From eec804d32075c3c3ae5dd577b6b07c3023251749 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Ashikhmin <>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2022 22:22:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Ropsten Merge TTD (#4145)

 params/config.go | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/params/config.go b/params/config.go
index 7cd555e06f..16d115df22 100644
--- a/params/config.go
+++ b/params/config.go
@@ -110,26 +110,29 @@ var (
 		Ethash:              new(EthashConfig),
+	ropstenTTD, _ = new(big.Int).SetString("43531756765713534", 10)
 	// RopstenChainConfig contains the chain parameters to run a node on the Ropsten test network.
 	RopstenChainConfig = &ChainConfig{
-		ChainName:           networkname.RopstenChainName,
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(3),
-		Consensus:           EtHashConsensus,
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		DAOForkBlock:        nil,
-		DAOForkSupport:      true,
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Hash:          common.HexToHash("0x41941023680923e0fe4d74a34bdac8141f2540e3ae90623718e47d66d1ca4a2d"),
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(10),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(10),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(1_700_000),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(4_230_000),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(4_939_394),
-		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(6_485_846),
-		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(7_117_117),
-		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(9_812_189),
-		LondonBlock:         big.NewInt(10_499_401),
-		Ethash:              new(EthashConfig),
+		ChainName:               networkname.RopstenChainName,
+		ChainID:                 big.NewInt(3),
+		Consensus:               EtHashConsensus,
+		HomesteadBlock:          big.NewInt(0),
+		DAOForkBlock:            nil,
+		DAOForkSupport:          true,
+		EIP150Block:             big.NewInt(0),
+		EIP150Hash:              common.HexToHash("0x41941023680923e0fe4d74a34bdac8141f2540e3ae90623718e47d66d1ca4a2d"),
+		EIP155Block:             big.NewInt(10),
+		EIP158Block:             big.NewInt(10),
+		ByzantiumBlock:          big.NewInt(1_700_000),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:     big.NewInt(4_230_000),
+		PetersburgBlock:         big.NewInt(4_939_394),
+		IstanbulBlock:           big.NewInt(6_485_846),
+		MuirGlacierBlock:        big.NewInt(7_117_117),
+		BerlinBlock:             big.NewInt(9_812_189),
+		LondonBlock:             big.NewInt(10_499_401),
+		TerminalTotalDifficulty: ropstenTTD,
+		Ethash:                  new(EthashConfig),
 	// RinkebyChainConfig contains the chain parameters to run a node on the Rinkeby test network.