From 74a7d7c75a958b59d089ade4e348494bcad477ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Ashikhmin <>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2022 17:49:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor PoS downloader (#3717)

* Remove blockHeight arg from FeedHeaderPoW

* Revert "Remove blockHeight arg from FeedHeaderPoW"

This reverts commit 9bf92921db11cd4e13386fcee29f30241d070fc6.

* Move PayloadMessage & ForkChoiceMessage to package engineapi

* RequestList instead of newPayloadCh & forkChoiceCh

* Introduce request status

* Send reply only when request status is New

* Move BeaconRequestList to HeaderDownload

* Don't SetFetching when PoS (Fetching means handling newBlockHashes)

* Merge Syncing & Synced into DataWasMissing

* Introduce SyncStatus

* onlyNew arg in WaitForRequest

* Move waitingForBeaconChain into RequestList

* Interrupt instead of skipCycleHack

* Introduce timeout for PoS headers

* Split downloadMissingPoSHeaders

* Move StartPoSDownloader into HeaderDownload

* Move Stopping interrupt to StartPoSDownloader

* Move stopping PayloadStatus back to HeadersPOS

* cleanUpPoSDownload

* Post-merge fix

* TestBogusForkchoice

* TestPoSDownloader

* requestStatus in attemptPoSDownload

* Broadcast in SetStatus

* Cosmetics

* attemptPoSDownload -> schedulePoSDownload

* Demote some logs to Trace
 cmd/integration/commands/stages.go            |   3 +-
 cmd/rpcdaemon/rpcdaemontest/test_util.go      |   2 +-
 eth/backend.go                                |  17 +-
 eth/stagedsync/stage_headers.go               | 346 ++++++++----------
 ethdb/privateapi/engine_test.go               |  33 +-
 ethdb/privateapi/ethbackend.go                |  93 ++---
 go.mod                                        |   1 +
 go.sum                                        |   2 +
 turbo/engineapi/request_list.go               | 167 +++++++++
 turbo/stages/headerdownload/header_algos.go   | 180 +++++++--
 .../headerdownload/header_data_struct.go      |  27 +-
 turbo/stages/mock_sentry.go                   |  26 +-
 turbo/stages/sentry_mock_test.go              | 111 +++++-
 turbo/stages/stageloop.go                     |   6 -
 14 files changed, 667 insertions(+), 347 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 turbo/engineapi/request_list.go

diff --git a/cmd/integration/commands/stages.go b/cmd/integration/commands/stages.go
index 05af41ff76..525f67d0ba 100644
--- a/cmd/integration/commands/stages.go
+++ b/cmd/integration/commands/stages.go
@@ -1168,8 +1168,7 @@ func newSync(ctx context.Context, db kv.RwDB, miningConfig *params.MiningConfig)
 	sync, err := stages2.NewStagedSync(context.Background(), logger, db, p2p.Config{}, cfg,
 		chainConfig.TerminalTotalDifficulty, sentryControlServer, tmpdir,
-		nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
-		allSn,
+		nil, nil, allSn,
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/cmd/rpcdaemon/rpcdaemontest/test_util.go b/cmd/rpcdaemon/rpcdaemontest/test_util.go
index cd2c009818..b115076242 100644
--- a/cmd/rpcdaemon/rpcdaemontest/test_util.go
+++ b/cmd/rpcdaemon/rpcdaemontest/test_util.go
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ func CreateTestGrpcConn(t *testing.T, m *stages.MockSentry) (context.Context, *g
 	ethashApi := apis[1].Service.(*ethash.API)
 	server := grpc.NewServer()
-	remote.RegisterETHBACKENDServer(server, privateapi.NewEthBackendServer(ctx, nil, m.DB, m.Notifications.Events, snapshotsync.NewBlockReader(), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, false))
+	remote.RegisterETHBACKENDServer(server, privateapi.NewEthBackendServer(ctx, nil, m.DB, m.Notifications.Events, snapshotsync.NewBlockReader(), nil, nil, nil, nil, false))
 	txpool.RegisterTxpoolServer(server, m.TxPoolGrpcServer)
 	txpool.RegisterMiningServer(server, privateapi.NewMiningServer(ctx, &IsMiningMock{}, ethashApi))
 	starknet.RegisterCAIROVMServer(server, &starknet.UnimplementedCAIROVMServer{})
diff --git a/eth/backend.go b/eth/backend.go
index 0c563d3248..74b2db644b 100644
--- a/eth/backend.go
+++ b/eth/backend.go
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import (
-	"sync/atomic"
@@ -134,11 +133,6 @@ type Ethereum struct {
 	txPool2Send             *txpool2.Send
 	txPool2GrpcServer       txpool_proto.TxpoolServer
 	notifyMiningAboutNewTxs chan struct{}
-	// When we receive something here, it means that the beacon chain transitioned
-	// to proof-of-stake so we start reverse syncing from the block
-	newPayloadCh          chan privateapi.PayloadMessage
-	forkChoiceCh          chan privateapi.ForkChoiceMessage
-	waitingForBeaconChain uint32 // atomic boolean flag
 	downloadProtocols *downloader.Protocols
@@ -373,8 +367,6 @@ func New(stack *node.Node, config *ethconfig.Config, txpoolCfg txpool2.Config, l
 	miner := stagedsync.NewMiningState(&config.Miner)
 	backend.pendingBlocks = miner.PendingResultCh
 	backend.minedBlocks = miner.MiningResultCh
-	backend.newPayloadCh = make(chan privateapi.PayloadMessage)
-	backend.forkChoiceCh = make(chan privateapi.ForkChoiceMessage)
 	// proof-of-work mining
 	mining := stagedsync.New(
@@ -409,11 +401,11 @@ func New(stack *node.Node, config *ethconfig.Config, txpoolCfg txpool2.Config, l
 		block := <-miningStatePos.MiningResultPOSCh
 		return block, nil
-	atomic.StoreUint32(&backend.waitingForBeaconChain, 0)
 	// Initialize ethbackend
 	ethBackendRPC := privateapi.NewEthBackendServer(ctx, backend, backend.chainDB, backend.notifications.Events,
-		blockReader, chainConfig, backend.newPayloadCh, backend.forkChoiceCh, backend.sentryControlServer.Hd.PayloadStatusCh,
-		&backend.waitingForBeaconChain, backend.sentryControlServer.Hd.SkipCycleHack, assembleBlockPOS, config.Miner.EnabledPOS)
+		blockReader, chainConfig, backend.sentryControlServer.Hd.BeaconRequestList, backend.sentryControlServer.Hd.PayloadStatusCh,
+		assembleBlockPOS, config.Miner.EnabledPOS)
 	miningRPC = privateapi.NewMiningServer(ctx, backend, ethashApi)
 	// If we enabled the proposer flag we initiates the block proposing thread
 	if config.Miner.EnabledPOS && chainConfig.TerminalTotalDifficulty != nil {
@@ -493,12 +485,13 @@ func New(stack *node.Node, config *ethconfig.Config, txpoolCfg txpool2.Config, l
 	backend.stagedSync, err = stages2.NewStagedSync(backend.sentryCtx, backend.log, backend.chainDB,
 		stack.Config().P2P, *config, chainConfig.TerminalTotalDifficulty,
 		backend.sentryControlServer, tmpdir, backend.notifications.Accumulator,
-		backend.newPayloadCh, backend.forkChoiceCh, &backend.waitingForBeaconChain,
 		backend.downloaderClient, allSnapshots)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
+	backend.sentryControlServer.Hd.StartPoSDownloader(backend.sentryCtx, backend.sentryControlServer.SendHeaderRequest, backend.sentryControlServer.Penalize)
 	emptyBadHash := config.BadBlockHash == common.Hash{}
 	if !emptyBadHash {
 		var badBlockHeader *types.Header
diff --git a/eth/stagedsync/stage_headers.go b/eth/stagedsync/stage_headers.go
index 8cf57ccc56..8e6a327775 100644
--- a/eth/stagedsync/stage_headers.go
+++ b/eth/stagedsync/stage_headers.go
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
-	"sync/atomic"
@@ -29,6 +28,7 @@ import (
+	""
@@ -41,20 +41,17 @@ import (
 const ShortPoSReorgThresholdBlocks = 10
 type HeadersCfg struct {
-	db                    kv.RwDB
-	hd                    *headerdownload.HeaderDownload
-	bodyDownload          *bodydownload.BodyDownload
-	chainConfig           params.ChainConfig
-	headerReqSend         func(context.Context, *headerdownload.HeaderRequest) (enode.ID, bool)
-	announceNewHashes     func(context.Context, []headerdownload.Announce)
-	penalize              func(context.Context, []headerdownload.PenaltyItem)
-	batchSize             datasize.ByteSize
-	noP2PDiscovery        bool
-	tmpdir                string
-	snapshotDir           *dir.Rw
-	newPayloadCh          chan privateapi.PayloadMessage
-	forkChoiceCh          chan privateapi.ForkChoiceMessage
-	waitingForBeaconChain *uint32 // atomic boolean flag
+	db                kv.RwDB
+	hd                *headerdownload.HeaderDownload
+	bodyDownload      *bodydownload.BodyDownload
+	chainConfig       params.ChainConfig
+	headerReqSend     func(context.Context, *headerdownload.HeaderRequest) (enode.ID, bool)
+	announceNewHashes func(context.Context, []headerdownload.Announce)
+	penalize          func(context.Context, []headerdownload.PenaltyItem)
+	batchSize         datasize.ByteSize
+	noP2PDiscovery    bool
+	tmpdir            string
+	snapshotDir       *dir.Rw
 	snapshots          *snapshotsync.RoSnapshots
 	snapshotHashesCfg  *snapshothashes.Config
@@ -72,9 +69,6 @@ func StageHeadersCfg(
 	penalize func(context.Context, []headerdownload.PenaltyItem),
 	batchSize datasize.ByteSize,
 	noP2PDiscovery bool,
-	newPayloadCh chan privateapi.PayloadMessage,
-	forkChoiceCh chan privateapi.ForkChoiceMessage,
-	waitingForBeaconChain *uint32, // atomic boolean flag
 	snapshots *snapshotsync.RoSnapshots,
 	snapshotDownloader proto_downloader.DownloaderClient,
 	blockReader interfaces.FullBlockReader,
@@ -82,24 +76,21 @@ func StageHeadersCfg(
 	snapshotDir *dir.Rw,
 ) HeadersCfg {
 	return HeadersCfg{
-		db:                    db,
-		hd:                    headerDownload,
-		bodyDownload:          bodyDownload,
-		chainConfig:           chainConfig,
-		headerReqSend:         headerReqSend,
-		announceNewHashes:     announceNewHashes,
-		penalize:              penalize,
-		batchSize:             batchSize,
-		tmpdir:                tmpdir,
-		noP2PDiscovery:        noP2PDiscovery,
-		newPayloadCh:          newPayloadCh,
-		forkChoiceCh:          forkChoiceCh,
-		waitingForBeaconChain: waitingForBeaconChain,
-		snapshots:             snapshots,
-		snapshotDownloader:    snapshotDownloader,
-		blockReader:           blockReader,
-		snapshotHashesCfg:     snapshothashes.KnownConfig(chainConfig.ChainName),
-		snapshotDir:           snapshotDir,
+		db:                 db,
+		hd:                 headerDownload,
+		bodyDownload:       bodyDownload,
+		chainConfig:        chainConfig,
+		headerReqSend:      headerReqSend,
+		announceNewHashes:  announceNewHashes,
+		penalize:           penalize,
+		batchSize:          batchSize,
+		tmpdir:             tmpdir,
+		noP2PDiscovery:     noP2PDiscovery,
+		snapshots:          snapshots,
+		snapshotDownloader: snapshotDownloader,
+		blockReader:        blockReader,
+		snapshotHashesCfg:  snapshothashes.KnownConfig(chainConfig.ChainName),
+		snapshotDir:        snapshotDir,
@@ -182,58 +173,55 @@ func HeadersPOS(
 ) error {
 	log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Waiting for Beacon Chain...", s.LogPrefix()))
-	atomic.StoreUint32(cfg.waitingForBeaconChain, 1)
-	defer atomic.StoreUint32(cfg.waitingForBeaconChain, 0)
+	onlyNewRequests := cfg.hd.PosStatus() == headerdownload.Syncing
+	interrupt, requestId, requestWithStatus := cfg.hd.BeaconRequestList.WaitForRequest(onlyNewRequests)
-	var payloadMessage privateapi.PayloadMessage
-	var forkChoiceMessage privateapi.ForkChoiceMessage
+	cfg.hd.SetHeaderReader(&chainReader{config: &cfg.chainConfig, tx: tx, blockReader: cfg.blockReader})
+	headerInserter := headerdownload.NewHeaderInserter(s.LogPrefix(), nil, s.BlockNumber, cfg.blockReader)
-	// Decide what kind of action we need to take place
-	forkChoiceInsteadOfNewPayload := false
-	select {
-	case <-ctx.Done():
-		cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{CriticalError: errors.New("server is stopping")}
-		if !useExternalTx {
-			return tx.Commit()
+	if interrupt != engineapi.None {
+		if interrupt == engineapi.Stopping {
+			cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{CriticalError: errors.New("server is stopping")}
+		}
+		if interrupt == engineapi.Synced {
+			verifyAndSaveDownloadedPoSHeaders(tx, cfg, headerInserter)
-		return nil
-	case <-cfg.hd.SkipCycleHack:
 		if !useExternalTx {
 			return tx.Commit()
 		return nil
-	case forkChoiceMessage = <-cfg.forkChoiceCh:
-		forkChoiceInsteadOfNewPayload = true
-	case payloadMessage = <-cfg.newPayloadCh:
-	atomic.StoreUint32(cfg.waitingForBeaconChain, 0)
+	request := requestWithStatus.Message
+	status := requestWithStatus.Status
-	cfg.hd.ClearPendingPayloadStatus()
-	cfg.hd.SetHeaderReader(&chainReader{config: &cfg.chainConfig, tx: tx, blockReader: cfg.blockReader})
+	// Decide what kind of action we need to take place
+	var payloadMessage *engineapi.PayloadMessage
+	forkChoiceMessage, forkChoiceInsteadOfNewPayload := request.(*engineapi.ForkChoiceMessage)
+	if !forkChoiceInsteadOfNewPayload {
+		payloadMessage = request.(*engineapi.PayloadMessage)
+	}
-	headerInserter := headerdownload.NewHeaderInserter(s.LogPrefix(), nil, s.BlockNumber, cfg.blockReader)
+	cfg.hd.ClearPendingPayloadStatus()
 	if forkChoiceInsteadOfNewPayload {
-		handleForkChoice(&forkChoiceMessage, s, u, ctx, tx, cfg, headerInserter)
+		handleForkChoice(forkChoiceMessage, status, requestId, s, u, ctx, tx, cfg, headerInserter)
 	} else {
-		if err := handleNewPayload(&payloadMessage, s, ctx, tx, cfg, headerInserter); err != nil {
+		if err := handleNewPayload(payloadMessage, status, requestId, s, ctx, tx, cfg, headerInserter); err != nil {
 			return err
 	if !useExternalTx {
-		if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
+		return tx.Commit()
 	return nil
 func handleForkChoice(
-	forkChoiceMessage *privateapi.ForkChoiceMessage,
+	forkChoiceMessage *engineapi.ForkChoiceMessage,
+	requestStatus engineapi.RequestStatus,
+	requestId int,
 	s *StageState,
 	u Unwinder,
 	ctx context.Context,
@@ -247,9 +235,12 @@ func handleForkChoice(
 	currentHeadHash := rawdb.ReadHeadHeaderHash(tx)
 	if currentHeadHash == headerHash { // no-op
 		log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Fork choice no-op", s.LogPrefix()))
-		cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{
-			Status:          remote.EngineStatus_VALID,
-			LatestValidHash: currentHeadHash,
+		cfg.hd.BeaconRequestList.Remove(requestId)
+		if requestStatus == engineapi.New {
+			cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{
+				Status:          remote.EngineStatus_VALID,
+				LatestValidHash: currentHeadHash,
+			}
 		return nil
@@ -257,29 +248,23 @@ func handleForkChoice(
 	header, err := rawdb.ReadHeaderByHash(tx, headerHash)
 	if err != nil {
 		log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Fork choice err", s.LogPrefix()), "err", err)
-		cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{CriticalError: err}
+		cfg.hd.BeaconRequestList.Remove(requestId)
+		if requestStatus == engineapi.New {
+			cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{CriticalError: err}
+		}
 		return err
-	repliedWithSyncStatus := false
 	if header == nil {
 		log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Fork choice missing header", s.LogPrefix()))
-		cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{Status: remote.EngineStatus_SYNCING}
-		repliedWithSyncStatus = true
 		hashToDownload := headerHash
 		heighToDownload := cfg.hd.TopSeenHeight() // approximate
-		success, err := downloadMissingPoSHeaders(hashToDownload, heighToDownload, s, ctx, tx, cfg, headerInserter)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		if !success {
-			return nil
-		}
-		header = rawdb.ReadHeader(tx, headerHash, headerInserter.GetHighest())
+		schedulePoSDownload(requestStatus, requestId, hashToDownload, heighToDownload, s, cfg)
+		return nil
+	cfg.hd.BeaconRequestList.Remove(requestId)
 	headerNumber := header.Number.Uint64()
@@ -288,14 +273,14 @@ func handleForkChoice(
 		parent := rawdb.ReadHeader(tx, header.ParentHash, headerNumber-1)
 		forkingPoint, err = headerInserter.ForkingPoint(tx, header, parent)
 		if err != nil {
-			if !repliedWithSyncStatus {
+			if requestStatus == engineapi.New {
 				cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{CriticalError: err}
 			return err
-	if !repliedWithSyncStatus {
+	if requestStatus == engineapi.New {
 		if headerNumber-forkingPoint <= ShortPoSReorgThresholdBlocks {
 			log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Short range re-org", s.LogPrefix()), "headerNumber", headerNumber, "forkingPoint", forkingPoint)
 			// TODO(yperbasis): what if some bodies are missing and we have to download them?
@@ -316,7 +301,9 @@ func handleForkChoice(
 func handleNewPayload(
-	payloadMessage *privateapi.PayloadMessage,
+	payloadMessage *engineapi.PayloadMessage,
+	requestStatus engineapi.RequestStatus,
+	requestId int,
 	s *StageState,
 	ctx context.Context,
 	tx kv.RwTx,
@@ -334,60 +321,56 @@ func handleNewPayload(
 	existingCanonicalHash, err := rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(tx, headerNumber)
 	if err != nil {
 		log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] New payload err", s.LogPrefix()), "err", err)
-		cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{CriticalError: err}
+		cfg.hd.BeaconRequestList.Remove(requestId)
+		if requestStatus == engineapi.New {
+			cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{CriticalError: err}
+		}
 		return err
 	if existingCanonicalHash != (common.Hash{}) && headerHash == existingCanonicalHash {
 		log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] New payload: previously received valid header", s.LogPrefix()))
-		cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{
-			Status:          remote.EngineStatus_VALID,
-			LatestValidHash: headerHash,
+		cfg.hd.BeaconRequestList.Remove(requestId)
+		if requestStatus == engineapi.New {
+			cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{
+				Status:          remote.EngineStatus_VALID,
+				LatestValidHash: headerHash,
+			}
 		return nil
-	// If we have the parent then we can move on with the stagedsync
-	parent := rawdb.ReadHeader(tx, header.ParentHash, headerNumber-1)
 	transactions, err := types.DecodeTransactions(payloadMessage.Body.Transactions)
 	if err != nil {
 		log.Warn("Error during Beacon transaction decoding", "err", err.Error())
-		cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{
-			Status:          remote.EngineStatus_INVALID,
-			LatestValidHash: header.ParentHash, // TODO(yperbasis): potentially wrong when parent is nil
-			ValidationError: err,
+		cfg.hd.BeaconRequestList.Remove(requestId)
+		if requestStatus == engineapi.New {
+			cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{
+				Status:          remote.EngineStatus_INVALID,
+				LatestValidHash: header.ParentHash, // TODO(yperbasis): potentially wrong when parent is nil
+				ValidationError: err,
+			}
 		return nil
-	if parent != nil {
-		log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] New payload begin verification", s.LogPrefix()))
-		success, err := verifyAndSaveNewPoSHeader(s, tx, cfg, header, headerInserter)
-		log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] New payload verification ended", s.LogPrefix()), "success", success, "err", err)
-		if err != nil || !success {
-			return err
-		}
-	} else {
-		log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] New payload missing parent", s.LogPrefix()))
-		cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{Status: remote.EngineStatus_SYNCING}
+	parent := rawdb.ReadHeader(tx, header.ParentHash, headerNumber-1)
+	if parent == nil {
+		log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] New payload missing parent", s.LogPrefix()))
 		hashToDownload := header.ParentHash
 		heightToDownload := headerNumber - 1
-		success, err := downloadMissingPoSHeaders(hashToDownload, heightToDownload, s, ctx, tx, cfg, headerInserter)
-		if err != nil || !success {
-			return err
-		}
+		schedulePoSDownload(requestStatus, requestId, hashToDownload, heightToDownload, s, cfg)
+		return nil
+	}
-		if verificationErr := cfg.hd.VerifyHeader(header); verificationErr != nil {
-			log.Warn("Verification failed for header", "hash", headerHash, "height", headerNumber, "err", verificationErr)
-			return nil
-		}
+	cfg.hd.BeaconRequestList.Remove(requestId)
-		err = headerInserter.FeedHeaderPoS(tx, header, headerHash)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
+	log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] New payload begin verification", s.LogPrefix()))
+	success, err := verifyAndSaveNewPoSHeader(requestStatus, s, tx, cfg, header, headerInserter)
+	log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] New payload verification ended", s.LogPrefix()), "success", success, "err", err)
+	if err != nil || !success {
+		return err
 	if cfg.bodyDownload != nil {
@@ -399,6 +382,7 @@ func handleNewPayload(
 func verifyAndSaveNewPoSHeader(
+	requestStatus engineapi.RequestStatus,
 	s *StageState,
 	tx kv.RwTx,
 	cfg HeadersCfg,
@@ -410,24 +394,30 @@ func verifyAndSaveNewPoSHeader(
 	if verificationErr := cfg.hd.VerifyHeader(header); verificationErr != nil {
 		log.Warn("Verification failed for header", "hash", headerHash, "height", headerNumber, "err", verificationErr)
-		cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{
-			Status:          remote.EngineStatus_INVALID,
-			LatestValidHash: header.ParentHash,
-			ValidationError: verificationErr,
+		if requestStatus == engineapi.New {
+			cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{
+				Status:          remote.EngineStatus_INVALID,
+				LatestValidHash: header.ParentHash,
+				ValidationError: verificationErr,
+			}
 	err = headerInserter.FeedHeaderPoS(tx, header, headerHash)
 	if err != nil {
-		cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{CriticalError: err}
+		if requestStatus == engineapi.New {
+			cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{CriticalError: err}
+		}
 	headBlockHash := rawdb.ReadHeadBlockHash(tx)
 	if headBlockHash == header.ParentHash {
 		// OK, we're on the canonical chain
-		cfg.hd.SetPendingPayloadStatus(headerHash)
+		if requestStatus == engineapi.New {
+			cfg.hd.SetPendingPayloadStatus(headerHash)
+		}
 		logEvery := time.NewTicker(logInterval)
 		defer logEvery.Stop()
@@ -449,7 +439,11 @@ func verifyAndSaveNewPoSHeader(
 	} else {
 		// Side chain or something weird
-		cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{Status: remote.EngineStatus_ACCEPTED}
+		// TODO(yperbasis): considered non-canonical because some missing headers were donloaded but not canonized
+		// Or it's not a problem because forkChoice is updated frequently?
+		if requestStatus == engineapi.New {
+			cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{Status: remote.EngineStatus_ACCEPTED}
+		}
 		// No canonization, HeadHeaderHash & StageProgress are not updated
@@ -457,85 +451,40 @@ func verifyAndSaveNewPoSHeader(
-func downloadMissingPoSHeaders(
-	hashToDownloadPoS common.Hash,
+func schedulePoSDownload(
+	requestStatus engineapi.RequestStatus,
+	requestId int,
+	hashToDownload common.Hash,
 	heightToDownload uint64,
 	s *StageState,
-	ctx context.Context,
-	tx kv.RwTx,
 	cfg HeadersCfg,
-	headerInserter *headerdownload.HeaderInserter,
-) (success bool, err error) {
-	cfg.hd.SetPOSSync(true)
-	err = cfg.hd.ReadProgressFromDb(tx)
-	if err != nil {
-		return
+) {
+	if requestStatus == engineapi.New {
+		cfg.hd.PayloadStatusCh <- privateapi.PayloadStatus{Status: remote.EngineStatus_SYNCING}
+	cfg.hd.BeaconRequestList.SetStatus(requestId, engineapi.DataWasMissing)
-	cfg.hd.SetFetching(true)
-	cfg.hd.SetHashToDownloadPoS(hashToDownloadPoS)
-	cfg.hd.SetHeightToDownloadPoS(heightToDownload)
+	if cfg.hd.PosStatus() != headerdownload.Idle {
+		log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Postponing PoS download since another one is in progress", s.LogPrefix()), "height", heightToDownload, "hash", hashToDownload)
+		return
+	}
-	log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Downloading PoS headers...", s.LogPrefix()), "height", heightToDownload, "hash", hashToDownloadPoS)
+	log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Downloading PoS headers...", s.LogPrefix()), "height", heightToDownload, "hash", hashToDownload, "requestId", requestId)
-	stopped := false
-	prevProgress := uint64(0)
+	cfg.hd.SetPOSSync(true)
+	cfg.hd.SetRequestId(requestId)
+	cfg.hd.SetHeaderToDownloadPoS(hashToDownload, heightToDownload)
+	//nolint
 	headerCollector := etl.NewCollector(s.LogPrefix(), cfg.tmpdir, etl.NewSortableBuffer(etl.BufferOptimalSize))
-	defer headerCollector.Close()
-	cfg.hd.SetHeadersCollector(headerCollector)
-	// Cleanup after we finish backward sync
-	defer func() {
-		cfg.hd.SetHeadersCollector(nil)
-		cfg.hd.Unsync()
-		cfg.hd.SetFetching(false)
-	}()
-	logEvery := time.NewTicker(logInterval)
-	defer logEvery.Stop()
-	var req headerdownload.HeaderRequest
-	for !stopped {
-		sentToPeer := false
-		maxRequests := 4096
-		for !sentToPeer && !stopped && maxRequests != 0 {
-			// TODO(yperbasis): handle the case when are not able to sync a chain
-			req = cfg.hd.RequestMoreHeadersForPOS()
-			_, sentToPeer = cfg.headerReqSend(ctx, &req)
-			maxRequests--
-		}
+	// headerCollector is closed in verifyAndSaveDownloadedPoSHeaders, thus nolint
-		if cfg.hd.Synced() {
-			stopped = true
-		}
-		// Sleep and check for logs
-		timer := time.NewTimer(2 * time.Millisecond)
-		select {
-		case <-ctx.Done():
-			stopped = true
-		case <-logEvery.C:
-			if prevProgress == 0 {
-				prevProgress = cfg.hd.Progress()
-			} else if cfg.hd.Progress() <= prevProgress {
-				diff := prevProgress - cfg.hd.Progress()
-				log.Info("Wrote Block Headers backwards", "now", cfg.hd.Progress(),
-					"blk/sec", float64(diff)/float64(logInterval/time.Second))
-				prevProgress = cfg.hd.Progress()
-			}
-		case <-timer.C:
-			log.Trace("RequestQueueTime (header) ticked")
-		}
-		// Cleanup timer
-		timer.Stop()
-	}
-	log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Downloading PoS headers finished", s.LogPrefix()))
+	cfg.hd.SetHeadersCollector(headerCollector)
-	// If the user stopped it, we don't update anything
-	if !cfg.hd.Synced() {
-		return
-	}
+	cfg.hd.SetPosStatus(headerdownload.Syncing)
+func verifyAndSaveDownloadedPoSHeaders(tx kv.RwTx, cfg HeadersCfg, headerInserter *headerdownload.HeaderInserter) error {
 	headerLoadFunc := func(key, value []byte, _ etl.CurrentTableReader, _ etl.LoadNextFunc) error {
 		var h types.Header
 		if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(value, &h); err != nil {
@@ -548,17 +497,24 @@ func downloadMissingPoSHeaders(
 		return headerInserter.FeedHeaderPoS(tx, &h, h.Hash())
-	err = headerCollector.Load(tx, kv.Headers, headerLoadFunc, etl.TransformArgs{
+	err := cfg.hd.HeadersCollector().Load(tx, kv.Headers, headerLoadFunc, etl.TransformArgs{
 		LogDetailsLoad: func(k, v []byte) (additionalLogArguments []interface{}) {
 			return []interface{}{"block", binary.BigEndian.Uint64(k)}
 	if err != nil {
-		return
+		log.Warn("Removing beacon request due to", "err", err, "requestId", cfg.hd.RequestId())
+		cfg.hd.BeaconRequestList.Remove(cfg.hd.RequestId())
+	} else {
+		log.Info("PoS headers verified and saved", "requestId", cfg.hd.RequestId())
-	success = true
-	return
+	cfg.hd.HeadersCollector().Close()
+	cfg.hd.SetHeadersCollector(nil)
+	cfg.hd.SetPosStatus(headerdownload.Idle)
+	return err
 // HeadersPOW progresses Headers stage for Proof-of-Work headers
diff --git a/ethdb/privateapi/engine_test.go b/ethdb/privateapi/engine_test.go
index c98b6bebe4..42903819ad 100644
--- a/ethdb/privateapi/engine_test.go
+++ b/ethdb/privateapi/engine_test.go
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package privateapi
 import (
-	"sync/atomic"
@@ -13,6 +12,7 @@ import (
+	""
@@ -89,13 +89,11 @@ func TestMockDownloadRequest(t *testing.T) {
 	require := require.New(t)
 	makeTestDb(ctx, db)
-	newPayloadCh := make(chan PayloadMessage)
-	forkChoiceCh := make(chan ForkChoiceMessage)
+	beaconRequestList := engineapi.NewRequestList()
 	statusCh := make(chan PayloadStatus)
-	waitingForHeaders := uint32(1)
 	events := NewEvents()
-	backend := NewEthBackendServer(ctx, nil, db, events, nil, &params.ChainConfig{TerminalTotalDifficulty: common.Big1}, newPayloadCh, forkChoiceCh, statusCh, &waitingForHeaders, nil, nil, false)
+	backend := NewEthBackendServer(ctx, nil, db, events, nil, &params.ChainConfig{TerminalTotalDifficulty: common.Big1}, beaconRequestList, statusCh, nil, false)
 	var err error
 	var reply *remote.EnginePayloadStatus
@@ -106,9 +104,8 @@ func TestMockDownloadRequest(t *testing.T) {
 		done <- true
-	<-newPayloadCh
+	beaconRequestList.WaitForRequest(true)
 	statusCh <- PayloadStatus{Status: remote.EngineStatus_SYNCING}
-	atomic.StoreUint32(&waitingForHeaders, 0)
 	require.Equal(reply.Status, remote.EngineStatus_SYNCING)
@@ -151,13 +148,11 @@ func TestMockValidExecution(t *testing.T) {
 	makeTestDb(ctx, db)
-	newPayloadCh := make(chan PayloadMessage)
-	forkChoiceCh := make(chan ForkChoiceMessage)
+	beaconRequestList := engineapi.NewRequestList()
 	statusCh := make(chan PayloadStatus)
-	waitingForHeaders := uint32(1)
 	events := NewEvents()
-	backend := NewEthBackendServer(ctx, nil, db, events, nil, &params.ChainConfig{TerminalTotalDifficulty: common.Big1}, newPayloadCh, forkChoiceCh, statusCh, &waitingForHeaders, nil, nil, false)
+	backend := NewEthBackendServer(ctx, nil, db, events, nil, &params.ChainConfig{TerminalTotalDifficulty: common.Big1}, beaconRequestList, statusCh, nil, false)
 	var err error
 	var reply *remote.EnginePayloadStatus
@@ -168,7 +163,7 @@ func TestMockValidExecution(t *testing.T) {
 		done <- true
-	<-newPayloadCh
+	beaconRequestList.WaitForRequest(true)
 	statusCh <- PayloadStatus{
 		Status:          remote.EngineStatus_VALID,
@@ -189,13 +184,11 @@ func TestMockInvalidExecution(t *testing.T) {
 	makeTestDb(ctx, db)
-	newPayloadCh := make(chan PayloadMessage)
-	forkChoiceCh := make(chan ForkChoiceMessage)
+	beaconRequestList := engineapi.NewRequestList()
 	statusCh := make(chan PayloadStatus)
-	waitingForHeaders := uint32(1)
 	events := NewEvents()
-	backend := NewEthBackendServer(ctx, nil, db, events, nil, &params.ChainConfig{TerminalTotalDifficulty: common.Big1}, newPayloadCh, forkChoiceCh, statusCh, &waitingForHeaders, nil, nil, false)
+	backend := NewEthBackendServer(ctx, nil, db, events, nil, &params.ChainConfig{TerminalTotalDifficulty: common.Big1}, beaconRequestList, statusCh, nil, false)
 	var err error
 	var reply *remote.EnginePayloadStatus
@@ -206,7 +199,7 @@ func TestMockInvalidExecution(t *testing.T) {
 		done <- true
-	<-newPayloadCh
+	beaconRequestList.WaitForRequest(true)
 	// Simulate invalid status
 	statusCh <- PayloadStatus{
 		Status:          remote.EngineStatus_INVALID,
@@ -227,13 +220,11 @@ func TestNoTTD(t *testing.T) {
 	makeTestDb(ctx, db)
-	newPayloadCh := make(chan PayloadMessage)
-	forkChoiceCh := make(chan ForkChoiceMessage)
+	beaconRequestList := engineapi.NewRequestList()
 	statusCh := make(chan PayloadStatus)
-	waitingForHeaders := uint32(1)
 	events := NewEvents()
-	backend := NewEthBackendServer(ctx, nil, db, events, nil, &params.ChainConfig{}, newPayloadCh, forkChoiceCh, statusCh, &waitingForHeaders, nil, nil, false)
+	backend := NewEthBackendServer(ctx, nil, db, events, nil, &params.ChainConfig{}, beaconRequestList, statusCh, nil, false)
 	var err error
diff --git a/ethdb/privateapi/ethbackend.go b/ethdb/privateapi/ethbackend.go
index 06c3a19e00..89d4e55c2f 100644
--- a/ethdb/privateapi/ethbackend.go
+++ b/ethdb/privateapi/ethbackend.go
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
-	"sync/atomic"
@@ -24,6 +23,7 @@ import (
+	""
@@ -54,20 +54,15 @@ type EthBackendServer struct {
 	// Block proposing for proof-of-stake
 	payloadId       uint64
 	pendingPayloads map[uint64]*pendingPayload
-	// Send new Beacon Chain payloads to staged sync
-	newPayloadCh chan<- PayloadMessage
-	// Send Beacon Chain fork choice updates to staged sync
-	forkChoiceCh chan<- ForkChoiceMessage
+	// Send Beacon Chain requests to staged sync
+	requestList *engineapi.RequestList
 	// Replies to newPayload & forkchoice requests
-	statusCh <-chan PayloadStatus
-	// Determines whether stageloop is processing a block or not
-	waitingForBeaconChain *uint32       // atomic boolean flag
-	skipCycleHack         chan struct{} // with this channel we tell the stagedsync that we want to assemble a block
-	assemblePayloadPOS    assemblePayloadPOSFunc
-	proposing             bool
-	syncCond              *sync.Cond // Engine API is asynchronous, we want to avoid CL to call different APIs at the same time
-	shutdown              bool
-	logsFilter            *LogsFilterAggregator
+	statusCh           <-chan PayloadStatus
+	assemblePayloadPOS assemblePayloadPOSFunc
+	proposing          bool
+	syncCond           *sync.Cond // Engine API is asynchronous, we want to avoid CL to call different APIs at the same time
+	shutdown           bool
+	logsFilter         *LogsFilterAggregator
 type EthBackend interface {
@@ -87,31 +82,17 @@ type PayloadStatus struct {
 	CriticalError   error
-// The message we are going to send to the stage sync in NewPayload
-type PayloadMessage struct {
-	Header *types.Header
-	Body   *types.RawBody
-// The message we are going to send to the stage sync in ForkchoiceUpdated
-type ForkChoiceMessage struct {
-	HeadBlockHash      common.Hash
-	SafeBlockHash      common.Hash
-	FinalizedBlockHash common.Hash
 type pendingPayload struct {
 	block *types.Block
 	built bool
 func NewEthBackendServer(ctx context.Context, eth EthBackend, db kv.RwDB, events *Events, blockReader interfaces.BlockAndTxnReader,
-	config *params.ChainConfig, newPayloadCh chan<- PayloadMessage, forkChoiceCh chan<- ForkChoiceMessage, statusCh <-chan PayloadStatus,
-	waitingForBeaconChain *uint32, skipCycleHack chan struct{}, assemblePayloadPOS assemblePayloadPOSFunc, proposing bool,
+	config *params.ChainConfig, requestList *engineapi.RequestList, statusCh <-chan PayloadStatus,
+	assemblePayloadPOS assemblePayloadPOSFunc, proposing bool,
 ) *EthBackendServer {
 	s := &EthBackendServer{ctx: ctx, eth: eth, events: events, db: db, blockReader: blockReader, config: config,
-		newPayloadCh: newPayloadCh, forkChoiceCh: forkChoiceCh, statusCh: statusCh, waitingForBeaconChain: waitingForBeaconChain,
-		pendingPayloads: make(map[uint64]*pendingPayload), skipCycleHack: skipCycleHack,
+		requestList: requestList, statusCh: statusCh, pendingPayloads: make(map[uint64]*pendingPayload),
 		assemblePayloadPOS: assemblePayloadPOS, proposing: proposing, syncCond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),
 		logsFilter: NewLogsFilterAggregator(),
@@ -251,27 +232,27 @@ func convertPayloadStatus(payloadStatus *PayloadStatus) *remote.EnginePayloadSta
 func (s *EthBackendServer) stageLoopIsBusy() bool {
 	for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
-		if atomic.LoadUint32(s.waitingForBeaconChain) == 0 {
+		if !s.requestList.IsWaiting() {
 			// This might happen, for example, in the following scenario:
 			// 1) CL sends NewPayload and immediately after that ForkChoiceUpdated.
 			// 2) We happily process NewPayload and stage loop is at the end.
 			// 3) We start processing ForkChoiceUpdated,
 			// but the stage loop hasn't moved yet from the end to the beginning of HeadersPOS
-			// and thus waitingForBeaconChain is not set yet.
+			// and thus requestList.WaitForRequest() is not called yet.
 			// TODO(yperbasis): find a more elegant solution
 			time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
-	return atomic.LoadUint32(s.waitingForBeaconChain) == 0
+	return !s.requestList.IsWaiting()
 // EngineNewPayloadV1, validates and possibly executes payload
 func (s *EthBackendServer) EngineNewPayloadV1(ctx context.Context, req *types2.ExecutionPayload) (*remote.EnginePayloadStatus, error) {
-	log.Info("[NewPayload] acquiring lock")
+	log.Trace("[NewPayload] acquiring lock")
 	defer s.syncCond.L.Unlock()
-	log.Info("[NewPayload] lock acquired")
+	log.Trace("[NewPayload] lock acquired")
 	if s.config.TerminalTotalDifficulty == nil {
 		log.Error("[NewPayload] not a proof-of-stake chain")
@@ -319,18 +300,18 @@ func (s *EthBackendServer) EngineNewPayloadV1(ctx context.Context, req *types2.E
 		// The process of validating a payload on the canonical chain MUST NOT be affected by an active sync process on a side branch of the block tree.
 		// For example, if side branch B is SYNCING but the requisite data for validating a payload from canonical branch A is available, client software MUST initiate the validation process.
-		log.Info("[NewPayload] stage loop is busy")
+		log.Trace("[NewPayload] stage loop is busy")
 		return &remote.EnginePayloadStatus{Status: remote.EngineStatus_SYNCING}, nil
 	log.Info("[NewPayload] sending block", "height", header.Number, "hash", common.Hash(blockHash))
-	s.newPayloadCh <- PayloadMessage{
+	s.requestList.AddPayloadRequest(&engineapi.PayloadMessage{
 		Header: &header,
 		Body: &types.RawBody{
 			Transactions: req.Transactions,
 			Uncles:       nil,
-	}
+	})
 	payloadStatus := <-s.statusCh
 	log.Info("[NewPayload] got reply", "payloadStatus", payloadStatus)
@@ -346,10 +327,10 @@ func (s *EthBackendServer) EngineNewPayloadV1(ctx context.Context, req *types2.E
 func (s *EthBackendServer) EngineGetPayloadV1(ctx context.Context, req *remote.EngineGetPayloadRequest) (*types2.ExecutionPayload, error) {
 	// TODO(yperbasis): getPayload should stop block assembly if that's currently in fly
-	log.Info("[GetPayload] acquiring lock")
+	log.Trace("[GetPayload] acquiring lock")
 	defer s.syncCond.L.Unlock()
-	log.Info("[GetPayload] lock acquired")
+	log.Trace("[GetPayload] lock acquired")
 	if !s.proposing {
 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("execution layer not running as a proposer. enable proposer by taking out the --proposer.disable flag on startup")
@@ -402,10 +383,10 @@ func (s *EthBackendServer) EngineGetPayloadV1(ctx context.Context, req *remote.E
 // EngineForkChoiceUpdatedV1, either states new block head or request the assembling of a new block
 func (s *EthBackendServer) EngineForkChoiceUpdatedV1(ctx context.Context, req *remote.EngineForkChoiceUpdatedRequest) (*remote.EngineForkChoiceUpdatedReply, error) {
-	log.Info("[ForkChoiceUpdated] acquiring lock")
+	log.Trace("[ForkChoiceUpdated] acquiring lock")
 	defer s.syncCond.L.Unlock()
-	log.Info("[ForkChoiceUpdated] lock acquired")
+	log.Trace("[ForkChoiceUpdated] lock acquired")
 	if s.config.TerminalTotalDifficulty == nil {
 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a proof-of-stake chain")
@@ -417,20 +398,20 @@ func (s *EthBackendServer) EngineForkChoiceUpdatedV1(ctx context.Context, req *r
 	if s.stageLoopIsBusy() {
-		log.Info("[ForkChoiceUpdated] stage loop is busy")
+		log.Trace("[ForkChoiceUpdated] stage loop is busy")
 		return &remote.EngineForkChoiceUpdatedReply{
 			PayloadStatus: &remote.EnginePayloadStatus{Status: remote.EngineStatus_SYNCING},
 		}, nil
-	forkChoiceMessage := ForkChoiceMessage{
+	forkChoiceMessage := engineapi.ForkChoiceMessage{
 		HeadBlockHash:      gointerfaces.ConvertH256ToHash(req.ForkchoiceState.HeadBlockHash),
 		SafeBlockHash:      gointerfaces.ConvertH256ToHash(req.ForkchoiceState.SafeBlockHash),
 		FinalizedBlockHash: gointerfaces.ConvertH256ToHash(req.ForkchoiceState.FinalizedBlockHash),
 	log.Info("[ForkChoiceUpdated] sending forkChoiceMessage", "head", forkChoiceMessage.HeadBlockHash)
-	s.forkChoiceCh <- forkChoiceMessage
+	s.requestList.AddForkChoiceRequest(&forkChoiceMessage)
 	payloadStatus := <-s.statusCh
 	log.Info("[ForkChoiceUpdated] got reply", "payloadStatus", payloadStatus)
@@ -472,7 +453,7 @@ func (s *EthBackendServer) EngineForkChoiceUpdatedV1(ctx context.Context, req *r
 	s.pendingPayloads[s.payloadId] = &pendingPayload{block: types.NewBlock(emptyHeader, nil, nil, nil)}
-	log.Info("[ForkChoiceUpdated] unpause assemble process")
+	log.Trace("[ForkChoiceUpdated] unpause assemble process")
 	// successfully assembled the payload and assigned the correct id
@@ -498,10 +479,10 @@ func (s *EthBackendServer) evictOldPendingPayloads() {
 func (s *EthBackendServer) StartProposer() {
 	go func() {
-		log.Info("[Proposer] acquiring lock")
+		log.Trace("[Proposer] acquiring lock")
 		defer s.syncCond.L.Unlock()
-		log.Info("[Proposer] lock acquired")
+		log.Trace("[Proposer] lock acquired")
 		for {
 			var blockToBuild *types.Block
@@ -529,13 +510,13 @@ func (s *EthBackendServer) StartProposer() {
-				log.Info("[Proposer] Wait until we have to process new payloads")
+				log.Trace("[Proposer] Wait until we have to process new payloads")
-				log.Info("[Proposer] Wait finished")
+				log.Trace("[Proposer] Wait finished")
 			// Tell the stage headers to leave space for the write transaction for mining stages
-			s.skipCycleHack <- struct{}{}
+			s.requestList.Interrupt(engineapi.Yield)
 			param := core.BlockProposerParametersPOS{
 				ParentHash:            blockToBuild.ParentHash(),
@@ -544,11 +525,11 @@ func (s *EthBackendServer) StartProposer() {
 				SuggestedFeeRecipient: blockToBuild.Header().Coinbase,
-			log.Info("[Proposer] starting assembling...")
+			log.Trace("[Proposer] starting assembling...")
 			block, err := s.assemblePayloadPOS(&param)
-			log.Info("[Proposer] payload assembled")
+			log.Trace("[Proposer] payload assembled")
 			if err != nil {
 				log.Warn("Error during block assembling", "err", err.Error())
@@ -564,10 +545,10 @@ func (s *EthBackendServer) StartProposer() {
 func (s *EthBackendServer) StopProposer() {
-	log.Info("[StopProposer] acquiring lock")
+	log.Trace("[StopProposer] acquiring lock")
 	defer s.syncCond.L.Unlock()
-	log.Info("[StopProposer] lock acquired")
+	log.Trace("[StopProposer] lock acquired")
 	s.shutdown = true
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index ee018dd7e7..a7f1a63055 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ require ( v0.0.0-20200721192441-a695b0cdd498 v1.0.0 v0.16.0
+ v1.12.0 v1.13.0 v0.0.0-20191126094850-e283372f291f v1.3.0 // indirect
diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum
index 8861fcd7e0..9ec9c4468e 100644
--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -337,6 +337,8 @@ v1.3.0/go.mod h1:8hdSl6jmveQw8ScByd3AaNHNk51R v1.4.0/go.mod h1:wsDwEaX5jEoyhbs7x93zk2H/qv0zwuhg4inXhDkYqys= v0.16.0 h1:7PseyizTgeQ/aSF1eo4LcEfWlQSlzamFZpzY/nMB9EY= v0.16.0/go.mod h1:DeV7GvQtIw4h2u73RKBkkFdvVAz0D9fzeJrgPW6gy/s= v1.12.0 h1:QAUIPSaCu4G+POclxeqb3F+WPpdKqFGlw36+yOzGlrg= v1.12.0/go.mod h1:YfzfFFoVP/catgzJb4IKIqXjX78Ha8FMSDh3ymbK86o= v0.6.9/go.mod h1:SBwIajubJHhxtWwsL9s8ss4safvEdbitLhGGK48rN6g= v0.9.0/go.mod h1:YTl/9mNaCwkRvm6d1a2C3ymFceY/DCBVvsKhRF0iEA4= v0.9.1-0.20191026205805-5f8ba28d4473/go.mod h1:YTl/9mNaCwkRvm6d1a2C3ymFceY/DCBVvsKhRF0iEA4=
diff --git a/turbo/engineapi/request_list.go b/turbo/engineapi/request_list.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e36560e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/turbo/engineapi/request_list.go
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+package engineapi
+import (
+	"sync"
+	"sync/atomic"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+// The message we are going to send to the stage sync in NewPayload
+type PayloadMessage struct {
+	Header *types.Header
+	Body   *types.RawBody
+// The message we are going to send to the stage sync in ForkchoiceUpdated
+type ForkChoiceMessage struct {
+	HeadBlockHash      common.Hash
+	SafeBlockHash      common.Hash
+	FinalizedBlockHash common.Hash
+type RequestStatus int
+const ( // RequestStatus values
+	New = iota
+	DataWasMissing
+type RequestWithStatus struct {
+	Message interface{} // *PayloadMessage or *ForkChoiceMessage
+	Status  RequestStatus
+type Interrupt int
+const ( // Interrupt values
+	None  = iota
+	Yield // e.g. yield RW transaction to block building
+	Synced
+	Stopping
+type RequestList struct {
+	requestId int
+	requests  *treemap.Map // map[int]*RequestWithStatus
+	interrupt Interrupt
+	waiting   uint32
+	syncCond  *sync.Cond
+func NewRequestList() *RequestList {
+	rl := &RequestList{
+		requests: treemap.NewWithIntComparator(),
+		syncCond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),
+	}
+	return rl
+func (rl *RequestList) AddPayloadRequest(message *PayloadMessage) {
+	rl.syncCond.L.Lock()
+	defer rl.syncCond.L.Unlock()
+	rl.requestId++
+	rl.requests.Put(rl.requestId, &RequestWithStatus{
+		Message: message,
+		Status:  New,
+	})
+	rl.syncCond.Broadcast()
+func (rl *RequestList) AddForkChoiceRequest(message *ForkChoiceMessage) {
+	rl.syncCond.L.Lock()
+	defer rl.syncCond.L.Unlock()
+	rl.requestId++
+	// purge previous fork choices that are still syncing
+	rl.requests = rl.requests.Select(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
+		req := value.(*RequestWithStatus)
+		_, isForkChoice := req.Message.(*ForkChoiceMessage)
+		return req.Status == New || !isForkChoice
+	})
+	// TODO(yperbasis): potentially purge some non-syncing old fork choices?
+	rl.requests.Put(rl.requestId, &RequestWithStatus{
+		Message: message,
+		Status:  New,
+	})
+	rl.syncCond.Broadcast()
+func (rl *RequestList) firstRequest(onlyNew bool) (id int, request *RequestWithStatus) {
+	foundKey, foundValue := rl.requests.Min()
+	if onlyNew {
+		foundKey, foundValue = rl.requests.Find(func(key interface{}, value interface{}) bool {
+			return value.(*RequestWithStatus).Status == New
+		})
+	}
+	if foundKey != nil {
+		return foundKey.(int), foundValue.(*RequestWithStatus)
+	}
+	return 0, nil
+func (rl *RequestList) WaitForRequest(onlyNew bool) (interrupt Interrupt, id int, request *RequestWithStatus) {
+	rl.syncCond.L.Lock()
+	defer rl.syncCond.L.Unlock()
+	atomic.StoreUint32(&rl.waiting, 1)
+	defer atomic.StoreUint32(&rl.waiting, 0)
+	for {
+		interrupt = rl.interrupt
+		if interrupt != None {
+			if interrupt != Stopping {
+				// clear the interrupt
+				rl.interrupt = None
+			}
+			return
+		}
+		id, request = rl.firstRequest(onlyNew)
+		if request != nil {
+			return
+		}
+		rl.syncCond.Wait()
+	}
+func (rl *RequestList) IsWaiting() bool {
+	return atomic.LoadUint32(&rl.waiting) != 0
+func (rl *RequestList) Interrupt(kind Interrupt) {
+	rl.syncCond.L.Lock()
+	defer rl.syncCond.L.Unlock()
+	rl.interrupt = kind
+	rl.syncCond.Broadcast()
+func (rl *RequestList) Remove(id int) {
+	rl.syncCond.L.Lock()
+	defer rl.syncCond.L.Unlock()
+	rl.requests.Remove(id)
+	// no need to broadcast
+func (rl *RequestList) SetStatus(id int, status RequestStatus) {
+	rl.syncCond.L.Lock()
+	defer rl.syncCond.L.Unlock()
+	value, found := rl.requests.Get(id)
+	if found {
+		value.(*RequestWithStatus).Status = status
+	}
+	rl.syncCond.Broadcast()
diff --git a/turbo/stages/headerdownload/header_algos.go b/turbo/stages/headerdownload/header_algos.go
index 37197d8bf9..66152f4322 100644
--- a/turbo/stages/headerdownload/header_algos.go
+++ b/turbo/stages/headerdownload/header_algos.go
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import (
+	""
 // Implements sort.Interface so we can sort the incoming header in the message by block height
@@ -623,17 +624,34 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) RequestMoreHeaders(currentTime uint64) (*HeaderRequest
 	return nil, penalties
-func (hd *HeaderDownload) RequestMoreHeadersForPOS() HeaderRequest {
-	hd.lock.RLock()
-	defer hd.lock.RUnlock()
-	// Assemble the request
-	return HeaderRequest{
-		Hash:    hd.hashToDownloadPoS,
-		Number:  hd.heightToDownloadPoS,
+func (hd *HeaderDownload) requestMoreHeadersForPOS(currentTime uint64) (timeout bool, request *HeaderRequest, penalties []PenaltyItem) {
+	anchor := hd.posAnchor
+	if anchor == nil {
+		log.Trace("No PoS anchor")
+		return
+	}
+	// Only process the anchors for which the nextRetryTime has already come
+	if anchor.nextRetryTime > currentTime {
+		return
+	}
+	timeout = anchor.timeouts >= 10
+	if timeout {
+		penalties = []PenaltyItem{{Penalty: AbandonedAnchorPenalty, PeerID: anchor.peerID}}
+		return
+	}
+	// Request ancestors
+	request = &HeaderRequest{
+		Anchor:  anchor,
+		Hash:    anchor.parentHash,
+		Number:  anchor.blockHeight - 1,
 		Length:  192,
 		Skip:    0,
 		Reverse: true,
+	return
 func (hd *HeaderDownload) UpdateRetryTime(req *HeaderRequest, currentTime, timeout uint64) {
@@ -792,10 +810,14 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) InsertHeaders(hf FeedHeaderFunc, terminalTotalDifficul
 	return hd.highestInDb >= hd.preverifiedHeight && hd.topSeenHeightPoW > 0 && hd.highestInDb >= hd.topSeenHeightPoW, nil
-func (hd *HeaderDownload) SetHashToDownloadPoS(hash common.Hash) {
+func (hd *HeaderDownload) SetHeaderToDownloadPoS(hash common.Hash, height uint64) {
 	defer hd.lock.Unlock()
-	hd.hashToDownloadPoS = hash
+	hd.posAnchor = &Anchor{
+		parentHash:  hash,
+		blockHeight: height + 1,
+	}
 func (hd *HeaderDownload) ProcessSegmentPOS(segment ChainSegment, tx kv.Getter) error {
@@ -811,27 +833,33 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) ProcessSegmentPOS(segment ChainSegment, tx kv.Getter)
 	log.Trace("Collecting...", "from", segment[0].Number, "to", segment[len(segment)-1].Number, "len", len(segment))
 	for _, segmentFragment := range segment {
 		header := segmentFragment.Header
-		if header.Hash() != hd.hashToDownloadPoS {
-			return fmt.Errorf("unexpected hash %x (expected %x)", header.Hash(), hd.hashToDownloadPoS)
+		if header.Hash() != hd.posAnchor.parentHash {
+			return fmt.Errorf("unexpected hash %x (expected %x)", header.Hash(), hd.posAnchor.parentHash)
-		if err := hd.headersCollector.Collect(dbutils.HeaderKey(header.Number.Uint64(), header.Hash()), segmentFragment.HeaderRaw); err != nil {
+		headerNumber := header.Number.Uint64()
+		if err := hd.headersCollector.Collect(dbutils.HeaderKey(headerNumber, header.Hash()), segmentFragment.HeaderRaw); err != nil {
 			return err
-		hd.hashToDownloadPoS = header.ParentHash
-		hd.heightToDownloadPoS = header.Number.Uint64() - 1
-		hh, err := hd.headerReader.Header(context.Background(), tx, hd.hashToDownloadPoS, hd.heightToDownloadPoS)
+		hh, err := hd.headerReader.Header(context.Background(), tx, header.ParentHash, headerNumber-1)
 		if err != nil {
 			return err
 		if hh != nil {
-			hd.synced = true
+			log.Trace("Synced", "requestId", hd.requestId)
+			hd.posAnchor = nil
+			hd.posStatus = Synced
+			hd.BeaconRequestList.Interrupt(engineapi.Synced)
 			return nil
-		if hd.heightToDownloadPoS == 0 {
+		hd.posAnchor = &Anchor{
+			parentHash:  header.ParentHash,
+			blockHeight: headerNumber,
+		}
+		if headerNumber <= 1 {
 			return errors.New("wrong genesis in PoS sync")
@@ -850,8 +878,8 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) GrabAnnounces() []Announce {
 func (hd *HeaderDownload) Progress() uint64 {
 	defer hd.lock.RUnlock()
-	if hd.posSync {
-		return hd.heightToDownloadPoS
+	if hd.posSync && hd.posAnchor != nil {
+		return hd.posAnchor.blockHeight - 1
 	} else {
 		return hd.highestInDb
@@ -1170,16 +1198,16 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) SetFetching(fetching bool) {
 	hd.fetching = fetching
-func (hd *HeaderDownload) SetHeightToDownloadPoS(heightToDownloadPoS uint64) {
+func (hd *HeaderDownload) SetPosStatus(status SyncStatus) {
 	defer hd.lock.Unlock()
-	hd.heightToDownloadPoS = heightToDownloadPoS
+	hd.posStatus = status
-func (hd *HeaderDownload) Unsync() {
-	hd.lock.Lock()
-	defer hd.lock.Unlock()
-	hd.synced = false
+func (hd *HeaderDownload) HeadersCollector() *etl.Collector {
+	hd.lock.RLock()
+	defer hd.lock.RUnlock()
+	return hd.headersCollector
 func (hd *HeaderDownload) SetHeadersCollector(collector *etl.Collector) {
@@ -1200,10 +1228,10 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) POSSync() bool {
 	return hd.posSync
-func (hd *HeaderDownload) Synced() bool {
+func (hd *HeaderDownload) PosStatus() SyncStatus {
 	defer hd.lock.RUnlock()
-	return hd.synced
+	return hd.posStatus
 func (hd *HeaderDownload) RequestChaining() bool {
@@ -1256,6 +1284,18 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) ClearPendingHeader() {
 	hd.pendingHeaderHeight = 0
+func (hd *HeaderDownload) RequestId() int {
+	hd.lock.RLock()
+	defer hd.lock.RUnlock()
+	return hd.requestId
+func (hd *HeaderDownload) SetRequestId(requestId int) {
+	hd.lock.Lock()
+	defer hd.lock.Unlock()
+	hd.requestId = requestId
 func (hd *HeaderDownload) AddMinedHeader(header *types.Header) error {
 	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
 	if err := header.EncodeRLP(buf); err != nil {
@@ -1316,6 +1356,90 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) AddHeaderFromSnapshot(tx kv.Tx, n uint64, r interfaces
 	return nil
+const (
+	logInterval = 30 * time.Second
+func (hd *HeaderDownload) cleanUpPoSDownload() {
+	if hd.headersCollector != nil {
+		hd.headersCollector.Close()
+		hd.headersCollector = nil
+	}
+	hd.posStatus = Idle
+func (hd *HeaderDownload) StartPoSDownloader(
+	ctx context.Context,
+	headerReqSend func(context.Context, *HeaderRequest) (enode.ID, bool),
+	penalize func(context.Context, []PenaltyItem),
+) {
+	go func() {
+		prevProgress := uint64(0)
+		logEvery := time.NewTicker(logInterval)
+		defer logEvery.Stop()
+		for {
+			var req *HeaderRequest
+			var penalties []PenaltyItem
+			var currentTime uint64
+			hd.lock.Lock()
+			if hd.posStatus == Syncing {
+				currentTime = uint64(time.Now().Unix())
+				var timeout bool
+				timeout, req, penalties = hd.requestMoreHeadersForPOS(currentTime)
+				if timeout {
+					log.Warn("Timeout", "requestId", hd.requestId)
+					hd.BeaconRequestList.Remove(hd.requestId)
+					hd.cleanUpPoSDownload()
+				}
+			} else {
+				prevProgress = 0
+			}
+			hd.lock.Unlock()
+			if req != nil {
+				_, sentToPeer := headerReqSend(ctx, req)
+				if sentToPeer {
+					// If request was actually sent to a peer, we update retry time to be 5 seconds in the future
+					hd.UpdateRetryTime(req, currentTime, 5 /* timeout */)
+					log.Trace("Sent request", "height", req.Number)
+				}
+			}
+			if len(penalties) > 0 {
+				penalize(ctx, penalties)
+			}
+			// Sleep and check for logs
+			timer := time.NewTimer(2 * time.Millisecond)
+			select {
+			case <-ctx.Done():
+				hd.lock.Lock()
+				hd.cleanUpPoSDownload()
+				hd.lock.Unlock()
+				hd.BeaconRequestList.Interrupt(engineapi.Stopping)
+				return
+			case <-logEvery.C:
+				if hd.PosStatus() == Syncing {
+					progress := hd.Progress()
+					if prevProgress == 0 {
+						prevProgress = progress
+					} else if progress <= prevProgress {
+						diff := prevProgress - progress
+						log.Info("Downloaded PoS Headers", "now", progress,
+							"blk/sec", float64(diff)/float64(logInterval/time.Second))
+						prevProgress = progress
+					}
+				}
+			case <-timer.C:
+			}
+			// Cleanup timer
+			timer.Stop()
+		}
+	}()
 func DecodeTips(encodings []string) (map[common.Hash]HeaderRecord, error) {
 	hardTips := make(map[common.Hash]HeaderRecord, len(encodings))
diff --git a/turbo/stages/headerdownload/header_data_struct.go b/turbo/stages/headerdownload/header_data_struct.go
index fc2147b6b9..4fed6e9d60 100644
--- a/turbo/stages/headerdownload/header_data_struct.go
+++ b/turbo/stages/headerdownload/header_data_struct.go
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import (
+	""
 type QueueID uint8
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ type Anchor struct {
 	links         []*Link     // Links attached immediately to this anchor
 	parentHash    common.Hash // Hash of the header this anchor can be connected to (to disappear)
 	blockHeight   uint64
-	nextRetryTime uint64 // Zero when anchor has just been created, otherwise time when anchor needs to be check to see if retry is neeeded
+	nextRetryTime uint64 // Zero when anchor has just been created, otherwise time when anchor needs to be check to see if retry is needed
 	timeouts      int    // Number of timeout that this anchor has experiences - after certain threshold, it gets invalidated
 	idx           int    // Index of the anchor in the queue to be able to modify specific items
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ type Anchor struct {
 // As anchors are moved around in the binary heap, they internally track their
 // position in the heap (using `idx` field). This feature allows updating
 // the heap (using `Fix` function) in situations when anchor is accessed not
-// throught the priority queue, but through the map `anchor` in the
+// through the priority queue, but through the map `anchor` in the
 // HeaderDownloader type.
 type AnchorQueue []*Anchor
@@ -246,6 +247,14 @@ func (iq *InsertQueue) Pop() interface{} {
 	return x
+type SyncStatus int
+const ( // SyncStatus values
+	Idle = iota
+	Syncing
+	Synced // if we found a canonical hash during backward sync, in this case our sync process is done
 type HeaderDownload struct {
 	badHeaders         map[common.Hash]struct{}
 	anchors            map[common.Hash]*Anchor  // Mapping from parentHash to collection of anchors
@@ -274,14 +283,15 @@ type HeaderDownload struct {
 	consensusHeaderReader consensus.ChainHeaderReader
 	headerReader          interfaces.HeaderReader
-	// proof-of-stake
+	// Proof of Stake (PoS)
 	topSeenHeightPoS     uint64
-	heightToDownloadPoS  uint64
-	hashToDownloadPoS    common.Hash
-	synced               bool                          // if we found a canonical hash during backward sync, in this case our sync process is done
-	posSync              bool                          // True if the chain is syncing backwards or not
+	requestId            int
+	posAnchor            *Anchor
+	posStatus            SyncStatus
+	posSync              bool                          // Whether the chain is syncing in the PoS mode
 	headersCollector     *etl.Collector                // ETL collector for headers
-	PayloadStatusCh      chan privateapi.PayloadStatus // Channel to report payload validation/execution status (engine_newPayloadV1/forkchoiceUpdatedV1 response)
+	BeaconRequestList    *engineapi.RequestList        // Requests from ethbackend to staged sync
+	PayloadStatusCh      chan privateapi.PayloadStatus // Responses (validation/execution status)
 	pendingPayloadStatus common.Hash                   // Header whose status we still should send to PayloadStatusCh
 	pendingHeaderHeight  uint64                        // Header to process after unwind (height)
 	pendingHeaderHash    common.Hash                   // Header to process after unwind (hash)
@@ -313,6 +323,7 @@ func NewHeaderDownload(
 		seenAnnounces:      NewSeenAnnounces(),
 		DeliveryNotify:     make(chan struct{}, 1),
 		SkipCycleHack:      make(chan struct{}),
+		BeaconRequestList:  engineapi.NewRequestList(),
 		PayloadStatusCh:    make(chan privateapi.PayloadStatus, 1),
 		headerReader:       headerReader,
diff --git a/turbo/stages/mock_sentry.go b/turbo/stages/mock_sentry.go
index 75b43729fa..5213ffe72f 100644
--- a/turbo/stages/mock_sentry.go
+++ b/turbo/stages/mock_sentry.go
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import (
+	""
@@ -84,11 +85,6 @@ type MockSentry struct {
 	TxPoolGrpcServer *txpool.GrpcServer
 	TxPool           *txpool.TxPool
 	txPoolDB         kv.RwDB
-	// Beacon Chain
-	NewPayloadCh          chan privateapi.PayloadMessage
-	ForkChoiceCh          chan privateapi.ForkChoiceMessage
-	waitingForBeaconChain uint32
 func (ms *MockSentry) Close() {
@@ -287,9 +283,6 @@ func MockWithEverything(t *testing.T, gspec *core.Genesis, key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
 	isBor := mock.ChainConfig.Bor != nil
-	mock.NewPayloadCh = make(chan privateapi.PayloadMessage)
-	mock.ForkChoiceCh = make(chan privateapi.ForkChoiceMessage)
 	mock.Sync = stagedsync.New(
 		stagedsync.DefaultStages(mock.Ctx, prune,
@@ -302,9 +295,6 @@ func MockWithEverything(t *testing.T, gspec *core.Genesis, key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
-				mock.NewPayloadCh,
-				mock.ForkChoiceCh,
-				&mock.waitingForBeaconChain,
@@ -352,6 +342,8 @@ func MockWithEverything(t *testing.T, gspec *core.Genesis, key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
+	mock.downloader.Hd.StartPoSDownloader(mock.Ctx, sendHeaderRequest, penalize)
 	miningConfig := cfg.Miner
 	miningConfig.Enabled = true
 	miningConfig.Noverify = false
@@ -518,3 +510,15 @@ func (ms *MockSentry) InsertChain(chain *core.ChainPack) error {
 	return nil
+func (ms *MockSentry) SendPayloadRequest(message *engineapi.PayloadMessage) {
+	ms.downloader.Hd.BeaconRequestList.AddPayloadRequest(message)
+func (ms *MockSentry) SendForkChoiceRequest(message *engineapi.ForkChoiceMessage) {
+	ms.downloader.Hd.BeaconRequestList.AddForkChoiceRequest(message)
+func (ms *MockSentry) ReceivePayloadStatus() privateapi.PayloadStatus {
+	return <-ms.downloader.Hd.PayloadStatusCh
diff --git a/turbo/stages/sentry_mock_test.go b/turbo/stages/sentry_mock_test.go
index 07e23f4cfb..6a4e2df03e 100644
--- a/turbo/stages/sentry_mock_test.go
+++ b/turbo/stages/sentry_mock_test.go
@@ -5,15 +5,16 @@ import (
+	""
-	""
+	""
@@ -511,20 +512,116 @@ func TestForkchoiceToGenesis(t *testing.T) {
 	m := stages.MockWithZeroTTD(t)
 	// Trivial forkChoice: everything points to genesis
-	forkChoiceMessage := privateapi.ForkChoiceMessage{
+	forkChoiceMessage := engineapi.ForkChoiceMessage{
 		HeadBlockHash:      m.Genesis.Hash(),
 		SafeBlockHash:      m.Genesis.Hash(),
 		FinalizedBlockHash: m.Genesis.Hash(),
-	go func() {
-		m.ForkChoiceCh <- forkChoiceMessage
-	}()
+	m.SendForkChoiceRequest(&forkChoiceMessage)
 	headBlockHash, err := stages.StageLoopStep(m.Ctx, m.DB, m.Sync, 0, m.Notifications, true, m.UpdateHead, nil)
 	if err != nil {
-	assert.Equal(t, headBlockHash, m.Genesis.Hash())
+	assert.Equal(t, m.Genesis.Hash(), headBlockHash)
+	payloadStatus := m.ReceivePayloadStatus()
+	assert.Equal(t, remote.EngineStatus_VALID, payloadStatus.Status)
+func TestBogusForkchoice(t *testing.T) {
+	m := stages.MockWithZeroTTD(t)
+	// Bogus forkChoice: head points to rubbish
+	forkChoiceMessage := engineapi.ForkChoiceMessage{
+		HeadBlockHash:      common.HexToHash("11111111111111111111"),
+		SafeBlockHash:      m.Genesis.Hash(),
+		FinalizedBlockHash: m.Genesis.Hash(),
+	}
+	m.SendForkChoiceRequest(&forkChoiceMessage)
+	_, err := stages.StageLoopStep(m.Ctx, m.DB, m.Sync, 0, m.Notifications, true, m.UpdateHead, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	payloadStatus := m.ReceivePayloadStatus()
+	assert.Equal(t, remote.EngineStatus_SYNCING, payloadStatus.Status)
+	// Now send a correct forkChoice
+	forkChoiceMessage = engineapi.ForkChoiceMessage{
+		HeadBlockHash:      m.Genesis.Hash(),
+		SafeBlockHash:      m.Genesis.Hash(),
+		FinalizedBlockHash: m.Genesis.Hash(),
+	}
+	m.SendForkChoiceRequest(&forkChoiceMessage)
+	_, err = stages.StageLoopStep(m.Ctx, m.DB, m.Sync, 0, m.Notifications, false, m.UpdateHead, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	payloadStatus = m.ReceivePayloadStatus()
+	assert.Equal(t, remote.EngineStatus_VALID, payloadStatus.Status)
+func TestPoSDownloader(t *testing.T) {
+	m := stages.MockWithZeroTTD(t)
+	chain, err := core.GenerateChain(m.ChainConfig, m.Genesis, m.Engine, m.DB, 2, func(i int, b *core.BlockGen) {
+		b.SetCoinbase(common.Address{1})
+	}, false /* intermediateHashes */)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Fatalf("generate blocks: %v", err)
+	}
+	// Send a payload with missing parent
+	payloadMessage := engineapi.PayloadMessage{
+		Header: chain.TopBlock.Header(),
+		Body:   chain.TopBlock.RawBody(),
+	}
+	m.SendPayloadRequest(&payloadMessage)
+	_, err = stages.StageLoopStep(m.Ctx, m.DB, m.Sync, 0, m.Notifications, true, m.UpdateHead, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	payloadStatus := m.ReceivePayloadStatus()
+	assert.Equal(t, remote.EngineStatus_SYNCING, payloadStatus.Status)
+	// Send the missing header
+	b, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(&eth.BlockHeadersPacket66{
+		RequestId:          1,
+		BlockHeadersPacket: chain.Headers[0:1],
+	})
+	require.NoError(t, err)
+	m.ReceiveWg.Add(1)
+	for _, err = range m.Send(&sentry.InboundMessage{Id: sentry.MessageId_BLOCK_HEADERS_66, Data: b, PeerId: m.PeerId}) {
+		require.NoError(t, err)
+	}
+	m.ReceiveWg.Wait()
+	// First cycle: save the downloaded header
+	_, err = stages.StageLoopStep(m.Ctx, m.DB, m.Sync, 0, m.Notifications, false, m.UpdateHead, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	// Second cycle: process the previous beacon request
+	_, err = stages.StageLoopStep(m.Ctx, m.DB, m.Sync, 0, m.Notifications, false, m.UpdateHead, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	// Point forkChoice to the head
+	forkChoiceMessage := engineapi.ForkChoiceMessage{
+		HeadBlockHash:      chain.TopBlock.Hash(),
+		SafeBlockHash:      chain.TopBlock.Hash(),
+		FinalizedBlockHash: chain.TopBlock.Hash(),
+	}
+	m.SendForkChoiceRequest(&forkChoiceMessage)
+	headBlockHash, err := stages.StageLoopStep(m.Ctx, m.DB, m.Sync, 0, m.Notifications, false, m.UpdateHead, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	assert.Equal(t, chain.TopBlock.Hash(), headBlockHash)
diff --git a/turbo/stages/stageloop.go b/turbo/stages/stageloop.go
index 43a25a1227..e2c100ca77 100644
--- a/turbo/stages/stageloop.go
+++ b/turbo/stages/stageloop.go
@@ -249,9 +249,6 @@ func NewStagedSync(
 	controlServer *sentry.ControlServerImpl,
 	tmpdir string,
 	accumulator *shards.Accumulator,
-	newPayloadCh chan privateapi.PayloadMessage,
-	forkChoiceCh chan privateapi.ForkChoiceMessage,
-	waitingForBeaconChain *uint32,
 	snapshotDownloader proto_downloader.DownloaderClient,
 	allSnapshots *snapshotsync.RoSnapshots,
 ) (*stagedsync.Sync, error) {
@@ -278,9 +275,6 @@ func NewStagedSync(
-				newPayloadCh,
-				forkChoiceCh,
-				waitingForBeaconChain,