From 86de64a2a3139faec2e08016da2e4397939b5400 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Ashikhmin <>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2022 12:08:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] TangerineWhistle instead of EIP150 & SpuriousDragon instead
 of EIP155/158 (#4273)

* EIP150Block -> TangerineWhistleBlock

* Merge EIP158Block into EIP155Block

* EIP155Block -> SpuriousDragonBlock
 cmd/cons/commands/clique.go                   |   5 +-
 cmd/sentry/sentry/sentry_grpc_server_test.go  |  11 +-
 consensus/bor/bor.go                          |   4 +-
 consensus/misc/eip1559_test.go                |  35 ++-
 consensus/misc/forks.go                       |   6 +-
 core/state/database_test.go                   | 113 ++++----
 core/state/intra_block_state.go               |  14 +-
 core/types/transaction_signing.go             |   4 +-
 core/vm/evm.go                                |   6 +-
 core/vm/gas_table.go                          |  20 +-
 core/vm/instructions.go                       |   2 +-
 core/vm/interpreter.go                        |   8 +-
 core/vm/jump_table.go                         |   2 +-
 core/vm/runtime/runtime.go                    |  31 ++-
 core/vm/runtime/runtime_test.go               |  17 +-
 eth/stagedsync/stage_mining_exec.go           |   6 +-
 params/chainspecs/bor-mainnet.json            |   1 -
 params/chainspecs/bsc.json                    |   1 -
 params/chainspecs/chapel.json                 |   1 -
 params/chainspecs/fermion.json                |   1 -
 params/chainspecs/goerli.json                 |   1 -
 params/chainspecs/kiln-devnet.json            |   1 -
 params/chainspecs/mainnet.json                |   1 -
 params/chainspecs/mumbai.json                 |   1 -
 params/chainspecs/rialto.json                 |   1 -
 params/chainspecs/rinkeby.json                |   1 -
 params/chainspecs/ropsten.json                |   1 -
 params/chainspecs/sepolia.json                |   1 -
 params/chainspecs/sokol.json                  |   1 -
 params/config.go                              | 224 +++++++--------
 params/config_test.go                         |  10 +-
 params/eip_ctx.go                             |  10 +-
 params/protocol_params.go                     |   4 +-
 tests/init.go                                 | 254 +++++++++---------
 tests/statedb_chain_test.go                   |  13 +-
 .../statedb_insert_chain_transaction_test.go  |  13 +-
 turbo/stages/blockchain_test.go               |  17 +-
 turbo/transactions/tracing.go                 |   2 +-
 38 files changed, 391 insertions(+), 453 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cmd/cons/commands/clique.go b/cmd/cons/commands/clique.go
index e714c9e503..c63e6f23b8 100644
--- a/cmd/cons/commands/clique.go
+++ b/cmd/cons/commands/clique.go
@@ -227,10 +227,9 @@ func (cs *CliqueServerImpl) initAndConfig(configuration []byte) error {
 		case "homestead":
 			chainConfig.HomesteadBlock = bigNumber
 		case "tangerine":
-			chainConfig.EIP150Block = bigNumber
+			chainConfig.TangerineWhistleBlock = bigNumber
 		case "spurious":
-			chainConfig.EIP155Block = bigNumber
-			chainConfig.EIP158Block = bigNumber
+			chainConfig.SpuriousDragonBlock = bigNumber
 		case "byzantium":
 			chainConfig.ByzantiumBlock = bigNumber
 		case "constantinople":
diff --git a/cmd/sentry/sentry/sentry_grpc_server_test.go b/cmd/sentry/sentry/sentry_grpc_server_test.go
index 5e397abb23..8cbd567a9e 100644
--- a/cmd/sentry/sentry/sentry_grpc_server_test.go
+++ b/cmd/sentry/sentry/sentry_grpc_server_test.go
@@ -57,12 +57,11 @@ func testForkIDSplit(t *testing.T, protocol uint) {
 		ctx           = context.Background()
 		configNoFork  = &params.ChainConfig{HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(1), ChainID: big.NewInt(1)}
 		configProFork = &params.ChainConfig{
-			ChainID:        big.NewInt(1),
-			HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(1),
-			EIP150Block:    big.NewInt(2),
-			EIP155Block:    big.NewInt(2),
-			EIP158Block:    big.NewInt(2),
-			ByzantiumBlock: big.NewInt(3),
+			ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+			HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(1),
+			TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(2),
+			SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(2),
+			ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(3),
 		dbNoFork  = memdb.NewTestDB(t)
 		dbProFork = memdb.NewTestDB(t)
diff --git a/consensus/bor/bor.go b/consensus/bor/bor.go
index 7d8a05e040..24c372d31a 100644
--- a/consensus/bor/bor.go
+++ b/consensus/bor/bor.go
@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ func (c *Bor) Finalize(config *params.ChainConfig, header *types.Header, state *
 	// No block rewards in PoA, so the state remains as is and uncles are dropped
-	// header.Root = state.IntermediateRoot(chain.Config().IsEIP158(header.Number.Uint64()))
+	// header.Root = state.IntermediateRoot(chain.Config().IsSpuriousDragon(header.Number.Uint64()))
 	header.UncleHash = types.CalcUncleHash(nil)
 	// Set state sync data to blockchain
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ func (c *Bor) FinalizeAndAssemble(chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, header *types
 	// No block rewards in PoA, so the state remains as is and uncles are dropped
-	// header.Root = state.IntermediateRoot(chain.Config().IsEIP158(header.Number))
+	// header.Root = state.IntermediateRoot(chain.Config().IsSpuriousDragon(header.Number))
 	header.UncleHash = types.CalcUncleHash(nil)
 	// Assemble block
diff --git a/consensus/misc/eip1559_test.go b/consensus/misc/eip1559_test.go
index 186cb653da..392a3a7067 100644
--- a/consensus/misc/eip1559_test.go
+++ b/consensus/misc/eip1559_test.go
@@ -29,24 +29,23 @@ import (
 // do not use e.g. SetInt() on the numbers. For testing only
 func copyConfig(original *params.ChainConfig) *params.ChainConfig {
 	return &params.ChainConfig{
-		ChainID:             original.ChainID,
-		HomesteadBlock:      original.HomesteadBlock,
-		DAOForkBlock:        original.DAOForkBlock,
-		DAOForkSupport:      original.DAOForkSupport,
-		EIP150Block:         original.EIP150Block,
-		EIP150Hash:          original.EIP150Hash,
-		EIP155Block:         original.EIP155Block,
-		EIP158Block:         original.EIP158Block,
-		ByzantiumBlock:      original.ByzantiumBlock,
-		ConstantinopleBlock: original.ConstantinopleBlock,
-		PetersburgBlock:     original.PetersburgBlock,
-		IstanbulBlock:       original.IstanbulBlock,
-		MuirGlacierBlock:    original.MuirGlacierBlock,
-		BerlinBlock:         original.BerlinBlock,
-		LondonBlock:         original.LondonBlock,
-		ArrowGlacierBlock:   original.ArrowGlacierBlock,
-		Ethash:              original.Ethash,
-		Clique:              original.Clique,
+		ChainID:               original.ChainID,
+		HomesteadBlock:        original.HomesteadBlock,
+		DAOForkBlock:          original.DAOForkBlock,
+		DAOForkSupport:        original.DAOForkSupport,
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: original.TangerineWhistleBlock,
+		TangerineWhistleHash:  original.TangerineWhistleHash,
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   original.SpuriousDragonBlock,
+		ByzantiumBlock:        original.ByzantiumBlock,
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   original.ConstantinopleBlock,
+		PetersburgBlock:       original.PetersburgBlock,
+		IstanbulBlock:         original.IstanbulBlock,
+		MuirGlacierBlock:      original.MuirGlacierBlock,
+		BerlinBlock:           original.BerlinBlock,
+		LondonBlock:           original.LondonBlock,
+		ArrowGlacierBlock:     original.ArrowGlacierBlock,
+		Ethash:                original.Ethash,
+		Clique:                original.Clique,
diff --git a/consensus/misc/forks.go b/consensus/misc/forks.go
index 18052d58ca..fc629aba12 100644
--- a/consensus/misc/forks.go
+++ b/consensus/misc/forks.go
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ func VerifyForkHashes(config *params.ChainConfig, header *types.Header, uncle bo
 		return nil
 	// If the homestead reprice hash is set, validate it
-	if config.EIP150Block != nil && config.EIP150Block.Cmp(header.Number) == 0 {
-		if config.EIP150Hash != (common.Hash{}) && config.EIP150Hash != header.Hash() {
-			return fmt.Errorf("homestead gas reprice fork: have 0x%x, want 0x%x", header.Hash(), config.EIP150Hash)
+	if config.TangerineWhistleBlock != nil && config.TangerineWhistleBlock.Cmp(header.Number) == 0 {
+		if config.TangerineWhistleHash != (common.Hash{}) && config.TangerineWhistleHash != header.Hash() {
+			return fmt.Errorf("tangerine whistle gas reprice fork: have 0x%x, want 0x%x", header.Hash(), config.TangerineWhistleHash)
 	// All ok, return
diff --git a/core/state/database_test.go b/core/state/database_test.go
index 05da286ad8..b89026d285 100644
--- a/core/state/database_test.go
+++ b/core/state/database_test.go
@@ -54,13 +54,12 @@ func TestCreate2Revive(t *testing.T) {
 		funds   = big.NewInt(1000000000)
 		gspec   = &core.Genesis{
 			Config: &params.ChainConfig{
-				ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-				HomesteadBlock:      new(big.Int),
-				EIP150Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP155Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(1),
-				ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(1),
-				ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(1),
+				ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+				HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+				TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+				SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
+				ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(1),
+				ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
 			Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{
 				address: core.GenesisAccount{Balance: funds},
@@ -247,13 +246,12 @@ func TestCreate2Polymorth(t *testing.T) {
 		funds   = big.NewInt(1000000000)
 		gspec   = &core.Genesis{
 			Config: &params.ChainConfig{
-				ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-				HomesteadBlock:      new(big.Int),
-				EIP150Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP155Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(1),
-				ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(1),
-				ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(1),
+				ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+				HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+				TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+				SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
+				ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(1),
+				ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
 			Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{
 				address: core.GenesisAccount{Balance: funds},
@@ -494,13 +492,12 @@ func TestReorgOverSelfDestruct(t *testing.T) {
 		funds   = big.NewInt(1000000000)
 		gspec   = &core.Genesis{
 			Config: &params.ChainConfig{
-				ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-				HomesteadBlock:      new(big.Int),
-				EIP150Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP155Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(1),
-				ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(1),
-				ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(1),
+				ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+				HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+				TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+				SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
+				ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(1),
+				ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
 			Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{
 				address: core.GenesisAccount{Balance: funds},
@@ -644,13 +641,12 @@ func TestReorgOverStateChange(t *testing.T) {
 		funds   = big.NewInt(1000000000)
 		gspec   = &core.Genesis{
 			Config: &params.ChainConfig{
-				ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-				HomesteadBlock:      new(big.Int),
-				EIP150Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP155Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(1),
-				ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(1),
-				ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(1),
+				ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+				HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+				TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+				SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
+				ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(1),
+				ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
 			Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{
 				address: {Balance: funds},
@@ -796,13 +792,12 @@ func TestCreateOnExistingStorage(t *testing.T) {
 		funds        = big.NewInt(1000000000)
 		gspec        = &core.Genesis{
 			Config: &params.ChainConfig{
-				ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-				HomesteadBlock:      new(big.Int),
-				EIP150Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP155Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(1),
-				ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(1),
-				ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(1),
+				ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+				HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+				TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+				SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
+				ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(1),
+				ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
 			Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{
 				address: {Balance: funds},
@@ -929,15 +924,14 @@ func TestEip2200Gas(t *testing.T) {
 		funds   = big.NewInt(1000000000)
 		gspec   = &core.Genesis{
 			Config: &params.ChainConfig{
-				ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-				HomesteadBlock:      new(big.Int),
-				EIP150Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP155Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(1),
-				ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(1),
-				PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(1),
-				ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(1),
-				IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(1),
+				ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+				HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+				TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+				SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
+				ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(1),
+				PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(1),
+				ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
+				IstanbulBlock:         big.NewInt(1),
 			Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{
 				address: {Balance: funds},
@@ -1026,11 +1020,10 @@ func TestWrongIncarnation(t *testing.T) {
 		funds   = big.NewInt(1000000000)
 		gspec   = &core.Genesis{
 			Config: &params.ChainConfig{
-				ChainID:        big.NewInt(1),
-				HomesteadBlock: new(big.Int),
-				EIP150Block:    new(big.Int),
-				EIP155Block:    new(big.Int),
-				EIP158Block:    big.NewInt(1),
+				ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+				HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+				TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+				SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
 			Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{
 				address: core.GenesisAccount{Balance: funds},
@@ -1140,11 +1133,10 @@ func TestWrongIncarnation2(t *testing.T) {
 		funds   = big.NewInt(1000000000)
 		gspec   = &core.Genesis{
 			Config: &params.ChainConfig{
-				ChainID:        big.NewInt(1),
-				HomesteadBlock: new(big.Int),
-				EIP150Block:    new(big.Int),
-				EIP155Block:    new(big.Int),
-				EIP158Block:    big.NewInt(1),
+				ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+				HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+				TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+				SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
 			Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{
 				address: core.GenesisAccount{Balance: funds},
@@ -1600,13 +1592,12 @@ func TestTxLookupUnwind(t *testing.T) {
 		funds   = big.NewInt(1000000000)
 		gspec   = &core.Genesis{
 			Config: &params.ChainConfig{
-				ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-				HomesteadBlock:      new(big.Int),
-				EIP150Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP155Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(1),
-				ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(1),
-				ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(1),
+				ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+				HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+				TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+				SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
+				ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(1),
+				ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
 			Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{
 				address: core.GenesisAccount{Balance: funds},
diff --git a/core/state/intra_block_state.go b/core/state/intra_block_state.go
index 14d3a0fd99..995f0965e1 100644
--- a/core/state/intra_block_state.go
+++ b/core/state/intra_block_state.go
@@ -662,8 +662,8 @@ func (sdb *IntraBlockState) GetRefund() uint64 {
 	return sdb.refund
-func updateAccount(EIP158Enabled bool, stateWriter StateWriter, addr common.Address, stateObject *stateObject, isDirty bool) error {
-	emptyRemoval := EIP158Enabled && stateObject.empty()
+func updateAccount(EIP161Enabled bool, stateWriter StateWriter, addr common.Address, stateObject *stateObject, isDirty bool) error {
+	emptyRemoval := EIP161Enabled && stateObject.empty()
 	if stateObject.suicided || (isDirty && emptyRemoval) {
 		if err := stateWriter.DeleteAccount(addr, &stateObject.original); err != nil {
 			return err
@@ -693,8 +693,8 @@ func updateAccount(EIP158Enabled bool, stateWriter StateWriter, addr common.Addr
 	return nil
-func printAccount(EIP158Enabled bool, addr common.Address, stateObject *stateObject, isDirty bool) {
-	emptyRemoval := EIP158Enabled && stateObject.empty()
+func printAccount(EIP161Enabled bool, addr common.Address, stateObject *stateObject, isDirty bool) {
+	emptyRemoval := EIP161Enabled && stateObject.empty()
 	if stateObject.suicided || (isDirty && emptyRemoval) {
 		fmt.Printf("delete: %x\n", addr)
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ func (sdb *IntraBlockState) FinalizeTx(chainRules params.Rules, stateWriter Stat
-		if err := updateAccount(chainRules.IsEIP158, stateWriter, addr, so, true); err != nil {
+		if err := updateAccount(chainRules.IsSpuriousDragon, stateWriter, addr, so, true); err != nil {
 			return err
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ func (sdb *IntraBlockState) CommitBlock(chainRules params.Rules, stateWriter Sta
 	for addr, stateObject := range sdb.stateObjects {
 		_, isDirty := sdb.stateObjectsDirty[addr]
-		if err := updateAccount(chainRules.IsEIP158, stateWriter, addr, stateObject, isDirty); err != nil {
+		if err := updateAccount(chainRules.IsSpuriousDragon, stateWriter, addr, stateObject, isDirty); err != nil {
 			return err
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ func (sdb *IntraBlockState) Print(chainRules params.Rules) {
 		_, isDirty := sdb.stateObjectsDirty[addr]
 		_, isDirty2 := sdb.journal.dirties[addr]
-		printAccount(chainRules.IsEIP158, addr, stateObject, isDirty || isDirty2)
+		printAccount(chainRules.IsSpuriousDragon, addr, stateObject, isDirty || isDirty2)
diff --git a/core/types/transaction_signing.go b/core/types/transaction_signing.go
index 38e4414e74..89faa1c082 100644
--- a/core/types/transaction_signing.go
+++ b/core/types/transaction_signing.go
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func MakeSigner(config *params.ChainConfig, blockNumber uint64) *Signer {
 		signer.accesslist = true
 		signer.chainIDMul.Mul(&chainId, u256.Num2)
-	case config.IsEIP155(blockNumber):
+	case config.IsSpuriousDragon(blockNumber):
 		signer.protected = true
 		signer.chainIDMul.Mul(&chainId, u256.Num2)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ func LatestSigner(config *params.ChainConfig) *Signer {
 		if config.BerlinBlock != nil {
 			signer.accesslist = true
-		if config.EIP155Block != nil {
+		if config.SpuriousDragonBlock != nil {
 			signer.protected = true
diff --git a/core/vm/evm.go b/core/vm/evm.go
index 15047c15e8..69627d02af 100644
--- a/core/vm/evm.go
+++ b/core/vm/evm.go
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ func (evm *EVM) Call(caller ContractRef, addr common.Address, input []byte, gas
 		snapshot = evm.intraBlockState.Snapshot()
 	if !evm.intraBlockState.Exist(addr) {
-		if !isPrecompile && evm.chainRules.IsEIP158 && value.IsZero() {
+		if !isPrecompile && evm.chainRules.IsSpuriousDragon && value.IsZero() {
 			return nil, gas, nil
 		evm.intraBlockState.CreateAccount(addr, false)
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ func (evm *EVM) create(caller ContractRef, codeAndHash *codeAndHash, gas uint64,
 	// Create a new account on the state
 	snapshot := evm.intraBlockState.Snapshot()
 	evm.intraBlockState.CreateAccount(address, true)
-	if evm.chainRules.IsEIP158 {
+	if evm.chainRules.IsSpuriousDragon {
 		evm.intraBlockState.SetNonce(address, 1)
 	evm.context.Transfer(evm.intraBlockState, caller.Address(), address, value, false /* bailout */)
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ func (evm *EVM) create(caller ContractRef, codeAndHash *codeAndHash, gas uint64,
 	ret, err = run(evm, contract, nil, false)
 	// check whether the max code size has been exceeded
-	maxCodeSizeExceeded := evm.chainRules.IsEIP158 && len(ret) > params.MaxCodeSize
+	maxCodeSizeExceeded := evm.chainRules.IsSpuriousDragon && len(ret) > params.MaxCodeSize
 	// Reject code starting with 0xEF if EIP-3541 is enabled.
 	if err == nil && !maxCodeSizeExceeded {
diff --git a/core/vm/gas_table.go b/core/vm/gas_table.go
index cf29469a3c..fcbe14b47c 100644
--- a/core/vm/gas_table.go
+++ b/core/vm/gas_table.go
@@ -317,11 +317,11 @@ func gasExpFrontier(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *stack.Stack, mem *Memor
 	return gas, nil
-func gasExpEIP158(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *stack.Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
+func gasExpEIP160(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *stack.Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
 	expByteLen := uint64((stack.Data[stack.Len()-2].BitLen() + 7) / 8)
 	var (
-		gas      = expByteLen * params.ExpByteEIP158 // no overflow check required. Max is 256 * ExpByte gas
+		gas      = expByteLen * params.ExpByteEIP160 // no overflow check required. Max is 256 * ExpByte gas
 		overflow bool
 	if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, params.ExpGas); overflow {
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ func gasCall(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *stack.Stack, mem *Memory, memo
 		transfersValue = !stack.Back(2).IsZero()
 		address        = common.Address(stack.Back(1).Bytes20())
-	if evm.ChainRules().IsEIP158 {
+	if evm.ChainRules().IsSpuriousDragon {
 		if transfersValue && evm.IntraBlockState().Empty(address) {
 			gas += params.CallNewAccountGas
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ func gasCall(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *stack.Stack, mem *Memory, memo
 		return 0, ErrGasUintOverflow
-	evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.ChainRules().IsEIP150, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
+	evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.ChainRules().IsTangerineWhistle, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
 	if err != nil {
 		return 0, err
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ func gasCallCode(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *stack.Stack, mem *Memory,
 	if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, memoryGas); overflow {
 		return 0, ErrGasUintOverflow
-	evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.ChainRules().IsEIP150, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
+	evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.ChainRules().IsTangerineWhistle, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
 	if err != nil {
 		return 0, err
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ func gasDelegateCall(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *stack.Stack, mem *Memo
 	if err != nil {
 		return 0, err
-	evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.ChainRules().IsEIP150, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
+	evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.ChainRules().IsTangerineWhistle, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
 	if err != nil {
 		return 0, err
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ func gasStaticCall(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *stack.Stack, mem *Memory
 	if err != nil {
 		return 0, err
-	evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.ChainRules().IsEIP150, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
+	evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.ChainRules().IsTangerineWhistle, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
 	if err != nil {
 		return 0, err
@@ -424,12 +424,12 @@ func gasStaticCall(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *stack.Stack, mem *Memory
 func gasSelfdestruct(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *stack.Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
 	var gas uint64
-	// EIP150 homestead gas reprice fork:
-	if evm.ChainRules().IsEIP150 {
+	// TangerineWhistle (EIP150) gas reprice fork:
+	if evm.ChainRules().IsTangerineWhistle {
 		gas = params.SelfdestructGasEIP150
 		var address = common.Address(stack.Back(0).Bytes20())
-		if evm.ChainRules().IsEIP158 {
+		if evm.ChainRules().IsSpuriousDragon {
 			// if empty and transfers value
 			if evm.IntraBlockState().Empty(address) && !evm.IntraBlockState().GetBalance(contract.Address()).IsZero() {
 				gas += params.CreateBySelfdestructGas
diff --git a/core/vm/instructions.go b/core/vm/instructions.go
index ed3c82b350..c8349bf80b 100644
--- a/core/vm/instructions.go
+++ b/core/vm/instructions.go
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ func opCreate(pc *uint64, interpreter *EVMInterpreter, scope *ScopeContext) ([]b
 		input  = scope.Memory.GetCopy(offset.Uint64(), size.Uint64())
 		gas    = scope.Contract.Gas
-	if interpreter.evm.ChainRules().IsEIP150 {
+	if interpreter.evm.ChainRules().IsTangerineWhistle {
 		gas -= gas / 64
 	// reuse size int for stackvalue
diff --git a/core/vm/interpreter.go b/core/vm/interpreter.go
index 91833cdcdf..0191491323 100644
--- a/core/vm/interpreter.go
+++ b/core/vm/interpreter.go
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ func NewEVMInterpreter(evm *EVM, cfg Config) *EVMInterpreter {
 		jt = &constantinopleInstructionSet
 	case evm.ChainRules().IsByzantium:
 		jt = &byzantiumInstructionSet
-	case evm.ChainRules().IsEIP158:
+	case evm.ChainRules().IsSpuriousDragon:
 		jt = &spuriousDragonInstructionSet
-	case evm.ChainRules().IsEIP150:
+	case evm.ChainRules().IsTangerineWhistle:
 		jt = &tangerineWhistleInstructionSet
 	case evm.ChainRules().IsHomestead:
 		jt = &homesteadInstructionSet
@@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ func NewEVMInterpreterByVM(vm *VM) *EVMInterpreter {
 		jt = &constantinopleInstructionSet
 	case vm.evm.ChainRules().IsByzantium:
 		jt = &byzantiumInstructionSet
-	case vm.evm.ChainRules().IsEIP158:
+	case vm.evm.ChainRules().IsSpuriousDragon:
 		jt = &spuriousDragonInstructionSet
-	case vm.evm.ChainRules().IsEIP150:
+	case vm.evm.ChainRules().IsTangerineWhistle:
 		jt = &tangerineWhistleInstructionSet
 	case vm.evm.ChainRules().IsHomestead:
 		jt = &homesteadInstructionSet
diff --git a/core/vm/jump_table.go b/core/vm/jump_table.go
index b231b2d3c5..4f4d514e3a 100644
--- a/core/vm/jump_table.go
+++ b/core/vm/jump_table.go
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ func newByzantiumInstructionSet() JumpTable {
 // EIP 158 a.k.a Spurious Dragon
 func newSpuriousDragonInstructionSet() JumpTable {
 	instructionSet := newTangerineWhistleInstructionSet()
-	instructionSet[EXP].dynamicGas = gasExpEIP158
+	instructionSet[EXP].dynamicGas = gasExpEIP160
 	return instructionSet
diff --git a/core/vm/runtime/runtime.go b/core/vm/runtime/runtime.go
index d072dd631b..75deda37f5 100644
--- a/core/vm/runtime/runtime.go
+++ b/core/vm/runtime/runtime.go
@@ -60,22 +60,21 @@ type Config struct {
 func setDefaults(cfg *Config) {
 	if cfg.ChainConfig == nil {
 		cfg.ChainConfig = &params.ChainConfig{
-			ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-			HomesteadBlock:      new(big.Int),
-			DAOForkBlock:        new(big.Int),
-			DAOForkSupport:      false,
-			EIP150Block:         new(big.Int),
-			EIP150Hash:          common.Hash{},
-			EIP155Block:         new(big.Int),
-			EIP158Block:         new(big.Int),
-			ByzantiumBlock:      new(big.Int),
-			ConstantinopleBlock: new(big.Int),
-			PetersburgBlock:     new(big.Int),
-			IstanbulBlock:       new(big.Int),
-			MuirGlacierBlock:    new(big.Int),
-			BerlinBlock:         new(big.Int),
-			LondonBlock:         new(big.Int),
-			ArrowGlacierBlock:   new(big.Int),
+			ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+			HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+			DAOForkBlock:          new(big.Int),
+			DAOForkSupport:        false,
+			TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+			TangerineWhistleHash:  common.Hash{},
+			SpuriousDragonBlock:   new(big.Int),
+			ByzantiumBlock:        new(big.Int),
+			ConstantinopleBlock:   new(big.Int),
+			PetersburgBlock:       new(big.Int),
+			IstanbulBlock:         new(big.Int),
+			MuirGlacierBlock:      new(big.Int),
+			BerlinBlock:           new(big.Int),
+			LondonBlock:           new(big.Int),
+			ArrowGlacierBlock:     new(big.Int),
diff --git a/core/vm/runtime/runtime_test.go b/core/vm/runtime/runtime_test.go
index 5b1987b09e..1d756cb6a2 100644
--- a/core/vm/runtime/runtime_test.go
+++ b/core/vm/runtime/runtime_test.go
@@ -177,15 +177,14 @@ func benchmarkEVM_Create(bench *testing.B, code string) {
 		Coinbase:    common.Address{},
 		BlockNumber: new(big.Int).SetUint64(1),
 		ChainConfig: &params.ChainConfig{
-			ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-			HomesteadBlock:      new(big.Int),
-			ByzantiumBlock:      new(big.Int),
-			ConstantinopleBlock: new(big.Int),
-			DAOForkBlock:        new(big.Int),
-			DAOForkSupport:      false,
-			EIP150Block:         new(big.Int),
-			EIP155Block:         new(big.Int),
-			EIP158Block:         new(big.Int),
+			ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+			HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+			ByzantiumBlock:        new(big.Int),
+			ConstantinopleBlock:   new(big.Int),
+			DAOForkBlock:          new(big.Int),
+			DAOForkSupport:        false,
+			TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+			SpuriousDragonBlock:   new(big.Int),
 		EVMConfig: vm.Config{},
diff --git a/eth/stagedsync/stage_mining_exec.go b/eth/stagedsync/stage_mining_exec.go
index c7c7f50218..96e1a4e610 100644
--- a/eth/stagedsync/stage_mining_exec.go
+++ b/eth/stagedsync/stage_mining_exec.go
@@ -232,10 +232,10 @@ func addTransactionsToMiningBlock(logPrefix string, current *MiningBlock, chainC
 		// We use the eip155 signer regardless of the env hf.
 		from, _ := txn.Sender(*signer)
-		// Check whether the txn is replay protected. If we're not in the EIP155 hf
+		// Check whether the txn is replay protected. If we're not in the EIP155 (Spurious Dragon) hf
 		// phase, start ignoring the sender until we do.
-		if txn.Protected() && !chainConfig.IsEIP155(header.Number.Uint64()) {
-			log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Ignoring replay protected transaction", logPrefix), "hash", txn.Hash(), "eip155", chainConfig.EIP155Block)
+		if txn.Protected() && !chainConfig.IsSpuriousDragon(header.Number.Uint64()) {
+			log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Ignoring replay protected transaction", logPrefix), "hash", txn.Hash(), "eip155", chainConfig.SpuriousDragonBlock)
diff --git a/params/chainspecs/bor-mainnet.json b/params/chainspecs/bor-mainnet.json
index 10d022547a..df6e684abc 100644
--- a/params/chainspecs/bor-mainnet.json
+++ b/params/chainspecs/bor-mainnet.json
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
   "eip150Block": 0,
   "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
   "eip155Block": 0,
-  "eip158Block": 0,
   "byzantiumBlock": 0,
   "constantinopleBlock": 0,
   "petersburgBlock": 0,
diff --git a/params/chainspecs/bsc.json b/params/chainspecs/bsc.json
index 00a20f5564..7e8945cabc 100644
--- a/params/chainspecs/bsc.json
+++ b/params/chainspecs/bsc.json
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
   "eip150Block": 0,
   "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
   "eip155Block": 0,
-  "eip158Block": 0,
   "byzantiumBlock": 0,
   "constantinopleBlock": 0,
   "petersburgBlock": 0,
diff --git a/params/chainspecs/chapel.json b/params/chainspecs/chapel.json
index ecef203ab6..ee755b44a1 100644
--- a/params/chainspecs/chapel.json
+++ b/params/chainspecs/chapel.json
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
   "eip150Block": 0,
   "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
   "eip155Block": 0,
-  "eip158Block": 0,
   "byzantiumBlock": 0,
   "constantinopleBlock": 0,
   "petersburgBlock": 0,
diff --git a/params/chainspecs/fermion.json b/params/chainspecs/fermion.json
index 7e550f4efc..856f3f81f2 100644
--- a/params/chainspecs/fermion.json
+++ b/params/chainspecs/fermion.json
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
   "eip150Block": 0,
   "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
   "eip155Block": 0,
-  "eip158Block": 0,
   "byzantiumBlock": 0,
   "constantinopleBlock": 0,
   "petersburgBlock": 0,
diff --git a/params/chainspecs/goerli.json b/params/chainspecs/goerli.json
index 41e93cb9ab..7596abd2be 100644
--- a/params/chainspecs/goerli.json
+++ b/params/chainspecs/goerli.json
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
   "eip150Block": 0,
   "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
   "eip155Block": 0,
-  "eip158Block": 0,
   "byzantiumBlock": 0,
   "constantinopleBlock": 0,
   "petersburgBlock": 0,
diff --git a/params/chainspecs/kiln-devnet.json b/params/chainspecs/kiln-devnet.json
index 83098f2d59..5141f75aab 100644
--- a/params/chainspecs/kiln-devnet.json
+++ b/params/chainspecs/kiln-devnet.json
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
   "eip150Block": 0,
   "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
   "eip155Block": 0,
-  "eip158Block": 0,
   "byzantiumBlock": 0,
   "constantinopleBlock": 0,
   "petersburgBlock": 0,
diff --git a/params/chainspecs/mainnet.json b/params/chainspecs/mainnet.json
index f015841076..c3ecaa123b 100644
--- a/params/chainspecs/mainnet.json
+++ b/params/chainspecs/mainnet.json
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
   "eip150Block": 2463000,
   "eip150Hash": "0x2086799aeebeae135c246c65021c82b4e15a2c451340993aacfd2751886514f0",
   "eip155Block": 2675000,
-  "eip158Block": 2675000,
   "byzantiumBlock": 4370000,
   "constantinopleBlock": 7280000,
   "petersburgBlock": 7280000,
diff --git a/params/chainspecs/mumbai.json b/params/chainspecs/mumbai.json
index a0a5ca751e..92f2a6c7c7 100644
--- a/params/chainspecs/mumbai.json
+++ b/params/chainspecs/mumbai.json
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
   "eip150Block": 0,
   "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
   "eip155Block": 0,
-  "eip158Block": 0,
   "byzantiumBlock": 0,
   "constantinopleBlock": 0,
   "petersburgBlock": 0,
diff --git a/params/chainspecs/rialto.json b/params/chainspecs/rialto.json
index 1aa92d1115..e11de7d144 100644
--- a/params/chainspecs/rialto.json
+++ b/params/chainspecs/rialto.json
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
   "eip150Block": 0,
   "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
   "eip155Block": 0,
-  "eip158Block": 0,
   "byzantiumBlock": 0,
   "constantinopleBlock": 0,
   "petersburgBlock": 0,
diff --git a/params/chainspecs/rinkeby.json b/params/chainspecs/rinkeby.json
index d9a53ce663..6ebecf052a 100644
--- a/params/chainspecs/rinkeby.json
+++ b/params/chainspecs/rinkeby.json
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
   "eip150Block": 2,
   "eip150Hash": "0x9b095b36c15eaf13044373aef8ee0bd3a382a5abb92e402afa44b8249c3a90e9",
   "eip155Block": 3,
-  "eip158Block": 3,
   "byzantiumBlock": 1035301,
   "constantinopleBlock": 3660663,
   "petersburgBlock": 4321234,
diff --git a/params/chainspecs/ropsten.json b/params/chainspecs/ropsten.json
index 2296766d0c..b4a6cff3bf 100644
--- a/params/chainspecs/ropsten.json
+++ b/params/chainspecs/ropsten.json
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
   "eip150Block": 0,
   "eip150Hash": "0x41941023680923e0fe4d74a34bdac8141f2540e3ae90623718e47d66d1ca4a2d",
   "eip155Block": 10,
-  "eip158Block": 10,
   "byzantiumBlock": 1700000,
   "constantinopleBlock": 4230000,
   "petersburgBlock": 4939394,
diff --git a/params/chainspecs/sepolia.json b/params/chainspecs/sepolia.json
index 22eda8925e..e349c2525e 100644
--- a/params/chainspecs/sepolia.json
+++ b/params/chainspecs/sepolia.json
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
   "eip150Block": 0,
   "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
   "eip155Block": 0,
-  "eip158Block": 0,
   "byzantiumBlock": 0,
   "constantinopleBlock": 0,
   "petersburgBlock": 0,
diff --git a/params/chainspecs/sokol.json b/params/chainspecs/sokol.json
index 3bec92071b..ea8d6fc24f 100644
--- a/params/chainspecs/sokol.json
+++ b/params/chainspecs/sokol.json
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
   "eip150Block": 0,
   "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
   "eip155Block": 0,
-  "eip158Block": 0,
   "byzantiumBlock": 0,
   "constantinopleBlock": 6464300,
   "petersburgBlock": 7026400,
diff --git a/params/config.go b/params/config.go
index c32dadd639..e93bf73a95 100644
--- a/params/config.go
+++ b/params/config.go
@@ -115,49 +115,47 @@ var (
 	// AllEthashProtocolChanges contains every protocol change (EIPs) introduced
 	// and accepted by the Ethereum core developers into the Ethash consensus.
 	AllEthashProtocolChanges = &ChainConfig{
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1337),
-		Consensus:           EtHashConsensus,
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		DAOForkBlock:        nil,
-		DAOForkSupport:      false,
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Hash:          common.Hash{},
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
-		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
-		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
-		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
-		LondonBlock:         nil,
-		ArrowGlacierBlock:   nil,
-		Ethash:              new(EthashConfig),
-		Clique:              nil,
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1337),
+		Consensus:             EtHashConsensus,
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		DAOForkBlock:          nil,
+		DAOForkSupport:        false,
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleHash:  common.Hash{},
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
+		IstanbulBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
+		MuirGlacierBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
+		BerlinBlock:           big.NewInt(0),
+		LondonBlock:           nil,
+		ArrowGlacierBlock:     nil,
+		Ethash:                new(EthashConfig),
+		Clique:                nil,
 	// AllCliqueProtocolChanges contains every protocol change (EIPs) introduced
 	// and accepted by the Ethereum core developers into the Clique consensus.
 	AllCliqueProtocolChanges = &ChainConfig{
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1337),
-		Consensus:           CliqueConsensus,
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		DAOForkBlock:        nil,
-		DAOForkSupport:      false,
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Hash:          common.Hash{},
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
-		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
-		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
-		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
-		LondonBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ArrowGlacierBlock:   nil,
-		Ethash:              nil,
-		Clique:              &CliqueConfig{Period: 0, Epoch: 30000},
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1337),
+		Consensus:             CliqueConsensus,
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		DAOForkBlock:          nil,
+		DAOForkSupport:        false,
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleHash:  common.Hash{},
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
+		IstanbulBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
+		MuirGlacierBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
+		BerlinBlock:           big.NewInt(0),
+		LondonBlock:           big.NewInt(0),
+		ArrowGlacierBlock:     nil,
+		Ethash:                nil,
+		Clique:                &CliqueConfig{Period: 0, Epoch: 30000},
 	MumbaiChainConfig = readChainSpec("chainspecs/mumbai.json")
@@ -167,46 +165,44 @@ var (
 	CliqueSnapshot = NewSnapshotConfig(10, 1024, 16384, true, "")
 	TestChainConfig = &ChainConfig{
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-		Consensus:           EtHashConsensus,
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		DAOForkBlock:        nil,
-		DAOForkSupport:      false,
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Hash:          common.Hash{},
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
-		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
-		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
-		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
-		LondonBlock:         nil,
-		ArrowGlacierBlock:   nil,
-		Ethash:              new(EthashConfig),
-		Clique:              nil,
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		Consensus:             EtHashConsensus,
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		DAOForkBlock:          nil,
+		DAOForkSupport:        false,
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleHash:  common.Hash{},
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
+		IstanbulBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
+		MuirGlacierBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
+		BerlinBlock:           big.NewInt(0),
+		LondonBlock:           nil,
+		ArrowGlacierBlock:     nil,
+		Ethash:                new(EthashConfig),
+		Clique:                nil,
 	TestChainAuraConfig = &ChainConfig{
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-		Consensus:           AuRaConsensus,
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		DAOForkBlock:        nil,
-		DAOForkSupport:      false,
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Hash:          common.Hash{},
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
-		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
-		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
-		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
-		LondonBlock:         nil,
-		ArrowGlacierBlock:   nil,
-		Aura:                &AuRaConfig{},
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		Consensus:             AuRaConsensus,
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		DAOForkBlock:          nil,
+		DAOForkSupport:        false,
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleHash:  common.Hash{},
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
+		IstanbulBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
+		MuirGlacierBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
+		BerlinBlock:           big.NewInt(0),
+		LondonBlock:           nil,
+		ArrowGlacierBlock:     nil,
+		Aura:                  &AuRaConfig{},
 	TestRules = TestChainConfig.Rules(0)
@@ -228,12 +224,11 @@ type ChainConfig struct {
 	DAOForkBlock   *big.Int `json:"daoForkBlock,omitempty"`   // TheDAO hard-fork switch block (nil = no fork)
 	DAOForkSupport bool     `json:"daoForkSupport,omitempty"` // Whether the nodes supports or opposes the DAO hard-fork
-	// EIP150 implements the Gas price changes (
-	EIP150Block *big.Int    `json:"eip150Block,omitempty"` // EIP150 HF block (nil = no fork)
-	EIP150Hash  common.Hash `json:"eip150Hash,omitempty"`  // EIP150 HF hash (needed for header only clients as only gas pricing changed)
+	// Tangerine Whistle (EIP150) implements the Gas price changes (
+	TangerineWhistleBlock *big.Int    `json:"eip150Block,omitempty"` // EIP150 HF block (nil = no fork)
+	TangerineWhistleHash  common.Hash `json:"eip150Hash,omitempty"`  // EIP150 HF hash (needed for header only clients as only gas pricing changed)
-	EIP155Block *big.Int `json:"eip155Block,omitempty"` // EIP155 HF block
-	EIP158Block *big.Int `json:"eip158Block,omitempty"` // EIP158 HF block
+	SpuriousDragonBlock *big.Int `json:"eip155Block,omitempty"` // Spurious Dragon HF block
 	ByzantiumBlock      *big.Int `json:"byzantiumBlock,omitempty"`      // Byzantium switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already on byzantium)
 	ConstantinopleBlock *big.Int `json:"constantinopleBlock,omitempty"` // Constantinople switch block (nil = no fork, 0 = already activated)
@@ -393,14 +388,13 @@ func (c *ChainConfig) String() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("{ChainID: %v Homestead: %v DAO: %v DAOSupport: %v EIP150: %v EIP155: %v EIP158: %v Byzantium: %v Constantinople: %v Petersburg: %v Istanbul: %v, Muir Glacier: %v, Berlin: %v, London: %v, Arrow Glacier: %v, Terminal Total Difficulty: %v, Engine: %v}",
+	return fmt.Sprintf("{ChainID: %v Homestead: %v DAO: %v DAO Support: %v Tangerine Whistle: %v Spurious Dragon: %v Byzantium: %v Constantinople: %v Petersburg: %v Istanbul: %v, Muir Glacier: %v, Berlin: %v, London: %v, Arrow Glacier: %v, Terminal Total Difficulty: %v, Engine: %v}",
-		c.EIP150Block,
-		c.EIP155Block,
-		c.EIP158Block,
+		c.TangerineWhistleBlock,
+		c.SpuriousDragonBlock,
@@ -452,19 +446,14 @@ func (c *ChainConfig) IsDAOFork(num uint64) bool {
 	return isForked(c.DAOForkBlock, num)
-// IsEIP150 returns whether num is either equal to the EIP150 fork block or greater.
-func (c *ChainConfig) IsEIP150(num uint64) bool {
-	return isForked(c.EIP150Block, num)
+// IsTangerineWhistle returns whether num is either equal to the Tangerine Whistle (EIP150) fork block or greater.
+func (c *ChainConfig) IsTangerineWhistle(num uint64) bool {
+	return isForked(c.TangerineWhistleBlock, num)
-// IsEIP155 returns whether num is either equal to the EIP155 fork block or greater.
-func (c *ChainConfig) IsEIP155(num uint64) bool {
-	return isForked(c.EIP155Block, num)
-// IsEIP158 returns whether num is either equal to the EIP158 fork block or greater.
-func (c *ChainConfig) IsEIP158(num uint64) bool {
-	return isForked(c.EIP158Block, num)
+// IsSpuriousDragon returns whether num is either equal to the Spurious Dragon fork block or greater.
+func (c *ChainConfig) IsSpuriousDragon(num uint64) bool {
+	return isForked(c.SpuriousDragonBlock, num)
 // IsByzantium returns whether num is either equal to the Byzantium fork block or greater.
@@ -582,9 +571,8 @@ func (c *ChainConfig) CheckConfigForkOrder() error {
 	for _, cur := range []fork{
 		{name: "homesteadBlock", block: c.HomesteadBlock},
 		{name: "daoForkBlock", block: c.DAOForkBlock, optional: true},
-		{name: "eip150Block", block: c.EIP150Block},
-		{name: "eip155Block", block: c.EIP155Block},
-		{name: "eip158Block", block: c.EIP158Block},
+		{name: "eip150Block", block: c.TangerineWhistleBlock},
+		{name: "eip155Block", block: c.SpuriousDragonBlock},
 		{name: "byzantiumBlock", block: c.ByzantiumBlock},
 		{name: "constantinopleBlock", block: c.ConstantinopleBlock},
 		{name: "petersburgBlock", block: c.PetersburgBlock},
@@ -625,17 +613,14 @@ func (c *ChainConfig) checkCompatible(newcfg *ChainConfig, head uint64) *ConfigC
 	if c.IsDAOFork(head) && c.DAOForkSupport != newcfg.DAOForkSupport {
 		return newCompatError("DAO fork support flag", c.DAOForkBlock, newcfg.DAOForkBlock)
-	if isForkIncompatible(c.EIP150Block, newcfg.EIP150Block, head) {
-		return newCompatError("EIP150 fork block", c.EIP150Block, newcfg.EIP150Block)
-	}
-	if isForkIncompatible(c.EIP155Block, newcfg.EIP155Block, head) {
-		return newCompatError("EIP155 fork block", c.EIP155Block, newcfg.EIP155Block)
+	if isForkIncompatible(c.TangerineWhistleBlock, newcfg.TangerineWhistleBlock, head) {
+		return newCompatError("Tangerine Whistle fork block", c.TangerineWhistleBlock, newcfg.TangerineWhistleBlock)
-	if isForkIncompatible(c.EIP158Block, newcfg.EIP158Block, head) {
-		return newCompatError("EIP158 fork block", c.EIP158Block, newcfg.EIP158Block)
+	if isForkIncompatible(c.SpuriousDragonBlock, newcfg.SpuriousDragonBlock, head) {
+		return newCompatError("Spurious Dragon fork block", c.SpuriousDragonBlock, newcfg.SpuriousDragonBlock)
-	if c.IsEIP158(head) && !configNumEqual(c.ChainID, newcfg.ChainID) {
-		return newCompatError("EIP158 chain ID", c.EIP158Block, newcfg.EIP158Block)
+	if c.IsSpuriousDragon(head) && !configNumEqual(c.ChainID, newcfg.ChainID) {
+		return newCompatError("EIP155 chain ID", c.SpuriousDragonBlock, newcfg.SpuriousDragonBlock)
 	if isForkIncompatible(c.ByzantiumBlock, newcfg.ByzantiumBlock, head) {
 		return newCompatError("Byzantium fork block", c.ByzantiumBlock, newcfg.ByzantiumBlock)
@@ -730,7 +715,7 @@ func (err *ConfigCompatError) Error() string {
 // phases.
 type Rules struct {
 	ChainID                                                 *big.Int
-	IsHomestead, IsEIP150, IsEIP155, IsEIP158               bool
+	IsHomestead, IsTangerineWhistle, IsSpuriousDragon       bool
 	IsByzantium, IsConstantinople, IsPetersburg, IsIstanbul bool
 	IsBerlin, IsLondon, IsParlia                            bool
@@ -742,18 +727,17 @@ func (c *ChainConfig) Rules(num uint64) Rules {
 		chainID = new(big.Int)
 	return Rules{
-		ChainID:          new(big.Int).Set(chainID),
-		IsHomestead:      c.IsHomestead(num),
-		IsEIP150:         c.IsEIP150(num),
-		IsEIP155:         c.IsEIP155(num),
-		IsEIP158:         c.IsEIP158(num),
-		IsByzantium:      c.IsByzantium(num),
-		IsConstantinople: c.IsConstantinople(num),
-		IsPetersburg:     c.IsPetersburg(num),
-		IsIstanbul:       c.IsIstanbul(num),
-		IsBerlin:         c.IsBerlin(num),
-		IsLondon:         c.IsLondon(num),
-		IsParlia:         c.Parlia != nil,
+		ChainID:            new(big.Int).Set(chainID),
+		IsHomestead:        c.IsHomestead(num),
+		IsTangerineWhistle: c.IsTangerineWhistle(num),
+		IsSpuriousDragon:   c.IsSpuriousDragon(num),
+		IsByzantium:        c.IsByzantium(num),
+		IsConstantinople:   c.IsConstantinople(num),
+		IsPetersburg:       c.IsPetersburg(num),
+		IsIstanbul:         c.IsIstanbul(num),
+		IsBerlin:           c.IsBerlin(num),
+		IsLondon:           c.IsLondon(num),
+		IsParlia:           c.Parlia != nil,
diff --git a/params/config_test.go b/params/config_test.go
index 3c8ebaf4a5..97fb72ab3a 100644
--- a/params/config_test.go
+++ b/params/config_test.go
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ func TestCheckCompatible(t *testing.T) {
 		{stored: AllEthashProtocolChanges, new: AllEthashProtocolChanges, head: 0, wantErr: nil},
 		{stored: AllEthashProtocolChanges, new: AllEthashProtocolChanges, head: 100, wantErr: nil},
-			stored:  &ChainConfig{EIP150Block: big.NewInt(10)},
-			new:     &ChainConfig{EIP150Block: big.NewInt(20)},
+			stored:  &ChainConfig{TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(10)},
+			new:     &ChainConfig{TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(20)},
 			head:    9,
 			wantErr: nil,
@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ func TestCheckCompatible(t *testing.T) {
-			stored: &ChainConfig{HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(30), EIP150Block: big.NewInt(10)},
-			new:    &ChainConfig{HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(25), EIP150Block: big.NewInt(20)},
+			stored: &ChainConfig{HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(30), TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(10)},
+			new:    &ChainConfig{HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(25), TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(20)},
 			head:   25,
 			wantErr: &ConfigCompatError{
-				What:         "EIP150 fork block",
+				What:         "Tangerine Whistle fork block",
 				StoredConfig: big.NewInt(10),
 				NewConfig:    big.NewInt(20),
 				RewindTo:     9,
diff --git a/params/eip_ctx.go b/params/eip_ctx.go
index f60449a030..3858d4f0fe 100644
--- a/params/eip_ctx.go
+++ b/params/eip_ctx.go
@@ -9,9 +9,8 @@ type configKey int
 const (
 	IsHomesteadEnabled configKey = iota
-	IsEIP150Enabled
-	IsEIP155Enabled
-	IsEIP158Enabled
+	IsTangerineWhistleEnabled
+	IsSpuriousDragonEnabled
@@ -21,9 +20,8 @@ const (
 func (c *ChainConfig) WithEIPsFlags(ctx context.Context, blockNum uint64) context.Context {
 	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, IsHomesteadEnabled, c.IsHomestead(blockNum))
-	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, IsEIP150Enabled, c.IsEIP150(blockNum))
-	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, IsEIP155Enabled, c.IsEIP155(blockNum))
-	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, IsEIP158Enabled, c.IsEIP158(blockNum))
+	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, IsTangerineWhistleEnabled, c.IsTangerineWhistle(blockNum))
+	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, IsSpuriousDragonEnabled, c.IsSpuriousDragon(blockNum))
 	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, IsByzantiumEnabled, c.IsByzantium(blockNum))
 	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, IsConstantinopleEnabled, c.IsConstantinople(blockNum))
 	ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, IsPetersburgEnabled, c.IsPetersburg(blockNum))
diff --git a/params/protocol_params.go b/params/protocol_params.go
index 3c13678413..b2f3c1b3c3 100644
--- a/params/protocol_params.go
+++ b/params/protocol_params.go
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ const (
 	// These have been changed during the course of the chain
 	CallGasFrontier              uint64 = 40  // Once per CALL operation & message call transaction.
-	CallGasEIP150                uint64 = 700 // Static portion of gas for CALL-derivates after EIP 150 (Tangerine)
+	CallGasEIP150                uint64 = 700 // Static portion of gas for CALL-derivatives after EIP 150 (Tangerine)
 	BalanceGasFrontier           uint64 = 20  // The cost of a BALANCE operation
 	BalanceGasEIP150             uint64 = 400 // The cost of a BALANCE operation after Tangerine
 	BalanceGasEIP1884            uint64 = 700 // The cost of a BALANCE operation after EIP 1884 (part of Istanbul)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ const (
 	// EXP has a dynamic portion depending on the size of the exponent
 	ExpByteFrontier uint64 = 10 // was set to 10 in Frontier
-	ExpByteEIP158   uint64 = 50 // was raised to 50 during Eip158 (Spurious Dragon)
+	ExpByteEIP160   uint64 = 50 // was raised to 50 during EIP 160 (Spurious Dragon)
 	// Extcodecopy has a dynamic AND a static cost. This represents only the
 	// static portion of the gas. It was changed during EIP 150 (Tangerine)
diff --git a/tests/init.go b/tests/init.go
index 794b52b237..b9c54386bc 100644
--- a/tests/init.go
+++ b/tests/init.go
@@ -34,68 +34,63 @@ var Forks = map[string]*params.ChainConfig{
 		HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(0),
 	"EIP150": {
-		ChainID:        big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:    big.NewInt(0),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
 	"EIP158": {
-		ChainID:        big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:    big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:    big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:    big.NewInt(0),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
 	"Byzantium": {
-		ChainID:        big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:    big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:    big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:    big.NewInt(0),
-		DAOForkBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		DAOForkBlock:          big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
 	"Constantinople": {
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		DAOForkBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(10000000),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		DAOForkBlock:          big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(10000000),
 	"ConstantinopleFix": {
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		DAOForkBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		DAOForkBlock:          big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
 	"Istanbul": {
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		DAOForkBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
-		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		DAOForkBlock:          big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
+		IstanbulBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
 	"FrontierToHomesteadAt5": {
 		ChainID:        big.NewInt(1),
 		HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(5),
 	"HomesteadToEIP150At5": {
-		ChainID:        big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:    big.NewInt(5),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(5),
 	"HomesteadToDaoAt5": {
 		ChainID:        big.NewInt(1),
@@ -104,110 +99,101 @@ var Forks = map[string]*params.ChainConfig{
 		DAOForkSupport: true,
 	"EIP158ToByzantiumAt5": {
-		ChainID:        big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:    big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:    big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:    big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock: big.NewInt(5),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(5),
 	"ByzantiumToConstantinopleAt5": {
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(5),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(5),
 	"ByzantiumToConstantinopleFixAt5": {
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(5),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(5),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(5),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(5),
 	"ConstantinopleFixToIstanbulAt5": {
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
-		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(5),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
+		IstanbulBlock:         big.NewInt(5),
 	"EIP2384": {
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
-		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
-		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
+		IstanbulBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
+		MuirGlacierBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
 	"Berlin": {
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
-		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
-		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
-		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
+		IstanbulBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
+		MuirGlacierBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
+		BerlinBlock:           big.NewInt(0),
 	"BerlinToLondonAt5": {
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
-		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
-		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
-		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
-		LondonBlock:         big.NewInt(5),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
+		IstanbulBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
+		MuirGlacierBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
+		BerlinBlock:           big.NewInt(0),
+		LondonBlock:           big.NewInt(5),
 	"London": {
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
-		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
-		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
-		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
-		LondonBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
+		IstanbulBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
+		MuirGlacierBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
+		BerlinBlock:           big.NewInt(0),
+		LondonBlock:           big.NewInt(0),
 	"ArrowGlacier": {
-		ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-		HomesteadBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP150Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP155Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
-		ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
-		PetersburgBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
-		IstanbulBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
-		MuirGlacierBlock:    big.NewInt(0),
-		BerlinBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
-		LondonBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
-		ArrowGlacierBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+		HomesteadBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0),
+		SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(0),
+		ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(0),
+		PetersburgBlock:       big.NewInt(0),
+		IstanbulBlock:         big.NewInt(0),
+		MuirGlacierBlock:      big.NewInt(0),
+		BerlinBlock:           big.NewInt(0),
+		LondonBlock:           big.NewInt(0),
+		ArrowGlacierBlock:     big.NewInt(0),
diff --git a/tests/statedb_chain_test.go b/tests/statedb_chain_test.go
index 287aa1fcdd..a578c46e23 100644
--- a/tests/statedb_chain_test.go
+++ b/tests/statedb_chain_test.go
@@ -43,13 +43,12 @@ func TestSelfDestructReceive(t *testing.T) {
 		funds   = big.NewInt(1000000000)
 		gspec   = &core.Genesis{
 			Config: &params.ChainConfig{
-				ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-				HomesteadBlock:      new(big.Int),
-				ByzantiumBlock:      new(big.Int),
-				ConstantinopleBlock: new(big.Int),
-				EIP150Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP155Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(0),
+				ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+				HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+				ByzantiumBlock:        new(big.Int),
+				ConstantinopleBlock:   new(big.Int),
+				TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+				SpuriousDragonBlock:   new(big.Int),
 			Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{
 				address: {Balance: funds},
diff --git a/tests/statedb_insert_chain_transaction_test.go b/tests/statedb_insert_chain_transaction_test.go
index 26ab29f4d7..0d228d5d63 100644
--- a/tests/statedb_insert_chain_transaction_test.go
+++ b/tests/statedb_insert_chain_transaction_test.go
@@ -716,13 +716,12 @@ func getGenesis(funds ...*big.Int) initialData {
 		transactOpts: transactOpts,
 		genesisSpec: &core.Genesis{
 			Config: &params.ChainConfig{
-				ChainID:             big.NewInt(1),
-				HomesteadBlock:      new(big.Int),
-				EIP150Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP155Block:         new(big.Int),
-				EIP158Block:         big.NewInt(1),
-				ByzantiumBlock:      big.NewInt(1),
-				ConstantinopleBlock: big.NewInt(1),
+				ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+				HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+				TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+				SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
+				ByzantiumBlock:        big.NewInt(1),
+				ConstantinopleBlock:   big.NewInt(1),
 			Alloc: allocs,
diff --git a/turbo/stages/blockchain_test.go b/turbo/stages/blockchain_test.go
index a4ccfb4890..28851bd909 100644
--- a/turbo/stages/blockchain_test.go
+++ b/turbo/stages/blockchain_test.go
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ func TestEIP155Transition(t *testing.T) {
 		funds      = big.NewInt(1000000000)
 		deleteAddr = common.Address{1}
 		gspec      = &core.Genesis{
-			Config: &params.ChainConfig{ChainID: big.NewInt(1), EIP150Block: big.NewInt(0), EIP155Block: big.NewInt(2), HomesteadBlock: new(big.Int)},
+			Config: &params.ChainConfig{ChainID: big.NewInt(1), TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0), SpuriousDragonBlock: big.NewInt(2), HomesteadBlock: new(big.Int)},
 			Alloc:  core.GenesisAlloc{address: {Balance: funds}, deleteAddr: {Balance: new(big.Int)}},
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ func TestEIP155Transition(t *testing.T) {
 	// generate an invalid chain id transaction
-	config := &params.ChainConfig{ChainID: big.NewInt(2), EIP150Block: big.NewInt(0), EIP155Block: big.NewInt(2), HomesteadBlock: new(big.Int)}
+	config := &params.ChainConfig{ChainID: big.NewInt(2), TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0), SpuriousDragonBlock: big.NewInt(2), HomesteadBlock: new(big.Int)}
 	chain, chainErr = core.GenerateChain(config, chain.TopBlock, m.Engine, m.DB, 4, func(i int, block *core.BlockGen) {
 		var (
 			basicTx = func(signer types.Signer) (types.Transaction, error) {
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ func doModesTest(t *testing.T, pm prune.Mode) error {
 		funds      = big.NewInt(1000000000)
 		deleteAddr = common.Address{1}
 		gspec      = &core.Genesis{
-			Config: &params.ChainConfig{ChainID: big.NewInt(1), EIP150Block: big.NewInt(0), EIP155Block: big.NewInt(2), HomesteadBlock: new(big.Int)},
+			Config: &params.ChainConfig{ChainID: big.NewInt(1), TangerineWhistleBlock: big.NewInt(0), SpuriousDragonBlock: big.NewInt(2), HomesteadBlock: new(big.Int)},
 			Alloc:  core.GenesisAlloc{address: {Balance: funds}, deleteAddr: {Balance: new(big.Int)}},
@@ -874,11 +874,10 @@ func TestEIP161AccountRemoval(t *testing.T) {
 		theAddr = common.Address{1}
 		gspec   = &core.Genesis{
 			Config: &params.ChainConfig{
-				ChainID:        big.NewInt(1),
-				HomesteadBlock: new(big.Int),
-				EIP155Block:    new(big.Int),
-				EIP150Block:    new(big.Int),
-				EIP158Block:    big.NewInt(2),
+				ChainID:               big.NewInt(1),
+				HomesteadBlock:        new(big.Int),
+				TangerineWhistleBlock: new(big.Int),
+				SpuriousDragonBlock:   big.NewInt(2),
 			Alloc: core.GenesisAlloc{address: {Balance: funds}},
@@ -889,7 +888,7 @@ func TestEIP161AccountRemoval(t *testing.T) {
 		var (
 			txn    types.Transaction
 			err    error
-			signer = types.LatestSigner(gspec.Config)
+			signer = types.MakeFrontierSigner()
 		switch i {
 		case 0:
diff --git a/turbo/transactions/tracing.go b/turbo/transactions/tracing.go
index 203633e910..7bc90ed56b 100644
--- a/turbo/transactions/tracing.go
+++ b/turbo/transactions/tracing.go
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ func ComputeTxEnv(ctx context.Context, block *types.Block, cfg *params.ChainConf
 			return nil, vm.BlockContext{}, vm.TxContext{}, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("transaction %x failed: %w", tx.Hash(), err)
 		// Ensure any modifications are committed to the state
-		// Only delete empty objects if EIP158/161 (a.k.a Spurious Dragon) is in effect
+		// Only delete empty objects if EIP161 (part of Spurious Dragon) is in effect
 		_ = statedb.FinalizeTx(vmenv.ChainRules(), reader)
 		if idx+1 == len(block.Transactions()) {