postprocess.go     | 23 ++++++-----------------
 params/network_params.go |  9 ++-------
 8 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

diff --git a/les/backend.go b/les/backend.go
index c54417b75..a50fe0ced 100644
--- a/les/backend.go
+++ b/les/backend.go
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func New(ctx *node.ServiceContext, config *eth.Config) (*LightEthereum, error) {
 	leth.retriever = newRetrieveManager(peers, leth.reqDist, leth.serverPool)
 	leth.odr = NewLesOdr(chainDb, light.DefaultClientIndexerConfig, leth.retriever)
-	leth.chtIndexer = light.NewChtIndexer(chainDb, leth.odr, params.CHTFrequencyClient, params.HelperTrieConfirmations)
+	leth.chtIndexer = light.NewChtIndexer(chainDb, leth.odr, params.CHTFrequency, params.HelperTrieConfirmations)
 	leth.bloomTrieIndexer = light.NewBloomTrieIndexer(chainDb, leth.odr, params.BloomBitsBlocksClient, params.BloomTrieFrequency)
 	leth.odr.SetIndexers(leth.chtIndexer, leth.bloomTrieIndexer, leth.bloomIndexer)
diff --git a/les/benchmark.go b/les/benchmark.go
index cb302c6ea..925d1d89e 100644
--- a/les/benchmark.go
+++ b/les/benchmark.go
@@ -135,8 +135,7 @@ func (b *benchmarkHelperTrie) init(pm *ProtocolManager, count int) error {
 		b.sectionCount, b.headNum, _ = pm.server.bloomTrieIndexer.Sections()
 	} else {
 		b.sectionCount, _, _ = pm.server.chtIndexer.Sections()
-		b.sectionCount /= (params.CHTFrequencyClient / params.CHTFrequencyServer)
-		b.headNum = b.sectionCount*params.CHTFrequencyClient - 1
+		b.headNum = b.sectionCount*params.CHTFrequency - 1
 	if b.sectionCount == 0 {
 		return fmt.Errorf("no processed sections available")
diff --git a/les/commons.go b/les/commons.go
index 21fb25714..32fd65449 100644
--- a/les/commons.go
+++ b/les/commons.go
@@ -80,28 +80,16 @@ func (c *lesCommons) nodeInfo() interface{} {
 	sections, _, _ := c.chtIndexer.Sections()
 	sections2, _, _ := c.bloomTrieIndexer.Sections()
-	if !c.protocolManager.lightSync {
-		// convert to client section size if running in server mode
-		sections /= c.iConfig.PairChtSize / c.iConfig.ChtSize
-	}
 	if sections2 < sections {
 		sections = sections2
 	if sections > 0 {
 		sectionIndex := sections - 1
 		sectionHead := c.bloomTrieIndexer.SectionHead(sectionIndex)
-		var chtRoot common.Hash
-		if c.protocolManager.lightSync {
-			chtRoot = light.GetChtRoot(c.chainDb, sectionIndex, sectionHead)
-		} else {
-			idxV2 := (sectionIndex+1)*c.iConfig.PairChtSize/c.iConfig.ChtSize - 1
-			chtRoot = light.GetChtRoot(c.chainDb, idxV2, sectionHead)
-		}
 		cht = params.TrustedCheckpoint{
 			SectionIndex: sectionIndex,
 			SectionHead:  sectionHead,
-			CHTRoot:      chtRoot,
+			CHTRoot:      light.GetChtRoot(c.chainDb, sectionIndex, sectionHead),
 			BloomRoot:    light.GetBloomTrieRoot(c.chainDb, sectionIndex, sectionHead),
diff --git a/les/handler.go b/les/handler.go
index 69fa185ad..9c72c6b13 100644
--- a/les/handler.go
+++ b/les/handler.go
@@ -1075,9 +1075,8 @@ func (pm *ProtocolManager) getAccount(triedb *trie.Database, root, hash common.H
 func (pm *ProtocolManager) getHelperTrie(id uint, idx uint64) (common.Hash, string) {
 	switch id {
 	case htCanonical:
-		idxV1 := (idx+1)*(pm.iConfig.PairChtSize/pm.iConfig.ChtSize) - 1
-		sectionHead := rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(pm.chainDb, (idxV1+1)*pm.iConfig.ChtSize-1)
-		return light.GetChtRoot(pm.chainDb, idxV1, sectionHead), light.ChtTablePrefix
+		sectionHead := rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(pm.chainDb, (idx+1)*pm.iConfig.ChtSize-1)
+		return light.GetChtRoot(pm.chainDb, idx, sectionHead), light.ChtTablePrefix
 	case htBloomBits:
 		sectionHead := rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(pm.chainDb, (idx+1)*pm.iConfig.BloomTrieSize-1)
 		return light.GetBloomTrieRoot(pm.chainDb, idx, sectionHead), light.BloomTrieTablePrefix
diff --git a/les/handler_test.go b/les/handler_test.go
index 856a72d53..c1db65cf3 100644
--- a/les/handler_test.go
+++ b/les/handler_test.go
@@ -342,43 +342,37 @@ func TestGetCHTProofsLes2(t *testing.T) { testGetCHTProofs(t, 2) }
 func testGetCHTProofs(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
 	config := light.TestServerIndexerConfig
-	frequency := config.ChtSize
-	if protocol == 2 { //qqq
-		frequency = config.PairChtSize
-	}
 	waitIndexers := func(cIndexer, bIndexer, btIndexer *core.ChainIndexer) {
-		expectSections := frequency / config.ChtSize
 		for {
 			cs, _, _ := cIndexer.Sections()
-			bs, _, _ := bIndexer.Sections()
-			if cs >= expectSections && bs >= expectSections {
+			if cs >= 1 {
 			time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
-	server, tearDown := newServerEnv(t, int(frequency+config.ChtConfirms), protocol, waitIndexers)
+	server, tearDown := newServerEnv(t, int(config.ChtSize+config.ChtConfirms), protocol, waitIndexers)
 	defer tearDown()
 	bc :=*core.BlockChain)
 	// Assemble the proofs from the different protocols
-	header := bc.GetHeaderByNumber(frequency - 1)
+	header := bc.GetHeaderByNumber(config.ChtSize - 1)
 	rlp, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes(header)
 	key := make([]byte, 8)
-	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(key, frequency-1)
+	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(key, config.ChtSize-1)
 	proofsV2 := HelperTrieResps{
 		AuxData: [][]byte{rlp},
-	root := light.GetChtRoot(server.db, (frequency/config.ChtSize)-1, bc.GetHeaderByNumber(frequency-1).Hash())
+	root := light.GetChtRoot(server.db, 0, bc.GetHeaderByNumber(config.ChtSize-1).Hash())
 	trie, _ := trie.New(root, trie.NewDatabase(rawdb.NewTable(server.db, light.ChtTablePrefix)))
 	trie.Prove(key, 0, &proofsV2.Proofs)
 	// Assemble the requests for the different protocols
 	requestsV2 := []HelperTrieReq{{
 		Type:    htCanonical,
-		TrieIdx: frequency/config.PairChtSize - 1,
+		TrieIdx: 0,
 		Key:     key,
 		AuxReq:  auxHeader,
@@ -396,10 +390,8 @@ func TestGetBloombitsProofs(t *testing.T) {
 	waitIndexers := func(cIndexer, bIndexer, btIndexer *core.ChainIndexer) {
 		for {
-			cs, _, _ := cIndexer.Sections()
-			bs, _, _ := bIndexer.Sections()
 			bts, _, _ := btIndexer.Sections()
-			if cs >= 8 && bs >= 8 && bts >= 1 {
+			if bts >= 1 {
 			time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
diff --git a/les/server.go b/les/server.go
index 3716685e1..6c2b227f4 100644
--- a/les/server.go
+++ b/les/server.go
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ func NewLesServer(eth *eth.Ethereum, config *eth.Config) (*LesServer, error) {
 			config:           config,
 			chainDb:          eth.ChainDb(),
 			iConfig:          light.DefaultServerIndexerConfig,
-			chtIndexer:       light.NewChtIndexer(eth.ChainDb(), nil, params.CHTFrequencyServer, params.HelperTrieProcessConfirmations),
+			chtIndexer:       light.NewChtIndexer(eth.ChainDb(), nil, params.CHTFrequency, params.HelperTrieProcessConfirmations),
 			bloomTrieIndexer: light.NewBloomTrieIndexer(eth.ChainDb(), nil, params.BloomBitsBlocks, params.BloomTrieFrequency),
 			protocolManager:  pm,
@@ -108,15 +108,11 @@ func NewLesServer(eth *eth.Ethereum, config *eth.Config) (*LesServer, error) {
 	srv.thcBlockProcessing = config.LightServ/100 + 1
 	srv.fcManager = flowcontrol.NewClientManager(nil, &mclock.System{})
-	chtV1SectionCount, _, _ := srv.chtIndexer.Sections() // indexer still uses LES/1 4k section size for backwards server compatibility
-	chtV2SectionCount := chtV1SectionCount / (params.CHTFrequencyClient / params.CHTFrequencyServer)
-	if chtV2SectionCount != 0 {
-		// convert to LES/2 section
-		chtLastSection := chtV2SectionCount - 1
-		// convert last LES/2 section index back to LES/1 index for chtIndexer.SectionHead
-		chtLastSectionV1 := (chtLastSection+1)*(params.CHTFrequencyClient/params.CHTFrequencyServer) - 1
-		chtSectionHead := srv.chtIndexer.SectionHead(chtLastSectionV1)
-		chtRoot := light.GetChtRoot(pm.chainDb, chtLastSectionV1, chtSectionHead)
+	chtSectionCount, _, _ := srv.chtIndexer.Sections()
+	if chtSectionCount != 0 {
+		chtLastSection := chtSectionCount - 1
+		chtSectionHead := srv.chtIndexer.SectionHead(chtLastSection)
+		chtRoot := light.GetChtRoot(pm.chainDb, chtLastSection, chtSectionHead)
 		logger.Info("Loaded CHT", "section", chtLastSection, "head", chtSectionHead, "root", chtRoot)
 	bloomTrieSectionCount, _, _ := srv.bloomTrieIndexer.Sections()
diff --git a/light/postprocess.go b/light/postprocess.go
index 306de4694..2a837e6c1 100644
--- a/light/postprocess.go
+++ b/light/postprocess.go
@@ -41,9 +41,6 @@ type IndexerConfig struct {
 	// The block frequency for creating CHTs.
 	ChtSize uint64
-	// A special auxiliary field represents client's chtsize for server config, otherwise represents server's chtsize.
-	PairChtSize uint64
 	// The number of confirmations needed to generate/accept a canonical hash help trie.
 	ChtConfirms uint64
@@ -64,8 +61,7 @@ type IndexerConfig struct {
 var (
 	// DefaultServerIndexerConfig wraps a set of configs as a default indexer config for server side.
 	DefaultServerIndexerConfig = &IndexerConfig{
-		ChtSize:           params.CHTFrequencyServer,
-		PairChtSize:       params.CHTFrequencyClient,
+		ChtSize:           params.CHTFrequency,
 		ChtConfirms:       params.HelperTrieProcessConfirmations,
 		BloomSize:         params.BloomBitsBlocks,
 		BloomConfirms:     params.BloomConfirms,
@@ -74,8 +70,7 @@ var (
 	// DefaultClientIndexerConfig wraps a set of configs as a default indexer config for client side.
 	DefaultClientIndexerConfig = &IndexerConfig{
-		ChtSize:           params.CHTFrequencyClient,
-		PairChtSize:       params.CHTFrequencyServer,
+		ChtSize:           params.CHTFrequency,
 		ChtConfirms:       params.HelperTrieConfirmations,
 		BloomSize:         params.BloomBitsBlocksClient,
 		BloomConfirms:     params.HelperTrieConfirmations,
@@ -84,8 +79,7 @@ var (
 	// TestServerIndexerConfig wraps a set of configs as a test indexer config for server side.
 	TestServerIndexerConfig = &IndexerConfig{
-		ChtSize:           64,
-		PairChtSize:       512,
+		ChtSize:           512,
 		ChtConfirms:       4,
 		BloomSize:         64,
 		BloomConfirms:     4,
@@ -95,7 +89,6 @@ var (
 	// TestClientIndexerConfig wraps a set of configs as a test indexer config for client side.
 	TestClientIndexerConfig = &IndexerConfig{
 		ChtSize:           512,
-		PairChtSize:       64,
 		ChtConfirms:       32,
 		BloomSize:         512,
 		BloomConfirms:     32,
@@ -116,7 +109,7 @@ var (
 	ErrNoTrustedCht       = errors.New("no trusted canonical hash trie")
 	ErrNoTrustedBloomTrie = errors.New("no trusted bloom trie")
 	ErrNoHeader           = errors.New("header not found")
-	chtPrefix             = []byte("chtRoot-") // chtPrefix + chtNum (uint64 big endian) -> trie root hash
+	chtPrefix             = []byte("chtRootV2-") // chtPrefix + chtNum (uint64 big endian) -> trie root hash
 	ChtTablePrefix        = "cht-"
@@ -127,7 +120,6 @@ type ChtNode struct {
 // GetChtRoot reads the CHT root associated to the given section from the database
-// Note that sectionIdx is specified according to LES/1 CHT section size.
 func GetChtRoot(db ethdb.Database, sectionIdx uint64, sectionHead common.Hash) common.Hash {
 	var encNumber [8]byte
 	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(encNumber[:], sectionIdx)
@@ -136,7 +128,6 @@ func GetChtRoot(db ethdb.Database, sectionIdx uint64, sectionHead common.Hash) c
 // StoreChtRoot writes the CHT root associated to the given section into the database
-// Note that sectionIdx is specified according to LES/1 CHT section size.
 func StoreChtRoot(db ethdb.Database, sectionIdx uint64, sectionHead, root common.Hash) {
 	var encNumber [8]byte
 	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(encNumber[:], sectionIdx)
@@ -163,7 +154,7 @@ func NewChtIndexer(db ethdb.Database, odr OdrBackend, size, confirms uint64) *co
 		triedb:      trie.NewDatabaseWithCache(trieTable, 1), // Use a tiny cache only to keep memory down
 		sectionSize: size,
-	return core.NewChainIndexer(db, rawdb.NewTable(db, "chtIndex-"), backend, size, confirms, time.Millisecond*100, "cht")
+	return core.NewChainIndexer(db, rawdb.NewTable(db, "chtIndexV2-"), backend, size, confirms, time.Millisecond*100, "cht")
 // fetchMissingNodes tries to retrieve the last entry of the latest trusted CHT from the
@@ -235,9 +226,7 @@ func (c *ChtIndexerBackend) Commit() error {
 	c.triedb.Commit(root, false)
-	if ((c.section+1)*c.sectionSize)%params.CHTFrequencyClient == 0 {
-		log.Info("Storing CHT", "section", c.section*c.sectionSize/params.CHTFrequencyClient, "head", fmt.Sprintf("%064x", c.lastHash), "root", fmt.Sprintf("%064x", root))
-	}
+	log.Info("Storing CHT", "section", c.section, "head", fmt.Sprintf("%064x", c.lastHash), "root", fmt.Sprintf("%064x", root))
 	StoreChtRoot(c.diskdb, c.section, c.lastHash, root)
 	return nil
diff --git a/params/network_params.go b/params/network_params.go
index f8731e897..024c4af45 100644
--- a/params/network_params.go
+++ b/params/network_params.go
@@ -32,13 +32,8 @@ const (
 	// considered probably final and its rotated bits are calculated.
 	BloomConfirms = 256
-	// CHTFrequencyClient is the block frequency for creating CHTs on the client side.
-	CHTFrequencyClient = 32768
-	// CHTFrequencyServer is the block frequency for creating CHTs on the server side.
-	// Eventually this can be merged back with the client version, but that requires a
-	// full database upgrade, so that should be left for a suitable moment.
-	CHTFrequencyServer = 4096
+	// CHTFrequency is the block frequency for creating CHTs
+	CHTFrequency = 32768
 	// BloomTrieFrequency is the block frequency for creating BloomTrie on both
 	// server/client sides.