## Mining Support only remote-miners. * To enable, add `--mine --miner.etherbase=...` or `--mine --miner.sigfile=...` flags. * Other supported options: `--miner.extradata`, `--miner.notify`, `--miner.gaslimit`, `--miner.gasprice` , `--miner.gastarget` * RPCDaemon supports methods: eth_coinbase , eth_hashrate, eth_mining, eth_getWork, eth_submitWork, eth_submitHashrate * RPCDaemon supports websocket methods: newPendingTransaction ## Implementation details * mining implemented as independent 🔬[Staged Sync](/eth/stagedsync/) * stages are declared in `eth/stagedsync/stagebuilder.go:MiningStages` * mining work done inside 1 db transaction which RollingBack after block prepared and `--miner.notify` notifications sent ## Testing Integration tool - supports mining of existing blocks. It moves Erigon to block X, does mine block X+1, then compare mined block with real block X+1 in db. To enable - just add `--mine --miner.etherbase=<etherbase>` flag to `integration state_stages` command: ``` ./build/bin/integration state_stages --datadir=<datadir> --unwind=1 --unwind.every=2 --integrity.fast=false --integrity.slow=false --mine --miner.etherbase=<etherbase> ``` * TODO: + we don't broadcast mined blocks to p2p-network yet, [but it's easy to accomplish](https://github.com/ledgerwatch/erigon/blob/9b8cdc0f2289a7cef78218a15043de5bdff4465e/eth/downloader/downloader.go#L673) + eth_newPendingTransactionFilter + eth_newBlockFilter + eth_newFilter + websocket Logs