From ae38eea1f340ab0ab4962fbc1a769ca4e4966af7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2020 11:32:03 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] add state sync to core.blockchain

 consensus/bor/bor.go      |  7 ++--
 core/blockchain.go        | 11 ++++--
 core/state_processor.go   |  1 -
 core/types/block.go       | 72 +++++++++++++++++----------------------
 core/types/transaction.go |  8 -----
 5 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff --git a/consensus/bor/bor.go b/consensus/bor/bor.go
index 2a81a2ad3..f112eefdd 100644
--- a/consensus/bor/bor.go
+++ b/consensus/bor/bor.go
@@ -679,13 +679,13 @@ func (c *Bor) Finalize(chain consensus.ChainReader, header *types.Header, state
 	// No block rewards in PoA, so the state remains as is and uncles are dropped
 	header.Root = state.IntermediateRoot(chain.Config().IsEIP158(header.Number))
 	header.UncleHash = types.CalcUncleHash(nil)
-	header.SetStateSync(stateSyncData)
+	r := chain.(*core.BlockChain)
+	r.SetStateSync(stateSyncData)
 // FinalizeAndAssemble implements consensus.Engine, ensuring no uncles are set,
 // nor block rewards given, and returns the final block.
 func (c *Bor) FinalizeAndAssemble(chain consensus.ChainReader, header *types.Header, state *state.StateDB, txs []*types.Transaction, uncles []*types.Header, receipts []*types.Receipt) (*types.Block, error) {
-	stateSyncData := []*types.StateData{}
 	headerNumber := header.Number.Uint64()
 	if headerNumber%c.config.Sprint == 0 {
 		cx := chainContext{Chain: chain, Bor: c}
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ func (c *Bor) FinalizeAndAssemble(chain consensus.ChainReader, header *types.Hea
 		if !c.WithoutHeimdall {
 			// commit statees
-			stateSyncData, err = c.CommitStates(state, header, cx)
+			_, err = c.CommitStates(state, header, cx)
 			if err != nil {
 				log.Error("Error while committing states", "error", err)
 				return nil, err
@@ -710,7 +710,6 @@ func (c *Bor) FinalizeAndAssemble(chain consensus.ChainReader, header *types.Hea
 	// No block rewards in PoA, so the state remains as is and uncles are dropped
 	header.Root = state.IntermediateRoot(chain.Config().IsEIP158(header.Number))
 	header.UncleHash = types.CalcUncleHash(nil)
-	header.SetStateSync(stateSyncData)
 	// Assemble block
 	block := types.NewBlock(header, txs, nil, receipts)
diff --git a/core/blockchain.go b/core/blockchain.go
index 952dea7dc..1a0cfb6c2 100644
--- a/core/blockchain.go
+++ b/core/blockchain.go
@@ -180,6 +180,8 @@ type BlockChain struct {
 	txLookupCache *lru.Cache     // Cache for the most recent transaction lookup data.
 	futureBlocks  *lru.Cache     // future blocks are blocks added for later processing
+	stateSyncData []*types.StateData
 	quit          chan struct{}  // blockchain quit channel
 	wg            sync.WaitGroup // chain processing wait group for shutting down
 	running       int32          // 0 if chain is running, 1 when stopped
@@ -333,6 +335,11 @@ func NewBlockChain(db ethdb.Database, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, chainConfig *par
 	return bc, nil
+// SetStateSync set sync data in block
+func (bc *BlockChain) SetStateSync(stateData []*types.StateData) {
+	bc.stateSyncData = stateData
 // GetVMConfig returns the block chain VM config.
 func (bc *BlockChain) GetVMConfig() *vm.Config {
 	return &bc.vmConfig
@@ -1793,9 +1800,7 @@ func (bc *BlockChain) insertChain(chain types.Blocks, verifySeals bool) (int, er
 		// Process block using the parent state as reference point
 		substart := time.Now()
 		receipts, logs, usedGas, err := bc.processor.Process(block, statedb, bc.vmConfig)
-		syncData := block.StateSyncData()
-		for _, data := range syncData {
+		for _, data := range bc.stateSyncData {
 			bc.stateSyncFeed.Send(StateSyncEvent{StateData: data})
 		if err != nil {
diff --git a/core/state_processor.go b/core/state_processor.go
index ec98e3ee4..57faa93b7 100644
--- a/core/state_processor.go
+++ b/core/state_processor.go
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ func (p *StateProcessor) Process(block *types.Block, statedb *state.StateDB, cfg
 	// Finalize the block, applying any consensus engine specific extras (e.g. block rewards)
 	p.engine.Finalize(p.bc, header, statedb, block.Transactions(), block.Uncles())
-	block.SetStateSync(header.StateData())
 	return receipts, allLogs, *usedGas, nil
diff --git a/core/types/block.go b/core/types/block.go
index c2ebaedd9..6baafa225 100644
--- a/core/types/block.go
+++ b/core/types/block.go
@@ -66,26 +66,33 @@ func (n *BlockNonce) UnmarshalText(input []byte) error {
 	return hexutil.UnmarshalFixedText("BlockNonce", input, n[:])
+// StateData represents state received from Ethereum Blockchain
+type StateData struct {
+	Did      uint64
+	Contract common.Address
+	Data     string
+	TxHash   common.Hash
 //go:generate gencodec -type Header -field-override headerMarshaling -out gen_header_json.go
 // Header represents a block header in the Ethereum blockchain.
 type Header struct {
-	ParentHash    common.Hash    `json:"parentHash"       gencodec:"required"`
-	UncleHash     common.Hash    `json:"sha3Uncles"       gencodec:"required"`
-	Coinbase      common.Address `json:"miner"            gencodec:"required"`
-	Root          common.Hash    `json:"stateRoot"        gencodec:"required"`
-	TxHash        common.Hash    `json:"transactionsRoot" gencodec:"required"`
-	ReceiptHash   common.Hash    `json:"receiptsRoot"     gencodec:"required"`
-	Bloom         Bloom          `json:"logsBloom"        gencodec:"required"`
-	Difficulty    *big.Int       `json:"difficulty"       gencodec:"required"`
-	Number        *big.Int       `json:"number"           gencodec:"required"`
-	GasLimit      uint64         `json:"gasLimit"         gencodec:"required"`
-	GasUsed       uint64         `json:"gasUsed"          gencodec:"required"`
-	Time          uint64         `json:"timestamp"        gencodec:"required"`
-	Extra         []byte         `json:"extraData"        gencodec:"required"`
-	MixDigest     common.Hash    `json:"mixHash"`
-	Nonce         BlockNonce     `json:"nonce"`
-	stateSyncData []*StateData
+	ParentHash  common.Hash    `json:"parentHash"       gencodec:"required"`
+	UncleHash   common.Hash    `json:"sha3Uncles"       gencodec:"required"`
+	Coinbase    common.Address `json:"miner"            gencodec:"required"`
+	Root        common.Hash    `json:"stateRoot"        gencodec:"required"`
+	TxHash      common.Hash    `json:"transactionsRoot" gencodec:"required"`
+	ReceiptHash common.Hash    `json:"receiptsRoot"     gencodec:"required"`
+	Bloom       Bloom          `json:"logsBloom"        gencodec:"required"`
+	Difficulty  *big.Int       `json:"difficulty"       gencodec:"required"`
+	Number      *big.Int       `json:"number"           gencodec:"required"`
+	GasLimit    uint64         `json:"gasLimit"         gencodec:"required"`
+	GasUsed     uint64         `json:"gasUsed"          gencodec:"required"`
+	Time        uint64         `json:"timestamp"        gencodec:"required"`
+	Extra       []byte         `json:"extraData"        gencodec:"required"`
+	MixDigest   common.Hash    `json:"mixHash"`
+	Nonce       BlockNonce     `json:"nonce"`
 // field type overrides for gencodec
@@ -113,21 +120,6 @@ func (h *Header) Size() common.StorageSize {
 	return headerSize + common.StorageSize(len(h.Extra)+(h.Difficulty.BitLen()+h.Number.BitLen())/8)
-// SetStateSync set sync data in block
-func (h *Header) SetStateSync(stateData []*StateData) {
-	h.stateSyncData = stateData
-// SetStateSync set sync data in block
-func (h *Block) SetStateSync(stateData []*StateData) {
-	h.stateSyncData = stateData
-// StateSyncData set sync data in block
-func (h *Header) StateData() []*StateData {
-	return h.stateSyncData
 // SanityCheck checks a few basic things -- these checks are way beyond what
 // any 'sane' production values should hold, and can mainly be used to prevent
 // that the unbounded fields are stuffed with junk data to add processing
@@ -172,10 +164,9 @@ type Body struct {
 // Block represents an entire block in the Ethereum blockchain.
 type Block struct {
-	header        *Header
-	uncles        []*Header
-	transactions  Transactions
-	stateSyncData []*StateData
+	header       *Header
+	uncles       []*Header
+	transactions Transactions
 	// caches
 	hash atomic.Value
@@ -328,12 +319,11 @@ func (b *Block) Transaction(hash common.Hash) *Transaction {
 	return nil
-func (b *Block) Number() *big.Int            { return new(big.Int).Set(b.header.Number) }
-func (b *Block) GasLimit() uint64            { return b.header.GasLimit }
-func (b *Block) GasUsed() uint64             { return b.header.GasUsed }
-func (b *Block) Difficulty() *big.Int        { return new(big.Int).Set(b.header.Difficulty) }
-func (b *Block) Time() uint64                { return b.header.Time }
-func (b *Block) StateSyncData() []*StateData { return b.stateSyncData }
+func (b *Block) Number() *big.Int     { return new(big.Int).Set(b.header.Number) }
+func (b *Block) GasLimit() uint64     { return b.header.GasLimit }
+func (b *Block) GasUsed() uint64      { return b.header.GasUsed }
+func (b *Block) Difficulty() *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Set(b.header.Difficulty) }
+func (b *Block) Time() uint64         { return b.header.Time }
 func (b *Block) NumberU64() uint64        { return b.header.Number.Uint64() }
 func (b *Block) MixDigest() common.Hash   { return b.header.MixDigest }
diff --git a/core/types/transaction.go b/core/types/transaction.go
index 55b3ac103..866b715b7 100644
--- a/core/types/transaction.go
+++ b/core/types/transaction.go
@@ -60,14 +60,6 @@ type txdata struct {
 	Hash *common.Hash `json:"hash" rlp:"-"`
-// State represents state received from Ethereum Blockchain
-type StateData struct {
-	Did      uint64
-	Contract common.Address
-	Data     string
-	TxHash   common.Hash
 type txdataMarshaling struct {
 	AccountNonce hexutil.Uint64
 	Price        *hexutil.Big